Showing 253–264 of 845 results

Daughters-in-Law 媳婦的全盛時代 (Korean Drama DVD)


The Inheritors 繼承者 (Korean Drama DVD – Limited Circular Steel Box Edition)


The Exorcist’s 2nd Meter 降魔的2.0 (TVB Drama DVD9)


Taxi driver Ma Kwai (Kenneth Ma) goes down the road to exorcism as he is destined to perpetuate the legacy of genie Shek Kam-dong. He is also reunited with the mature soul of his buddy Mok Wai-ho (Hubert Wu). He even encounters Sze Lo-sze and his younger sister Sze Loi-sze (Gloria Tang), who are both exorcists. However, some demonic curse has caused Ma Kwai to keep thinking of a doctor by the name of Chong Tsz-yeuk (Mandy Wong). Tsz-yeuk then hooks up with genie Wind Lion god (C Kwan), eventually reviving certain memory of limbo in her subconscious. Pui Pui-na (Moon Lau) has died because of Ma Kwai. She then transforms into a phantom to keep him company. But Pui-na just cannot leave everything behind as she is too sentimental about the mortal realm. A child abuse case triggers off the comeback of demonic power. Wai-ho has actually been controlled by mysterious demonic power. Ma Kwai is shocked to learn the underlying truth. He is forced to face the painful dilemma of friendship or exorcism!

的士司機馬季 (馬國明飾) 繼承精靈石敢當的天命,走上降魔之路,更與長大的好友莫偉豪 (胡鴻鈞飾) 靈魂重逢,也認識了降魔兄妹施勞斯和施萊斯 (鄧佩儀飾)。然而,當日被魔落下詛咒,成為馬季對醫生莊芷若 (黃智雯飾) 的心結。芷若及後與精靈風獅爺 (C君飾) 結緣,終喚醒了潛藏的鬼域記憶……貝貝娜 (劉佩玥飾) 因馬季而死後,轉化靈體來守候他,可惜貝娜眷戀人世,欲斷不能離。一宗虐兒案,觸發魔的能力捲土重來,原來偉豪一直受到神秘魔力操控;馬季驚悉背後真相,被迫在情義與降魔之間作出沉痛抉擇!

The Fearless Duo 天师执位 (TVB Drama DVD9)


Master CHEUNG (Lau Tan) gets injured after fighting with the cult leader SUEN CI (Shek Kin). He runs away and meets his future apprentice SZETO MAN MO (Miu Kiu Wai) as well as the government official’s daughter LAM CHOR YIN (Yung Mei Ling). MO is engaged to YIN but he is not devoted to her at all. Even though YIN loves him whole-heartedly, MO desert her on their wedding day. Soon after, MO falls into an actress FA YING FUNG (Chiang Lai Ping) by knowing nothing of her veil of deceit. After being hurt seriously by FUNG, MO realizes that YIN is his true love and he returns to her eventually. Unfortunately. YIN’s spirit is captured by CI on their wedding night. In order to rescue his wife, Mo starts practicing black magic but this leads to disastrous outcomes...

張天師(劉丹)與邪教魔頭宣慈(石坚)鬥法不敵後負傷逃去,結識了日後的徒兒司徒文武(苗僑偉)與官小姐林楚燕(翁美玲)︒文武與楚燕早有婚約,惜神女有心,襄王無夢,文武無視楚燕滿腔愛意,成親之日便狠心休妻,後更迷戀戲子花凝鳳(蔣麗萍),懵然不知其居心叵測︒ 患難見真情,歷盡情傷的文武終於浪子回頭,與楚燕心意想通︒惜好景不常,花燭之夜,楚燕元神為宣慈所奪,文武救妻心切,冒險修習心魔大法,卻惹來無窮後患......

Worlds Within 他们的世界 (Korean Drama DVD)

该剧讲述一對男女導演為了拍攝精采的電視劇而奮鬥,宋慧喬在劇中飾演有強烈自信心的女導演 "周俊英",與同樣是飾演導演 "鄭智五" 的玄彬上演對手戲,在工作過程中彼此欣賞卻又相互競爭,而最終相戀相愛。除了他們的事業發展與愛情追尋,也刻劃電視人們在工作上的用心努力與生活故世,帶領觀眾了解電視台內,隨著電視劇的製作播放而勾心鬥角,以及劇組人員們的艱苦工作。

Women in the Sun 太陽的女人 (Korean Drama DVD)


A Song to the Sun タイヨウのうた 太陽之歌 (Japanese Drama DVD)


Airport Strikers 機場特警 (TVB Drama DVD9)


Fresh-faced police officers Cheung King-san (Owen Cheung), San Hoi-ching (Sisley Choy), Ho Si-wa (Gloria Tang) and Wu Kwun-chung (Brian Chu) apply to join Airport Security Unit (ASU) due to different reasons. The quartet manage to survive drillmaster Man Wing-keung’s (Eddie Kwan) boot camp and become ASU officers after graduation. King-san and ASU CIP Cheung Chun-hak (Hugo Wong) just keep antagonizing each other. Sergeant Ma Yung-yi (Mat Yeung) often plays the role of mediator between the duo as he understands they cannot stand each other. King-san encounters air hostess Yu On-na (Roxanne Tong). They readily become lovers, but they have trouble getting along. King-san gradually has some kind of subtle feelings for his female colleague Hoi-ching. While on duty, they witness scenes of joy, sadness, reunion and separation. They also get involved in near-death situations. They eventually understand the true meaning of the mission of ASU. However, disaster is looming, causing the team to become embroiled in an unprecedented predicament.


The Legend of Hao Lan 皓鑭傳 (TVB Drama DVD9)


During the later stage of the Warring States period, State of Qin and State of Zhao are battling for more grounds and wars often break out between them.

In the state of Zhao Handan, Censor-in-chief Li He’s daughter Li Hao Lan (Wu Jinyan) is framed by her stepmother. This not only destroyed her family, but she was disgraced and sold. Down-and-out Lu Buwei (Nie Yuan) happens to buy her. He uses a ridiculously attractive scheme to offer Hao Lan to Ying Yiren (Mao Zijun), King of Qin’s grandson, who is held hostage at a palace in State of Zhao. Li and Lu enter Zhao palace together, and cleverly unravel devious schemes. In particular, the duo manage to dismantle a trap set up by Princess Ya (Karina Hai) for them as she has a crush on Yiren. They even gain King of Zhao’s admiration. Hao Lan becomes Yiren’s wife. As Hao Lan marries a foreign state man, so the State of Qin massacred 400,000 Zhao troops. Yiren’s capacity as a hostage puts him in potential fatal danger. Princess Ya ends up dead as she fails to frame Hao Lan. The bond between the two of them becomes weaker. Everybody senses danger in the palace. Lu Buwei uses Hao Lan to incite disorder in State of Zhao’s inner court. He seizes a chance to make King of Qin’s grandson Yiren escape from State of Zhao and return to State of Qin. Some crook in State of Qin is spreading rumors about father of Hao Lan’s son Ying Zheng (Tong Mengshi) is actually Lu Buwei and not Yiren. Meanwhile, Yiren succumbs to critical illness. Ying Zheng ascends the throne. He reckons Lu Buwei definitely has something to do with his father’s death. He also sends Lu into exile as he does not like him having too much power. Hao Lan begs her son to spare Lu from death. In Luoyang, the two of them finally reunite, just like when they first met.

戰國晚期,秦趙爭鋒,戰事迭起。趙國邯鄲,禦史李赫的女兒李皓鑭(吳謹言飾)因繼母的陷害,家破人亡,身敗名裂,甚至被賣出。遇不得志的呂不韋(聶遠飾)把她買下,用奇貨可居的計謀將皓鑭獻給了當時在趙國皇宮當人質的秦王孫異人(茅子俊飾)。 李 , 呂二人一同入趙宮,憑智慧擊退了種種陰謀,化解了公主雅(海鈴飾)因愛慕異人而對二人的陷害,受到趙王的青睞。皓鑭下嫁異人,秦國坑殺趙軍四十萬,異人的質子身分讓他生命受到威脅 ,公主雅陷害皓鑭不成反喪命,讓二人之間產生嫌隙。宮中人人自危,呂不韋利用皓鑭挑起事端擾亂趙國內廷,借機帶秦王孫異人逃離趙國歸秦。秦國有奸人散播謠言說皓鑭之子嬴政(佟夢實飾)的父親不是異人而是呂不韋。而此時異人病重不治,嬴政登基,認為呂不韋與父親之死難逃關係,同時忌憚呂的權利過大而把他流放。皓鑭請求兒子繞呂一命,最後倆人像相識的最初一樣重會洛陽。

Meng Fei Comes Across 萌妃駕到 (TVB Drama DVD9)

To ensure her longevity after being admitted to the palace, Bu Meng (Gina Jin) keeps trying to do whatever she can to avoid other people liking her. She has adopted a “non-attention-seeking strategy”. However, Consort Yan (Xia Yi Yao), who is a fellow resident in Fanghua Palace, encourages her to become an attention seeker. Everybody regards Consort Yan as Consort Jinxed because she has survived being struck by lightning. She can never be an attention seeker. She wants Bu Meng to become the center of attention as she wants to turn Fanghua Palace around and also prove her life is worth living. They then befriend attention-seeking Qu Wanwan (Han Jiu Nuo), aka Imperial Concubine Qu, who is a food lover and often cries. Qu Wanwan then moves into Fanghau Palace as her palace has been destroyed by fire. The trio bump into Noble Lady Xiao (Mi Na), whose minions do not listen to her. Noble Lady Xiao is a proficient fighter. Because of security issues in the Harem, Bu Meng and her chums decide to ask Noble Lady Xiao to protect them. Noble Lady Xiao eventually moves into Fanghua Palace. Fanghua Palace contingent is organized to help Majesty and other people handle problems and resolve issues. Because of Noble Consort Ru’s bullying and nonsense, Consort Yan persuades Bu Meng to join the attention-seeking camp to confront Noble Consort Ru. Majesty Wen Lou (Jiro Wang) often ends up speechless after being criticized by Censor Bu in imperial court. He decides to find his daughter Bu Meng and vent his anger at her. However, he is attracted to her unique personality as soon as he sees her. They keep quarreling and eventually become friends. They misunderstand and then gradually understand each other. They finally fall in love. 步萌(金晨飾)進宮後為了活得長久,一直在全方位掐滅自己受寵的可能性,積極“避寵”。可是與她同住在芳華宮的言妃(夏一瑤飾) 卻想激勵她去爭寵,因為言妃曾被雷劈而未死,成為大家眼中的妖妃,失去了爭寵的可能性,她想讓步萌得寵,好振興芳華宮,也實現自己的人生價值。 她們後來結交了愛哭愛吃又很想獲寵的曲婉婉(韓玖諾飾),後曲嬪的宮殿著火燒毀後,住進了芳華宮。三人一起,又遇到了被下人怠慢的驍貴人(米娜飾),驍貴人武功高強,由於近日後宮不太平,步萌等人決定拉攏驍貴人保護她們。驍貴人最終住進了芳華宮,芳華宮小分隊正式成立,一起幫助他人及皇上解決各種煩惱與問題。因為如貴妃的刁難與欺負,言妃勸說步萌加入爭寵大軍,與如貴妃對抗。 皇上溫樓(汪東城飾)在朝堂上時常被步禦史批評得沒話說,決定找他的女兒步萌撒氣,一見步萌卻被她與眾不同的個性所吸引,兩人互相拌嘴到成為了朋友,經過誤會及磨合,最終竟相愛走在一起。

Forensic Heroes IV 法證先鋒IV (TVB Drama DVD9)

Senior Chemist of Forensic Science Division Ko On (Raymond Wong), Senior Forensic Pathologist Man Ka-hei (Selena Lee) and Kowloon West Regional Crime Unit Senior Inspector Kwok Fai-wong (Shaun Tam) are the pillars of Crime Busting Trio leading a team of outstanding individuals. They unravel appalling schemes by using advanced forensic science. Their mastery of pathology enables them to decode secrets of the human anatomy. Their strict adherence to upholding the law never fails to uncover shocking truth about criminal acts! Unhappy childhood experience of enthusiastic reporter Tsui Yi (Roxanne Tong) surprisingly had something to do with Ko On. Seasoned forensic pathologist Queen (Alice Chan) becomes a murder suspect as she is betrayed by her lover. Mysteries and bewildering cases become intertwined. Scenes of cold-blooded acts are simply horrific. The baddies think they may get off the hook. The Crime Busting Trio motto is “Good always triumphs over evil and embrace compassion amid animosity”. They are determined to make statements on behalf of the deceased and seek justice for survivors! 香港法證部高級化驗師高安(黃浩然飾)、法醫科高級醫生聞家希(李施嬅飾)、西九龍重案組高級督察郭輝煌(譚俊彥飾),這「滅罪鐵三角」帶領著精英團隊,用專業的法證科學,揭示驚人的預謀策劃;用精密的法醫知識,破解隱蔽的人體密碼;用嚴謹的執法精神,披露震撼的罪惡真相! 熱血記者徐意(湯洛雯飾),童年憾事竟與高安緊扣牽連;法證專才水慧明(陳煒飾),遭至愛背叛頓成殺人疑兇… 謎團奇案,重重交錯;冷血兇徒,幕幕驚心!人在做,天在看!「滅罪鐵三角」堅守「邪不勝正,惡不抵善」的信念,誓為死者發聲,替生者雪冤!

Partners for Justice 檢法男女 (Korean Drama DVD9)

Each contact results in an exchange of physical material both in crime and in life! So, there is no such thing as a perfect crime. However, the partnership of these two is perfect. The eccentric forensic doctor, who does an autopsy on the victim, and the rookie prosecutor who investigates the suspect make a very interesting alliance. 《Partners for Justice》has an apt balance of medicine, science and investigation, and displays realistic action scenes as well as humanism that will touch your heart. 所有接触都会留下痕迹,犯罪和人生都是如此。因此没有完美的犯罪。但是他们的合作完美无缺。剖检受害者的乖僻法医和调查加害者的新手检察官进行非常特别的合作。《检法男女》是医疗,科学和破案这三个领域保持恰当均衡的医疗科学破案剧,同时展现出紧张激烈的动作场面和打动人心的人性美。