Showing 217–228 of 847 results

Innocent Defendant 被告人 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

Innocent Defendant is a 2017 South Korean drama series directed by Jo Young Gwang, starring Ji Sung with Um Ki-joon, Kwon Yu-ri, Oh Chang-seok and Uhm Hyun-kyung. Plot: Park Jung-woo is a prosecutor at Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office. One day, he wakes up and finds himself a convict on death row. Suffering from temporary amnesia, Jung-woo has no idea what transpired to land him in prison. He struggles to recover his memory and clear his name. 《被告人》是韩国SBS电视台2017播出的月火悬疑连续剧,由赵英光执导,崔秀真、崔昌焕编剧,池晟、严基俊、权俞利、吴昶锡主演。该剧主要讲述了被冤枉杀害妻子与女儿的检察官朴正宇为找寻失去的4个月的记忆,为自己洗清嫌疑的故事。


Main cast: Song Joong-ki, Moon Chae-won, Park Si-yeon, Kwang Soo, Lee Yoo-bi, Kim Young-cheol. Director: Kim Jin-won-I Total Episodes: 20 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: KBS Release Date: 20 Feb 2013 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 1200 min (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

Inspector Gourmet 为食神探

Inspector Gourmet centers on solving mysteries with a food theme. The title of the drama is in reference to Louis Yuen's character Mak Sai. Mak Sai is described as a food addict with amazing crime solving skills due to his extraordinary sense of taste, smell and sight. 该剧主要讲述从小沉迷侦探漫画的酒家三厨杨得基、麦犀、患有失忆症的记者妹唐嘉嘉,以及车神岑爱娇组成离奇趣怪的“神探兵团”屡破奇案的故事。

Into the World Again / Reunited Worlds 다시만난세계 再次相逢的世界 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

Hae-sung (by Yeo Jin-goo) disappears after a mysterious accident. 12 years later, he wakes up on the roof of his school building. He is now 31 years old, but he still has the appearance and personality of himself at age 19 when he disappeared. He reunites with Jung-won (by Lee Yeon-hee), his childhood friend and first love. The two of them end up being 12 years apart because Hae-sung was gone to another world. Hae-sung's siblings were all separated after his death, so he brings them together. He later finds out that he was unjustly accused of killing someone after he died. To solve the mystery of his death and clear himself of a false charge, he begins his own investigation. Accompany him on this fantasy romance journey to find out where he will be at the end of the road. 原本青梅竹馬的成海誠(呂珍九 飾)和鄭靜媛(李允熹 飾),在高中的時候因為特殊原因而分開,鄭靜媛一直以為成海誠已經去世。但是,12年之後鄭靜媛又再次遇到了成海誠。成海誠仍然是18歲的模樣,而此時的鄭靜媛已經31歲了。但是,兩人心中依然有著彼此,於是一段特殊的愛情就這樣開始了。

Invisible Journey 彩色世界 (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)





INVISIBLE MAN 透明人崔长寿 (Korean Drama DVD)

Main cast: 蔡时那 / 赵延宇 / 李成美 / 崔于珍 / 刘五性 Director: 金勇奎 Total Episodes: 20 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: Studio: KBS Release Date: 10/7/2024 Production Year: 2006 Running Time: Approx. 900 mins (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 6


Product Information 監製 : 文偉鴻 編審 : 林麗媚 梁恩東 演員 : 馬國明 唐詩詠 陳山聰 劉穎鏇 劉佩玥 江美儀 林子善 DVD: NTSC Audio: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: Chinese , English Release Date: 1/6/2023 Rated: NC16 Number of Episodes: 30 Number of Disc: 6 DVD

Iron Daughters-in-Law 不屈的兒媳們 (Korean Drama)


It’s Alright This Is Love

Main cast: Jo In-Seong,Kong Hyo-jin,Seong Dong-il,Lee Gwang-soo,Jin Kyeong,Lee Seong-kyeong. Director: Kim Kyoo-tae Total Episodes: 16 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: CJ Release Date: 17/02/2015 Production Year: 2014 Running Time: Approx. 960min (16 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

It’s My Life 讓開吧命運 (Korean Drama DVD9)

Starring: 朴胤載 Park Yun-jae、徐孝琳 Seo Hyo-rim、姜泰成 Kang Tae-seong、 陳藝瑟 Jin Ye-sol Directed by: Kwak Gi-won Total Episodes: 1-124 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG Studio: KBS Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 05 October 2020 Production Year: 2018 Running Time: Approx. 35 mins per episode No. of Disc: 12 DVDs 

Item 道具 (Korean Drama DVD9)

A profiler and a prosecutor must uncover the hidden secrets surrounding unique items with supernatural powers and a conspiracy. Kang Gon (by Ju Ji-hoon) is a prosecutor full of justice and a warm heart. In order to save his niece Da In, he jumps into a conspiracy surrounding an item having supernatural powers. Kang Gon works with a criminal profiler Shin So Yeong (by Jin Se-yeon). 命運交錯的首爾,檢察官與廣域調查隊犯罪側寫師,在偵辦連續殺人案的過程當中,經歷與多項擁有特殊能力物品有關的離奇事件,從中逐步揭露其背後陰謀,並持續與幕後黑手展開正邪對決。

Jang Bo-Ri Is Here 张宝利来了

Main cast: Oh Yeon-seo Kim Ji-hoon Lee Yoo-ri Oh Chang-seok Han Seung-yeon Director: Baek Ho-min Total Episodes: 52 Genre: Family, romance Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG13 Release Date: 08/05/15 Production Year: 2014 Running Time: Approx. 3120 min (52 Episodes) No. of Disc: 12