Showing 277–288 of 822 results


Main cast: Kim Jae Won 金载沅,Han Ji Hye 韩智慧,JaeHee 在熙,Kim You Jung 金有贞 Director: 白浩民 Total Episodes: 38 Genre: Romance Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Korean Subtitle: Chinese, English Rated: PG Release Date: 27 May 2013 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 1710 min (38 Episodes) No. of Disc: 8

Medical Top Team Premium Korean Drama

Main cast: kwon Sang-woo,Jeong Ryeo-won,Joo Ji-hoon,Oh Yeon-seo,Minho,Kim Yeong-ae. Director: Kim Do-hoon Total Episodes: 20 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: MBC Release Date: 25/10/2014 Production Year: 2013 Running Time: Approx. 1200min (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

Meng Fei Comes Across 萌妃駕到 (TVB Drama DVD9)

To ensure her longevity after being admitted to the palace, Bu Meng (Gina Jin) keeps trying to do whatever she can to avoid other people liking her. She has adopted a “non-attention-seeking strategy”. However, Consort Yan (Xia Yi Yao), who is a fellow resident in Fanghua Palace, encourages her to become an attention seeker. Everybody regards Consort Yan as Consort Jinxed because she has survived being struck by lightning. She can never be an attention seeker. She wants Bu Meng to become the center of attention as she wants to turn Fanghua Palace around and also prove her life is worth living. They then befriend attention-seeking Qu Wanwan (Han Jiu Nuo), aka Imperial Concubine Qu, who is a food lover and often cries. Qu Wanwan then moves into Fanghau Palace as her palace has been destroyed by fire. The trio bump into Noble Lady Xiao (Mi Na), whose minions do not listen to her. Noble Lady Xiao is a proficient fighter. Because of security issues in the Harem, Bu Meng and her chums decide to ask Noble Lady Xiao to protect them. Noble Lady Xiao eventually moves into Fanghua Palace. Fanghua Palace contingent is organized to help Majesty and other people handle problems and resolve issues. Because of Noble Consort Ru’s bullying and nonsense, Consort Yan persuades Bu Meng to join the attention-seeking camp to confront Noble Consort Ru. Majesty Wen Lou (Jiro Wang) often ends up speechless after being criticized by Censor Bu in imperial court. He decides to find his daughter Bu Meng and vent his anger at her. However, he is attracted to her unique personality as soon as he sees her. They keep quarreling and eventually become friends. They misunderstand and then gradually understand each other. They finally fall in love. 步萌(金晨飾)進宮後為了活得長久,一直在全方位掐滅自己受寵的可能性,積極“避寵”。可是與她同住在芳華宮的言妃(夏一瑤飾) 卻想激勵她去爭寵,因為言妃曾被雷劈而未死,成為大家眼中的妖妃,失去了爭寵的可能性,她想讓步萌得寵,好振興芳華宮,也實現自己的人生價值。 她們後來結交了愛哭愛吃又很想獲寵的曲婉婉(韓玖諾飾),後曲嬪的宮殿著火燒毀後,住進了芳華宮。三人一起,又遇到了被下人怠慢的驍貴人(米娜飾),驍貴人武功高強,由於近日後宮不太平,步萌等人決定拉攏驍貴人保護她們。驍貴人最終住進了芳華宮,芳華宮小分隊正式成立,一起幫助他人及皇上解決各種煩惱與問題。因為如貴妃的刁難與欺負,言妃勸說步萌加入爭寵大軍,與如貴妃對抗。 皇上溫樓(汪東城飾)在朝堂上時常被步禦史批評得沒話說,決定找他的女兒步萌撒氣,一見步萌卻被她與眾不同的個性所吸引,兩人互相拌嘴到成為了朋友,經過誤會及磨合,最終竟相愛走在一起。

Merry Mary 瑪莉大九攻防戰 (Korean Drama DVD)

終日無憂無慮、快樂無比的瑪莉 (李河娜) 有一個執著的夢想-成為一名音樂舞台劇演員,雖然已經歷經無數次的試唱失敗,不過她只把它當成一個優秀的音樂劇演員所必需的經歷與磨練,全然不放在心上,繼續孜孜不倦地追求她的夢想。而擁有一副俠肝義膽的大九 (池賢宇) 是一個夢想有朝一日會成為揚名天下的武俠小說家,然而卻在一年多前出版了兩集小說後,就一直沒有新作品問世,他的學長宣導進 (李民宇) 因為同校情誼幫他印刷,卻也因此落了出版社倒閉的命運。這大概是宿命中的安排吧,自從大九搬到瑪莉住的這個社區後,總是會和瑪莉不期而遇,彼此都以為對方是瘋子,而兩人幾乎天天都要鬥嘴、決戰,難得一日安寧。而俗話說的好,不打不相識,兩人也就在打打鬥鬥中擦出了愛情的火花......

Miss Ajumma 加油!歐巴桑 (Korean Drama DVD – 中文字幕 Chinese Subtitle)

Starring: 吴贤庆 Oh Hyun-kyung 、权伍中 Kwon Oh-joong 、金正民 Kim Jung-min 、郑成云 Jung Sung-woon、郑诗雅 Jung Shi-ah Total Episodes: 1-103 (完整版) Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese Rated: PG Studio: SBS Disc Format: NTSC Region Code: 3 Release Date: 2012 Production Year: 2011 Running Time: Approx. 35 mins per episode No. of Disc: 12 DVDs


Main cast: Kim Seung-woo, Lee Da-hae, Micky Yoochun, Kang Hye-jeong, Hwang Ji-hyeon, Choi Myeong-gil. Director: Choi I-seop, Choi Won-seok. Total Episodes: 16 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: MBC Release Date: 15/11/11 Production Year: 2011/05/30 Running Time: Approx. 960 min (16 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4


Main cast: Kim Seung-woo, Lee Da-hae, Micky Yoochun, Kang Hye-jeong, Hwang Ji-hyeon, Choi Myeong-gil. Director: Choi I-seop, Choi Won-seok. Total Episodes: 16 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: Chinese Rated: PG Studio: MBC Release Date: 14/11/11 Production Year: 2011/05/30 Running Time: Approx. 960 min (16 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4


Product Information DVD: NTSC Audio: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: Chinese , English Release Date: 8/4/2023 Rated: NC16 Number of Episodes: 27 Number of Disc: 5 DVD

Modern Dynasty 家族榮耀 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 張智霖 Cheung Chi Lam, 楊茜堯 Tavia Yeung, 李彩華 Rain Li, 羅子溢 Him Law, 黃浩然 Raymond Wong, 熊黛林 Lynn Xiong, 郭政鴻 Derek Kok, 梁靖琪 Toby Leung, 于洋 Yu Yang, 陳曼娜 Manna Chan, 余安安 Candice Yu Special Appearance 特別演出: 羅嘉良 Gallen Lo Directed by: 謝穎 Xie Ying, 梁家樹 Tommy Leung Total Episodes: 1-30 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: NC16 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 22 March 2022 Production Year: 2022 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 6 DVD

Money Flower 돈꽃 金钱花 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

Managing director Kang Pil-joo is envied by many inside the Chungah Group where he is known for his intelligence and high-performance. He keeps his real identity a secret from the Chungah Group founding family and serves them like an obedient servant but he is actually grooming them for his scheme. His plan was to make Mo-hyun fall in love with him for his revenge, but he finds himself falling in desperately in love with her free-spirited personality. The "Money Flower" portrays a story of interlinked relationship between Pil-joo who is capable of bringing down Chungah, Mo-hyun who seeks love and a young Chungah Group scion named Bu-cheon. And these characters all come to the fore as money dictates their lives in a web of desire, greed and love. 青阿集團戰略企劃室常務理事姜弼週以聰慧敏銳的頭腦和出色的辦事能力受到人們的艷羨和嫉妒。他隱瞞自己是青阿集團的骨肉,充當青阿一家的走狗,但其實他是“調教主人的狗”。他為了復仇想以愛情為手段,但遇到自由棄放的慕賢後反倒陷入愛情的陷阱。《金錢花》通過青阿一家的關鍵人物弼週,一心想獲得命中注定的愛情的慕賢,危機四伏的富三代富川,以及富川的秘密情人瑞元之間的四角關係,描寫出被金錢支配的人們心中的慾望和愛情。寒冬盛開的又甜又苦的《金錢花》在我們身邊綻放。

Money War 錢的戰爭 (Korean Drama DVD)

Starring: Park Shin-yang 朴新陽, Park Jin-hee 朴真熙, Shin Dong-wook 申東旭, Kim Jung-hwa 金晶和 Directed by: Jang Tae-yoo Total Episodes: 16 + 4(番外篇) Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG Studio: SBS Media Format: NTSC Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 20 Feb 2008 Production Year: 2007 Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode No. of Disc: 6 DVDs 

Moon And Stars For You Premium Pack Korean Drama Dvd

Main cast: Jo Dong-hyeok,Seo Ji-hye,Ko Se-won,Moon Bo-ryeong,Kim Young-cheol. Director: Jeon Sung-Hong Total Episodes: 129 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: KBS Release Date: 11/10/13 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 7740 min (129 Episodes) No. of Disc: 14