Showing 481–492 of 827 results

The Promise 天上的約定 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

The Promise / Heaven's Promise is a 2016 South Korean television series starring Lee Yoo-ri (in a twin role), Seo Jun-young, Park Ha-na and Song Jong-ho.《天上的約定》是由《今天開始我愛你》全雨盛導演執導與《天國的眼淚》許寅茂、金妍信作家合作打造的日日連續劇。主要講述一個開朗善良的女子遭心愛之人背叛,媽媽和女兒以及雙胞胎妹妹間接被害死後,偽裝成雙胞胎妹妹嫁給仇人的弟弟之後向他們一家進行復仇的故事。 劇中李幼梨(又譯:李宥利)一人分饰两角,同时出演一对双胞胎姐妹李娜妍和白道熙。两姐妹的性格截然相反,李娜妍性格温柔、爱情至上;白道熙则是一位刻薄高傲、难以接近的报社记者。


Product Information 主演: 佘詩曼 / 馬國明 / 李施嬅 / 高海寧 / 王敏奕 / 何依婷 / 鄧智堅 / 譚俊彥 / 龔慈恩 / 吳業坤 导演: 姜振傑 / 陳海斌 Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese / English Release Date: 11/03/2024 Rated: NC16 Number of Episodes: 26 Number of Disc: 5 DVD

The Righteous Fists 鐵拳英雄 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 陳展鵬 Ruco Chan, 唐詩詠 Natalie Tong, 陳山聰 Joel Chan, 姚子羚 Elaine Yiu, 伍允龍 Philip Ng, 元 秋 Yuen Qiu, 王君馨 Grace Wong, 劉穎鏇 Tiffany Lau, 歐瑞偉 Au Siu Wai, 張國強 KK Cheung  Directed by: 文偉鴻 Jazz Boon Total Episodes: 1-30 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG13 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 7 March 2022 Production Year: 2022 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 6 DVD

The Ringmaster 拳王 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 黎耀祥 Wayne Lai, 張振朗 Owen Cheung, 譚俊彥 Shaun Tam, 姚子羚 Elaine Yiu, 賴慰玲 Winki Lai, 蔡 潔 Jacky Cai, 朱敏瀚 Brian Chu, 黃子恆 Hugo Wong, 許家傑 Jack Hui, 鄭子誠 Timothy Cheng Directed by: 陳耀全 Andy Chan Total Episodes: 1-25 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG13 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 19 January 2022 Production Year: 2021 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 5 DVD

The Runner 大步走 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 陳山聰 Joel Chan, 姚子羚 Elaine Yiu, 張達倫 Max Cheung, 劉穎鏇 Tiffany Lau, 羅天宇 Joey Law, 陳自瑤 YoYo Chen, 胡諾言 Jack Wu, 趙希洛 Candice Chiu, 蔣志光 Ram Chiang, 張國強 KK Cheung Directed by: 黃偉聲Wong Wai Sing Total Episodes: 1-25 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 10 May 2021 Production Year: 2019 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 5 DVDs 

The Scandal A Very Shocking & Immoral Incident

Main cast: Jo Yoon-hee,Kim Jae-won,Jo Jae-hyeon,Sin Eun-kyeong,Park Sang-min,Kim Hye-ri. Director: Kim Jin-man Total Episodes: 36 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: MBC Release Date: 12/06/14 Production Year: 2013 Running Time: Approx. 2160 min (36 Episodes) No. of Disc: 8

The Scholar Who Walks the Night 夜行书生 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

“Scholar Who Walks the Night” is a 2015 South Korean supernatural drama series directed by Lee Sung Joon. It is based on a webcomic written by Jo Joo Hee and Han Seung Hee.《夜行书生》改编自赵周熙、韩胜熙的漫画《夜行儒士》,是韩国MBC电视台于2015年7月8日起播出的水木迷你连续剧,由李成俊导演,张贤珠编剧,李准基、李侑菲、沈昌珉、金素恩、李洙赫等主演。

The Sling Shot 男人的故事 (Korean Drama DVD9)

Starring: 朴龙河 Park Yong-ha、朴诗妍 Park Si-yeon、金康宇 Kim Kang-woo Total Episodes: 1-20 (完整版) Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese & English Rated: PG Studio: KBS Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 2009 Production Year: 2009 Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode No. of Disc: 5 DVDs

The Stew of Life 有營煮婦 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 李司棋 Louise Lee、伍詠薇 Christine Ng、陳法拉 Fala Chen、鍾景輝 Chung King Fai、 洪天明 Timmy Hung、麥長青 Mak Cheung-ching、李思捷 Johnson Lee、王合喜 Ken Wong Directed By: 王心慰 Total Episodes: 1-30 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: English Rated: PG Studio: TVB Media Format: NTSC Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 2010 Production Year: 2009 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 6 DVDs 

The Three Musketeers 三剑客 (Korean DVD)

Main cast: Jung Yong-hwa Lee Jin-wook Yang Dong-geun Jung Hae-in Seo Hyun-jin Director: Kim Byung-soo Total Episodes: 12 Genre: Period drama, Action, Romance, Drama, Political Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG13 Release Date: 29/5/2023 Production Year: 2014 Running Time: Approx. 720 min (12 Episodes) No. of Disc: 3

The Tofu War 灿烂的外母 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

《灿烂的外母》TVB的时装喜剧电视剧,故事以岳母与女婿的关系做背景,由薛家燕、黎诺懿及汤洛雯领衔主演,并由林嘉华、姚子羚及张颕康联合主演,编审蔡淑贤、汤健萍,监制欧耀兴。 此剧有部分艺人是同盟班底.

The Town: The Uninvited 村莊:阿雉阿拉的祕密 (Korean Drama DVD)

Achiara is a small and peaceful village with nearly zero crime. One day, So-Yoon (Moon Geun-Young) arrives in Achiara. She will teach English at the local school. On her first day at work, she finds a buried body. So-Yoon and Police Officer Woo-Jae (Yook Sung-Jae) attempt to find the truth. As they get closer to the truth, the ugliness of the village is revealed. 本剧由文瑾莹、陆星材、温朱万、申恩庆等主演 ,主要讲述了在一个和平的村庄里发现一具被埋藏多年的尸体,进而这个村庄的秘密被一步步揭露的故事。