Dead Ringer 叠影狙擊 (TVB Drama DVD)
Dead Wrong 致命复活 (TVB Drama DVD)
Death By Zero 殺手 (TVB Drama DVD9)
This story about assassins takes place in a fanciful world. Yim Mo (Wayne Lai), who used to have a prestigious nickname “Yama”, has caused his family to break up with fatal consequences due to his blunder. He ends up as a mediocre killer. He has facilitated the emergence of a formidable hitman called Kiu Sing (Moses Chan), aka “Zero”. However, the duo’s destinies are rewritten because of a Taiwanese tycoon called Or Ching-hung. Yim Mo counts himself lucky as his buddy Yiu Suk-han (Elena Kong), who is a hooker by profession, manages to bridge the communication gap between him and his daughter Yim So-chi (Louisa Mak). Unfortunately, Yim Mo’s life has become very difficult as an eccentric female assassin called Yik Lan (Katy Kung) keeps clinging to him. Kiu Sing opens a cafe as a decoy and hires a single mother called Chin Heung-sin (Ali Lee). He also has a crush on Lam Sum-sum (Samantha Ko), who is a temple keeper with a mysterious background. Yim Mo and Kiu Sing are forced to engage each other in a duel as Assassin Hunter shows up.
這是一個發生於抽離世界的殺手故事︰曾被尊稱「閻王」的閻武 (黎耀祥飾),闖禍導致家散人亡,淪為低端殺手,造就神級殺手「Zero」喬星 (陳豪飾) 崛起,殊不知二人曾各自因台灣富商柯正雄而改寫了命運……閻武幸有知己鳳姐姚淑嫻 (江美儀飾),成為他與女兒閰素之 (麥明詩飾) 的聯繫橋樑,卻不幸被行事乖張的女殺手易蘭 (龔嘉欣飾) 纏着,叫苦連天。喬星開設咖啡室作掩飾,聘請了單親媽媽錢向茜 (李佳芯飾),並心儀身分撲朔迷離的廟祝林森森 (高海寧飾)。「殺手獵人」出現,迫使閻武與喬星來個生死對決……