Showing 133–144 of 847 results


Main cast: Yoon shi yoon,Lee ji ah,Han go eun, Director: Go Dong Sun Total Episodes: 15 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: MBC Release Date: 08 May 2012 Production Year: 28/12/11 Running Time: Approx. 900 min (15 Episodes) No. of Disc: 5

Flying Tiger 3 飛虎3壯志英雄 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 苗僑偉Michael Miu, 黃宗澤Bosco Wong, 吳卓羲 Ron Ng, 張兆輝 Eddie Cheung, 馬德鐘Joe Ma, 陳豪 Moses Chan, 郭晉安Kwok Chun On, 梁競徽Oscar Leung, 蕭正楠 Edwin Siu, 姚子羚 Elaine Yiu, 陳瀅Jeannie Chan, 蔡思貝 Sisley Choi, 蔡潔 Jacky Cai, 朱晨麗 Rebecca Chu, 陳煒 Alice Chan, 王敏德Michael Wong, 黃子恆 Hugo Wong, 羅天宇 Joey Law, 傅嘉莉 Kelly Fu, 何慈恩 Charlene Houghton, 蔣怡Coco Chiang   Directed by: 樂易玲 Virginia Lok, 謝穎 Xie Ying Total Episodes: 1-30 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: NC16 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 2 April 2022 Production Year: 2022 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 6 DVD

Flying Tiger II 飛虎之雷霆極戰 (TVB Drama DVD9)


A mysterious underworld force is engaging in criminal activities in Hong Kong, causing the city’s public safety to become a high-priority issue. SDU Chief Commander Lok Ka-shing (Michael Miu) is authorized by the commissioner to set up a task force designated as A Team, which is to be made up of exceptional police officers. Team members include Operation Unit Head Wang Kwok-dong (Bosco Wong), Investigation Unit Head Cheung Man-lung (Ron Ng), Intelligence Unit Head Ting Ho-yin (Kenneth Ma) and Identification Unit Head Yiu Ka-nam (Jennifer Yu). A Team swings into action and looks into a logistics company with underworld connections. They find out a mastermind by the name of Au Yeung Ching, who is also a tycoon, uses some underground website for conducting virtual currency transactions to facilitate his collaboration with some international crime syndicate. Vietnamese Chinese Ho Chun returns to Hong Kong and wants to be Au Yeung Ching’s partner. But nobody really knows this person. He is also allegedly to have something to do with the truth about an appalling smuggling case that took place in the 1990s in Hong Kong. The fearless A Team members not only have to confront international fugitives but also have to face up to dilemmas over love, hate and conscience in their personal relationships.

一伙神秘的黑勢力在香港進行犯罪行為,城市安全問題箭在弦上。香港飛虎隊隊長駱家成 (苗僑偉飾) 在處長的授意下,從警界挑選精英,成立特別行動組A team, 隊員包括行動組組長汪國棟(黃宗澤飾)、調查組組長章文龍(吳卓羲飾)、情報組組長丁浩然(馬國明飾)、 鑑證組組長姚嘉楠(余香凝飾)。A team從黑幫背景的物流公司入手,查到幕後莊家富商歐陽正,透過以虛擬幣交易的地下網站,與國際犯罪組織合作。越南華僑賀進回到香港,欲與歐陽正合作,但此人身份成謎,背後還牽涉到90年代香港轟動一時的走私案的真相。將生死置之度外的A team除了要與國際罪犯做出對抗,亦要面對自身的愛恨糾葛與人性抉擇。


Main cast: Choi Seol-ri,Minho, Lee Hyun-woo, Kim Ji-won-I, Kang Ha-neul, Hwang Kwang-hee Director: Jeon Ki-sang Total Episodes: 16 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG13 Consumer Advice: Some Sexual References Studio: SBS Release Date: 20 Feb 2013 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 720 min (16 Episodes) No. of Disc: 3

For You In Full Blossom 致美麗的你 (Korean Drama DVD9 – Korean Audio)

Main cast: Sulli, Choi Min Ho, Ki Tae Young, Seo Jun Young, Lee Hyun Woo, Kang Ha Neul, Kim Ji Won, Kim Woo Bin, Kwang Hee, Jun Ki Sang Director: Jeon Ki-sang Total Episodes: 16 Audio Tracks: Korean Subtitle: English Rated: PG13 Studio: SBS Release Date: 2020 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 960 min (16 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

Forensic Heroes IV 法證先鋒IV (TVB Drama DVD9)

Senior Chemist of Forensic Science Division Ko On (Raymond Wong), Senior Forensic Pathologist Man Ka-hei (Selena Lee) and Kowloon West Regional Crime Unit Senior Inspector Kwok Fai-wong (Shaun Tam) are the pillars of Crime Busting Trio leading a team of outstanding individuals. They unravel appalling schemes by using advanced forensic science. Their mastery of pathology enables them to decode secrets of the human anatomy. Their strict adherence to upholding the law never fails to uncover shocking truth about criminal acts! Unhappy childhood experience of enthusiastic reporter Tsui Yi (Roxanne Tong) surprisingly had something to do with Ko On. Seasoned forensic pathologist Queen (Alice Chan) becomes a murder suspect as she is betrayed by her lover. Mysteries and bewildering cases become intertwined. Scenes of cold-blooded acts are simply horrific. The baddies think they may get off the hook. The Crime Busting Trio motto is “Good always triumphs over evil and embrace compassion amid animosity”. They are determined to make statements on behalf of the deceased and seek justice for survivors! 香港法證部高級化驗師高安(黃浩然飾)、法醫科高級醫生聞家希(李施嬅飾)、西九龍重案組高級督察郭輝煌(譚俊彥飾),這「滅罪鐵三角」帶領著精英團隊,用專業的法證科學,揭示驚人的預謀策劃;用精密的法醫知識,破解隱蔽的人體密碼;用嚴謹的執法精神,披露震撼的罪惡真相! 熱血記者徐意(湯洛雯飾),童年憾事竟與高安緊扣牽連;法證專才水慧明(陳煒飾),遭至愛背叛頓成殺人疑兇… 謎團奇案,重重交錯;冷血兇徒,幕幕驚心!人在做,天在看!「滅罪鐵三角」堅守「邪不勝正,惡不抵善」的信念,誓為死者發聲,替生者雪冤!

Forensic Heroes V 法證先鋒V (2022) (TVB Drama DVD)



黃宗澤 Bosco Wong 袁偉豪 Benjamin Yuen 蔡思貝 Sisley Choi 洪永城 Tony Hung 蔡潔 Jacky Cai 王敏奕 Venus Wong 丁子朗 Karl Ting 鄭俊弘 Frederick Cheng 高鈞賢 Matthew Ko 白彪 Pat Piu 謝東閔 Brian Tse 黃庭鋒 Telford Wong 陳嘉慧 Erica Chan

DVD: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese / English Release Date: 19/1/2023 Rated: NC16 Number of Episodes: 30 Number of Disc: 6 DVD



Product Information 主演: 黄宗泽 / 袁伟豪 / 蔡洁 / 蒋祖曼 / 傅嘉莉 / 戴祖仪 / 关楚耀 / 林盛斌 / 吴业坤 导演: 钟澍佳 / 黄国辉 Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese / English Release Date: 22/10/2024 Rated: M18 Number of Episodes: 24 Number of Disc: 5 DVD

Forest 愛的芬多精 (又名:森林) (Korean Drama DVD9)

Starring: 朴海鎮 Park Hae-jin、曹寶兒 Jo Bo-ah Directed by: 吳鍾錄 Oh Jong Rok Total Episodes: 1-16 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG13 Studio: KBS Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 03 June 2022 Production Year: 2020 Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode No. of Disc: 4 DVD

Freedom Memories 青春不要臉 (TVB Drama DVD)

Starring: 余德丞 Dickson Yu、丁子朗 Karl Ting、劉穎鏇 Tiffany Lau、戴祖儀 Joey Thye、 伍樂怡 Kelly Ng、林正峰 Niklas Lam、游嘉欣 Kayan Yau、孔德賢 Danny Hung、 謝可逸 Alex Tse、戴耀明 Sunny Dia Directed by: 潘嘉德 Poon Ka Tak、林肯 Lincoln Total Episodes: 1-15 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG13 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 12 February 2022 Production Year: 2022 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 3 DVD


Main cast:謝天華,楊怡,森美,陳敏之, 阮兆祥,許紹雄,王浩信,韓馬利 Director: 文偉鴻 Total Episodes: 26 Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: TVB Release Date: 07/02/13 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 1440 min (24 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4


Product Information 导演: 黄国辉 / 钟澍佳 / 陈海斌 演員 : 陈展鹏 / 吴若希 / 洪永城 / 戴祖仪 / 蔡洁 / 傅嘉莉 / 吴业坤 / 陈星妤 / 吴沚默 DVD: NTSC Audio: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: Chinese , English Release Date: 2/12/2023 Rated: PG13 Number of Episodes: 20 Number of Disc: 4 DVD