My Life As Loan Shark 街坊財爺 (TVB Drama DVD9)
Tai Kam-chai (Kent Cheng), aka Loan Shark, is a gangster style money lender who uses some dodgy debt collection method. Even though his wife Rose Chu (Maggie Shiu) keeps persuading him to quit, he has no regrets about what he is doing. Police Inspector Ching Yue-sum (Lai Lok Yi) has been keeping his eye on Kam-chai’s flagrant business and debt collection activities. Yue-sum has a righteous character and despises wrongdoers. He is determined to bring the villains to justice. On a certain day, amid thunderous lightning, Kam-chai abandons his ruthless ways as he is moved by some heavenly enlightenment. He uses his wealth to make contributions to the community and eventually transforms into Everybody’s Generous Papa.
Girlie Days 她她她的少女時代 (TVB Drama DVD9)
After years of hard toiling, middle-aged FONG YING-FUNG (Kristy Tin) encounters drastic change in her life! Divorced and unemployed, plus her daughter leaving the nest, she is lost. Despite resistance, she finds her physical strength declines, losing touch with society. As a daughter, wife, and mother, she forgets that during her girlhood, she was once a hot-blooded, bold and frenetic rock and roll fan! Compared to her wild youth days, twenty years of life's necessities have changed her beyond recognition. Unexpectedly, she re-encounters her idol whom she was obsessed with! Now, her idol is not only in predicament, but also has an on-again, off-again relationship with her own husband. All these setbacks and impacts in her life force her to face past failures, getting back on her feet to inspire herself and those around her. Singing many touching songs, a group of dejected middle-aged men and women start afresh, for themselves, to live again!
人到中年, 營役半生, 方迎風(田蕊妮飾)的人生卻迎來遽變! 失婚失業, 女兒離巢, 她迷失、 她頑抗, 卻體力衰退、 與社會脫節。 身為別人的女兒、 老婆、 老媽, 她卻忘了少女時代, 也曾是個熱血勇悍、 瘋狂追星的搖滾樂迷! 二十年前的輕狂歲月, 二十年後的柴米油鹽, 面目全非的她, 竟重遇當年迷戀的偶像! 偶像潦倒不堪, 丈夫欲斷難斷, 種種挫折與衝擊, 迫使她直面過去的失敗, 重新振作, 激勵自己與身邊人。唱著一首首動人歌曲, 一群失意的中年男女, 再次出發, 為了自己, 再活一次!
How Are You 好世谋 Ho Seh Bo (MediaCorp Drama DVD9)
Gong Jia Qiao (Zhu Hou Ren), 66 years-old, becomes wheelchair-bound after a car accident. He currently sells lottery and tissue packets for a living. Over 30 years ago, his neighbour Guo Mei Li puts Ah Dai (Chen Liping) under his care but has never returned since. With an intelligence similar to that of a six or eight year-old child, Ah Dai can only follow simple instructions and is thus easily cheated. Her ex-lover Pian Lang disappeared after she becomes pregnant with his child. One day, Ah Dai meets Xiao Gan Dang (Romeo Tan), a man that looks like Pian Lang. As it turns out, Pian Lang is Gan Dang’s father. Xiao Gan Dang grew up along the streets and has seen all the good and bad sides of humans. He is best friends with Mei Da Han (Desmond Ng), who is also a gangster like him, and is thrown behind bars because of a fight. After completing his sentence, he meets a social worker Qing Qing (Sheila Sim) and the two becomes a bickering duo.
龚家翘 (朱厚任饰) 现年66岁,因一场车祸而导致残疾,需要轮椅出入,以卖彩票和纸巾为生。30多年前因邻居郭美莉的请托,帮忙照顾阿戴 (陈莉萍饰),但美莉后来再也没出现。阿戴只有6到8岁孩童的智力,能够接受简单的指令,容易受骗, 年轻时被情人骗郎搞大肚子,后骗郎不知所踪。一天,跟骗郎长得很像的萧敢当 (陈罗密欧饰) 出现,原来他是骗郎的儿子。萧敢当从小在街头长大,见过人生百态,和同样是小混混的梅达瀚 (黄振隆饰) 是好朋友。敢当因为打架被判入狱, 出狱后认识了一名社工何青青 (沈琳宸饰),两人从此成了一对欢喜冤家。青青的妹妹何白白 (雅慧饰) 是民众俱乐部的活动策划经理,与男朋友欧阳明 (陈伟恩 饰) 交往多年,在婚礼前夕,因为欧阳明突然决定取消婚礼,大受打击。梅达瀚趁虚而入,追求白白,白白不知道该选择谁…
Couple on the Backtrack 告白夫婦 (Korean Drama DVD9)
Justice Bao: The First Year 包青天再起風雲 (TVB Drama DVD9)
The Last Empress 皇后的品格 (Korean Drama DVD9)
Our Unwinding Ethos 十二傳說 (TVB Drama DVD9)
As Time Goes By 好日子 (TVB Drama DVD9)
每個人都有過去,有些人會非常懷念,有些人卻選擇逃避。齊萬碩(張達倫飾)是圍村齊家村村長齊億章(李國麟飾)的兒子,他與齊萬基(黃智賢飾)、卞慧晶(陳煒飾)為兒時玩伴,兩位男生還同時鍾情慧晶。三十年前的中秋節晚上,萬碩、萬基、慧晶酒醉後於迷糊下幹出大逆不道的事情。東窗事發,萬基、慧晶與萬碩分別離開齊家村,萬碩還移居澳洲,希望從此擺脫回憶的枷鎖。然而,三十年後,他們因一些人和事再次碰面,被迫重新面對這件封塵往事……My Commissioned Lover 婚姻合伙人 (TVB Drama DVD9)
What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim 金秘書為何那樣 (Korean Drama DVD9)
Lee Young-joon (by Park Seo Jun) is the Vice President of his family-owned company, Yoomyung Group. He is so narcissistic that he doesn't pay attention to what his trusty and capable secretary, Kim Mi-So (by Park Min Young), is trying to tell him most of the time. Young-joon has never been turned down by anyone in his entire life. However, his secretary, suddenly tells him that she will quit her job. Office life without her is unimaginable-Young-joon falls into chaos.
擁有完美外貌和過人實力的財團副會長李英俊(朴敘俊飾),他的個人秘書金美蘇(朴敏英飾)是唯一幫他解決麻煩的人。 工作9年, 一直在李英俊身邊如影随影,能力滿分的她,有一天突然決定要辭職,讓李英俊下定 決心要用盡方法留住她...