Showing 85–96 of 847 results


Main cast: 宣萱 Jessica Hsuan、胡杏兒 Myolie Wu、陳錦鴻 Sunny Chan、黃淑儀 Gigi Wong Total Episodes: 31 Genre: Historical fiction Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Cantonese Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG13 Release Date: 11/01/2012 Production Year: 2011 Running Time: Approx. 1395 min (31 Episodes) No. of Disc: 6

DA CHANG JIN 大长今 (Korean Drama DVD)

Starring: 李英爱 Lee Young-ae、池珍熙 Ji Jin-hee、洪利娜 Hong Ri-na、 林湖 Lim Ho Directed by: Lee Byung-hoon Total Episodes: 1-54 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese Rated: PG Studio: MBC Media Format: NTSC Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 13 August 2022 Production Year: 2003 Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode No. of Disc: 19 DVDs

Daddy Cool 逆緣 (TVB Drama DVD)

This drama Daddy Cool is about multi-generational relationships. There are family warmth and the topic of values. The theme is similar to “Iceman Cometh”. The genre is fantasy. People of different generations have different morals, ethics, and values. A person from the 1940s, who was frozen and is not thawed out until 2018, has to adapt to the modern living environment, creating a lot of jokes and having a lighthearted side. 故事講及幾代人的關係,當中有家庭溫情及價值觀話題。不同年代的人對道德與倫理有不同的價值觀,來自上20世紀40年代的人,被急凍到了21世紀2018年才解凍,要適應現代的生活環境,會有輕鬆的一面。

Daddy Dearest 超能老豆 (TVB Drama DVD)

Daddy Dearest (aka "Super Daddy") is a 2016 Hong Kong modern family comedy television drama produced by Poon Ka-tak for TVB, starring Johnson Lee, Jason Chan Chi-san and Mandy Wong as the main leads. 《超能老豆》(前名《爸B有话儿》是香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作的时装家庭电视剧,香港无线电视家庭题材的电视剧,由李思捷、陈智燊、黄智雯、赵希洛及陈炜领衔主演,监制潘嘉德。


Product Information 主演: 杨茜尧 / 王浩信 / 林夏薇 / 马志威 / 郭锋 / 尹扬明 / 黄翠如 / 杨卓娜 / 张颕康 / 何广沛 导演: 钟澍佳 / 关文深 / 姜振杰 / 尹吉度 Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese / English Release Date: 11/01/2025 Rated: NC16 Number of Episodes: 25 Number of Disc: 5 DVD

Daughters-in-Law 媳婦的全盛時代 (Korean Drama DVD)


Daughters-in-Law 媳婦的全盛時代 (Korean Drama DVD)

Starring: Kim Ji Hoon 金智勳、Lee Soo Kyung 李水京、Song Seon Mi 宋善美、Jang Hyun Sung 張鉉誠、Seo Young-hee 徐令姬 Total Episodes: 1-52 (完整版) Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese & English Rated: PG Studio: KBS Disc Format: NTSC Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 2008 Production Year: 2007 Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode No. of Disc: 6 DVDs

Dead Ringer 叠影狙擊 (TVB Drama DVD)

Product Information 主演: 黄宗泽 / 周秀娜 / 黄浩然 / 陈少邦 / 汤俊明 / 李忠希 / 莫家淦 / 张智轩 导演: 洪金泼 / 李文舜 Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese / English Release Date: 04/05/2024 Rated: NC16 Number of Episodes: 24 Number of Disc: 5 DVD

Dead Wrong 致命复活 (TVB Drama DVD)

Dead Wrong was one of three TVB television dramas used to welcome the broadcaster's 49th anniversary. 《致命复活》是香港电视广播有限公司出品的时装剧。由郭晋安、万绮雯、黄德斌、朱晨丽等领衔主演。该剧讲述了香港企业顾问韦逸升到越南出差时意外遭到绑架,流落荒岛十年后,终于得救返回香港复仇的故事。

Death By Zero 殺手 (TVB Drama DVD9)


This story about assassins takes place in a fanciful world. Yim Mo (Wayne Lai), who used to have a prestigious nickname “Yama”, has caused his family to break up with fatal consequences due to his blunder. He ends up as a mediocre killer. He has facilitated the emergence of a formidable hitman called Kiu Sing (Moses Chan), aka “Zero”. However, the duo’s destinies are rewritten because of a Taiwanese tycoon called Or Ching-hung. Yim Mo counts himself lucky as his buddy Yiu Suk-han (Elena Kong), who is a hooker by profession, manages to bridge the communication gap between him and his daughter Yim So-chi (Louisa Mak). Unfortunately, Yim Mo’s life has become very difficult as an eccentric female assassin called Yik Lan (Katy Kung) keeps clinging to him. Kiu Sing opens a cafe as a decoy and hires a single mother called Chin Heung-sin (Ali Lee). He also has a crush on Lam Sum-sum (Samantha Ko), who is a temple keeper with a mysterious background. Yim Mo and Kiu Sing are forced to engage each other in a duel as Assassin Hunter shows up.

這是一個發生於抽離世界的殺手故事︰曾被尊稱「閻王」的閻武 (黎耀祥飾),闖禍導致家散人亡,淪為低端殺手,造就神級殺手「Zero」喬星 (陳豪飾) 崛起,殊不知二人曾各自因台灣富商柯正雄而改寫了命運……閻武幸有知己鳳姐姚淑嫻 (江美儀飾),成為他與女兒閰素之 (麥明詩飾) 的聯繫橋樑,卻不幸被行事乖張的女殺手易蘭 (龔嘉欣飾) 纏着,叫苦連天。喬星開設咖啡室作掩飾,聘請了單親媽媽錢向茜 (李佳芯飾),並心儀身分撲朔迷離的廟祝林森森 (高海寧飾)。「殺手獵人」出現,迫使閻武與喬星來個生死對決……

DEMI-GODS & SEMI-DEVIL PT 1 天龙八部之六脉神剑 (第一部) 1982 (TVB Drama DVD)

Product Information 主演: 陈玉莲 / 林珍奇 / 汤镇业 / 黄日华 / 高雄 导演: 蕭笙 Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese / English Release Date: 15/06/2024 Rated: PG Number of Episodes: 30 Number of Disc: 7 DVD

DEMI-GODS & SEMI-DEVIL PT 2 天龙八部之虚竹传奇 (第二部) 1982 (TVB Drama DVD)

Product Information 主演: 汤镇业 / 黄日华 / 梁家仁 / 陈玉莲 / 谢贤 / 黄杏秀 / 胡祖儿 / 石修 / 黄敏仪 导演: 蕭笙 Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese / English Release Date: 15/06/2024 Rated: PG Number of Episodes: 20 Number of Disc: 5 DVD