The Virtual Bride 大明星小媳妇 (Korean Drama DVD5)
Gods of Honour 封神榜 (2001) (TVB Drama DVD – 中文字幕 Chinese Subtitle)
Starring: 陈浩民 (Benny Chan), 钱嘉乐 (Chin Ka Lok), 温碧霞 (Irene Wan), 苑琼丹 (Kingdom Yuen), 李家声 (Dickson Li), 叶璇 (Michelle Ye), 鄭子誠 (Timothy Cheng), 元华 (Yuen Wah) Language: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese Rated: PG Release Date: 2001 Disc format: NTSC Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode Number of episodes: 1-40 (Complete Set) Number of discs: 7 DVD
Witness to a Prosecution 洗冤錄 (1999) (TVB Drama DVD Video)
Lord Of Shanghai 梟雄 (TVB Drama DVD)
Seven Sisters 七姊妹 (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)
富家女麦秋娟 (向海嵐) 不甘听命父亲下嫁富商,故不惜草绝命书相约爱郎缪連仙 (江華) 於七姊妹道自杀殉情。命运弄人,娟於黄泉路上一直苦等,仙始终未曾出现。心愿未圆,娟每年七月都重回七姊妹道,希望能找到仙当日的回信。自此,七姊妹道邮局闹鬼的传闻不胫而走……
一九四七年,地点仍为香港。平日嬉皮笑脸,穿上制服便顿时判若两人的邮差谢子堂(羅嘉良) 与任性的千金小姐黄玉簪 (佘詩曼) 本为闹气冤家,但因承诺为女鬼娟了结心愿,二人合作寻找仙的回信,渐对对方的观感改变,到最后更在曲折的情路上相遇,昔日未 尽的情缘缠上了今天尚未结果的恋曲;一封没有回音的死信织出两段阴阳相隔的凄美爱情故事。
Invisible Journey 彩色世界 (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)
Healing Hands II 妙手仁心II (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)
Law Enforcers 勇探實錄 (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)
Country Spirit 酒是故鄉醇 (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)
Partners for Justice 2 檢法男女2 (Korean Drama DVD9)
While crimes continuously evolve, their cooperation also gets enhanced as well. The real and flawless collaboration among a cranky forensic pathologist, a passionate rookie prosecutor, and an experienced prosecutor gets revealed! Eun Sol, the rookie prosecutor, has become a more mature prosecutor, while Baek Beom, the genius forensic pathologist, has not changed at all. They keep working with Do Ji Han, the veteran prosecutor to investigate the mysterious Oh Man Sang case. All they have are the traces the dead left behind, their bodies. Baek Beom encounters the first “silent corpse with no traces”. As Oh Man Sang's DNA was extracted from the carbonized corpse, he has officially become a dead person. However, Baek Beom still doubts about his death. With his suspicion still remained unsolved, a year passed. Baek Beom strives to investigate and reveal the truth of the Oh Man Sang case alone. And another case breaks out and leads him and his partners to a new path.
Left-Handed Wife 左撇子妻子 (Korean Drama DVD9)
Flying Tiger II 飛虎之雷霆極戰 (TVB Drama DVD9)
A mysterious underworld force is engaging in criminal activities in Hong Kong, causing the city’s public safety to become a high-priority issue. SDU Chief Commander Lok Ka-shing (Michael Miu) is authorized by the commissioner to set up a task force designated as A Team, which is to be made up of exceptional police officers. Team members include Operation Unit Head Wang Kwok-dong (Bosco Wong), Investigation Unit Head Cheung Man-lung (Ron Ng), Intelligence Unit Head Ting Ho-yin (Kenneth Ma) and Identification Unit Head Yiu Ka-nam (Jennifer Yu). A Team swings into action and looks into a logistics company with underworld connections. They find out a mastermind by the name of Au Yeung Ching, who is also a tycoon, uses some underground website for conducting virtual currency transactions to facilitate his collaboration with some international crime syndicate. Vietnamese Chinese Ho Chun returns to Hong Kong and wants to be Au Yeung Ching’s partner. But nobody really knows this person. He is also allegedly to have something to do with the truth about an appalling smuggling case that took place in the 1990s in Hong Kong. The fearless A Team members not only have to confront international fugitives but also have to face up to dilemmas over love, hate and conscience in their personal relationships.
一伙神秘的黑勢力在香港進行犯罪行為,城市安全問題箭在弦上。香港飛虎隊隊長駱家成 (苗僑偉飾) 在處長的授意下,從警界挑選精英,成立特別行動組A team, 隊員包括行動組組長汪國棟(黃宗澤飾)、調查組組長章文龍(吳卓羲飾)、情報組組長丁浩然(馬國明飾)、 鑑證組組長姚嘉楠(余香凝飾)。A team從黑幫背景的物流公司入手,查到幕後莊家富商歐陽正,透過以虛擬幣交易的地下網站,與國際犯罪組織合作。越南華僑賀進回到香港,欲與歐陽正合作,但此人身份成謎,背後還牽涉到90年代香港轟動一時的走私案的真相。將生死置之度外的A team除了要與國際罪犯做出對抗,亦要面對自身的愛恨糾葛與人性抉擇。