Come Back Alive 回来吧大叔 (Korean Drama DVD)
After being worked to death, Kim Young Soo (Kim In Kwon) gets the chance to live a charmed life when he possesses Lee Hae Joon (Rain), a hottie and all around perfect guy. Meanwhile, Hong Nan (Oh Yeon Seo) starts behaving as if she’s possessed by a man, and Shin Da Hye (Lee Min Jung) — a widow with new romantic appetites — turn Hae Joon’s department store upside down.
Come On, Cousin 老表,你好 Hea!
Come with Me 性在有情 (TVB Drama DVD)
Country Spirit 酒是故鄉醇 (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)
古世龍 (秦沛) 乃酒廠當家,因顧念情義而收留舊情人的私生子阿純 (林家棟)。純寄人籬下,飽受屈辱,幸其生性豁達,毫不介意任低微的「酒尾公」。 世龍妹古瑤 (鄧萃雯) 處處關懷純,純對瑤早生情愫,惜瑤念念不忘已逝世的蒸煮師傅裘真 (曾偉權),不能釋懷。世龍獨子桂生 (馬德鐘) 為國從軍,音訊杳然,古家以為其已死,替他安排冥婚,新娘是以拉橫水渡為生的黎順風 (佘詩曼)。 順風為人執著、硬朗,與古家上下皆合不來,幸得純從旁勸解,人才像美酒經過蒸釀般越見醇厚。純其後拜「火王」金吉祥 (元華) 為師;祥早期喪妻,與瑤同病相憐,發展成一對鬥氣冤家。 世龍中風,古家內部爭權奪利,鬧得天翻地覆,風只好以大少奶身分擔起當家之位,與純合力助酒廠渡過難關。二人日久生情,豈料生卻於此時突然回家。風已為人妻,純重情義,二人能否衝破沉重的道德枷鎖,以真愛釀出醉人美酒?
Couple on the Backtrack 告白夫婦 (Korean Drama DVD9)
Set in an alternate universe, in which Korea is a constitutional monarchy in 2018, Oh Sunny (by Jang Na-ra) is a bright and vivacious musical actress who marries the emperor (by Shin Sung-rok). She becomes involved in the palace power struggle and a mysterious murder that sets off events that threaten the monarchy itself, while searching for true love and happiness. But, she ends up falling in love with Na Wang Sik (by Choi Jin-hyuk) who works as a bodyguard for the imperial family. He started working in the palace to take revenge on the person responsible for his mother’s death.
Crazy Love Korean Drama Premium
Cruel Temptation 妻子的誘惑 (庆功版) (Korean Drama DVD – 中文字幕 Chinese Subtitle)
Starring: 張瑞希 Jang Seo-hee、金瑞亨 Kim Seo-hyung、邊宇民 Byun Woo-min、李在煌 Lee Jae Hwang
Total Episodes: 1-129 (完整版)
Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
Subtitle: Chinese
Rated: PG
Studio: SBS
Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2009
Production Year: 2008
Running Time: Approx. 35 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 8 DVDs
Cunning Single Lady Premium Korean Drama
Main cast:Lee Min-jeong,Joo Sang-wook,Kim Gyoo-ri-I,Seo Kang-joon,L,Hwang Bo-ra.
Director: Ko Dong-seon
Total Episodes: 16
Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
Subtitle: English, Chinese
Rated: PG
Studio: MBC
Release Date: 19/12/2014
Production Year: 2014
Running Time: Approx. 960min (16 Episodes)
No. of Disc: 4
DA CHANG JIN 大长今 (Korean Drama DVD)
Starring: 李英爱 Lee Young-ae、池珍熙 Ji Jin-hee、洪利娜 Hong Ri-na、 林湖 Lim Ho
Directed by: Lee Byung-hoon
Total Episodes: 1-54 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese
Rated: PG
Studio: MBC
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 13 August 2022
Production Year: 2003
Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 19 DVDs
Daddy Cool 逆緣 (TVB Drama DVD)
This drama Daddy Cool is about multi-generational relationships. There are family warmth and the topic of values. The theme is similar to “Iceman Cometh”. The genre is fantasy. People of different generations have different morals, ethics, and values. A person from the 1940s, who was frozen and is not thawed out until 2018, has to adapt to the modern living environment, creating a lot of jokes and having a lighthearted side.