Showing 109–120 of 401 results

Karma Rider 师父,明白了 TVB Drama

Main cast: 黃浩然 , 黃翠如, 麥長青 , 陳自瑤 , 樂瞳 Director: 陳耀全 Total Episodes: 20 Genre: Action Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Cantonese Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG Release Date: 04/10/2013 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 900 min (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

Kids’ Lives Matter 星空下的仁醫 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 鄭嘉穎 Kevin Cheng, 馬國明 Kenneth Ma, 鍾嘉欣 Linda Chung, 周家怡 Catherine Chau, 羅子溢 Him Law, 龔慈恩 Mimi Kung, 海俊傑 Gabriel Harrison, 陳自瑤 Yoyo Chen, 郭少芸 Florence Kwok, 何依婷 Ho Yee Ting, 張寶兒 Bowie Cheung, 康華 Akina Hong Directed by: 方浤酌 Ben Fong Total Episodes: 1-25 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: NC16 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 11 December 2021 Production Year: 2021 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 5 DVD

Lady Sour TVB Drama 醋娘子

Main cast: 胡杏儿,吴卓羲,罗仲谦 Director: 潘嘉德 Total Episodes: 20 Genre: Romance, Comedy Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Cantonese Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG13 Release Date: 27/02/15 Production Year: 2014 Running Time: Approx. 900 min (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

LAMP LORE 宝莲灯 1986 (TVB Drama DVD)

Product Information 主演: 汪明荃 / 任达华 / 杨盼盼 导演: 陈龙生 Audio: Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese Release Date: 15/06/2024 Rated: PG Number of Episodes: 9 Number of Disc: 3 DVD

Law dis-Order 律政強人 (TVB Drama DVD)

Law dis-Order centers its story on two authority and money-hungry lawyers, and how their obsession for power pushes them further and further away from morality. This drama brings back award-winning veteran actors Alex Fong (方中信) and Liu Kai-chi (廖啟智) in their first collaboration together at TVB. 《律政强人》是由香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作,罗永贤监制,方中信、廖启智、黄智雯、李佳芯、刘丹、钟景辉等主演的时装法律剧。 有人说法律的基本精神是维护公义,然而在功利挂帅的现实社会,法律被视作巧取豪夺的利刃。律师身为把关者,有多少能够按着良心,守住公义的底线? 该剧讲述律师行老板卓继尧因担心被下属刘谨昌谋朝篡位,遂招揽张强加入以牵制对方,展开律师楼内一场权力游戏的故事。

Law Enforcers 勇探實錄 (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)

反黑組高級督察張國鋒 (郭晉安疾惡如仇,心思細密,分析力強,天生是當警察的好材料。他熱愛工作,甚至因工作的緣故而犧牲了家庭。重案組督察周家榮 (張家輝是鋒的同僚兼好友,以殲滅天下壞為已任。鋒與榮在工作上雖時有争执,但卻無阻二人的合作無間,錢雅麗 (袁潔瑩),本以為加入了鋒的反黑組后可以一展所長,怎料鋒初始只委派她文書工作,令她滿不是味兒,對于鋒和榮,麗初期全無好感,因她以為鋒是拋妻棄子的負心漢,榮則是私生活不檢點的人,工作上合作多了,三人對大家的認識也隨之而增加,榮熱烈追求麗,麗與榮相處下去卻受不了榮凡事要求十全十美的性格。此際麗發現自己愛上了鋒,卻因為榮母去世而不忍離開榮。一段復雜的三角關系出現了,簡單的麗不懂處理,向鋒道明,鋒卻不想橫刀奪愛。此事更讓榮知道了,弄至兄弟鬩場…...

Legal Mavericks 2020 踩過界II (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 王浩信 Vincent Wong、張振朗 Owen Cheung、蔡思貝 Sisley Choi、張曦雯 Kelly Cheung、 秦沛 Paul Chun、簡淑兒 Jessica Kan、姜麗文 Lesley Chiang、秦煌 Chun Wong、 黃子恆 Hugo Wong、張國強 Cheung Kwok-keung Directed by: 林志華 Total Episodes: 1-28 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: NC16 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 16 January 2021 Production Year: 2020 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 6 DVDs 

Legal Mavericks 踩過界 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

Legal Mavericks is a Legal, Crime, Detective television drama created by Lam Chi-wah and TVB.《踩过界》(又名:《盲侠大律师》)是TVB和爱奇艺联合出品的都市探案题材情感剧,由林志华监制,王浩信、蔡思贝、李佳芯、张振朗、朱千雪等主演。该剧主要讲述四位年轻人用不同的专业角色和处案手法,维护无辜者的法律权利,在情与法中伸张正义的故事。此剧为2017无线节目巡礼之一、无线海外业务及简介2017所推介的17部剧集之一,2017年香港国际影视展16部剧集之一。男主角王浩信于《星和无线电视大奖2017》及《万千星辉颁奖典礼2017》 中凭“文申侠”一角夺得“最佳男主角”殊荣,成为“视帝”。


Product Information 主演: 金世康 / 何与 / 刘馨棋 / 肖添仁 / 曹艳艳 / 寇振海 / 张春仲 / 訾富尔 / 刘金 / 何禹均 导演: 潇庸 Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese / English Release Date: 04/05/2024 Rated: PG13 Number of Episodes: 28 Number of Disc: 5 DVD


Product Information 导演: 方骏钊 演員 : 蔡思贝 / 何广沛 / 吴伟豪 / 孔德贤 / 陈嘉慧 / 游嘉欣 / 许俊豪 / 李日朗 DVD: NTSC Audio: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: Chinese , English Release Date: 2/11/2023 Rated: NC16 Number of Episodes: 25 Number of Disc: 5 DVD

Life After Death 那些我愛過的人 (TVB Drama DVD9)


Rewind seven years and two families are ruined due to a serious traffic accident, causing destinies of Keung Yuk-shing (Frankie Lam) and Fong Lok-man (Priscilla Wong) to be rewritten. Fast-forward seven years and because of a traffic accident, Yuk-shing runs into Lok-man again. Life is still filled with ups and downs. Lok-man and her younger sister Fong Shu-man (Shiga Lin) do not get along like they used to as people close to them are leaving one after another. An eccentric doctor by the name of Koo Hei-san (Mark Ma) unexpectedly manages to get to the bottom of the problem. Lok-man is busily looking after her daughter Chu Hang-yee and stepson Chu Ka-bing (Zeno Koo). Yuk-shing, on the other hand, never understands the needs of his only daughter Keung Tsz-yau (Chloe So). Fate brings Tsz-yau and Ka-bing together. Their mutual friend Mok Yu-him (Kyle Li) comes across even more problems because of their relationship, which also causes the truth about a traffic accident that took place all those years ago to gradually surface. The chums even have to prepare for change again.


Limelight Years 華麗轉身 (TVB Drama DVD)

Starring: 汪明荃 Liza Wang、劉松仁 Damian Lau、鍾嘉欣 Linda Chung、方力申 Alex Fong、 岑麗香 Eliza Sam、翟威廉 William Chak、李成昌 Li Shing Cheong、張國強 Cheung Kwok Keung、 黃子恆 Hugo Wong、王梓軒 Wong Chee Hynn Directed by: 莊偉建 Total Episodes: 1-22 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 2015 Production Year: 2014 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 4 DVDs