Showing 445–456 of 827 results

The Exorcist’s Meter 降魔的 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

The play is about the yin and yang of the horse season is a taxi driver, but also a demon demon can be a "priest", and different sub-space of biological contact, listen to their stories, feel their emotions s story. This drama is one of the 2017 radio program tour 14 drama series, by the wireless staff spontaneously provide original story plot, the introduction of infinite expectations. 《降魔的》是TVB拍摄制作的时装惊悚、鬼魂、喜剧电视剧,由马国明、黄智雯、胡鸿钧、刘佩玥领衔主演,并由黄子恒、蒋志光、谢雪心、阮小仪及金刚联合主演,监制方骏钊。此剧为2017无线节目巡礼14部剧集之一,亦是无线电视50周年4部台庆剧之一。

The Fearless Duo 天师执位 (TVB Drama DVD9)


Master CHEUNG (Lau Tan) gets injured after fighting with the cult leader SUEN CI (Shek Kin). He runs away and meets his future apprentice SZETO MAN MO (Miu Kiu Wai) as well as the government official’s daughter LAM CHOR YIN (Yung Mei Ling). MO is engaged to YIN but he is not devoted to her at all. Even though YIN loves him whole-heartedly, MO desert her on their wedding day. Soon after, MO falls into an actress FA YING FUNG (Chiang Lai Ping) by knowing nothing of her veil of deceit. After being hurt seriously by FUNG, MO realizes that YIN is his true love and he returns to her eventually. Unfortunately. YIN’s spirit is captured by CI on their wedding night. In order to rescue his wife, Mo starts practicing black magic but this leads to disastrous outcomes...

張天師(劉丹)與邪教魔頭宣慈(石坚)鬥法不敵後負傷逃去,結識了日後的徒兒司徒文武(苗僑偉)與官小姐林楚燕(翁美玲)︒文武與楚燕早有婚約,惜神女有心,襄王無夢,文武無視楚燕滿腔愛意,成親之日便狠心休妻,後更迷戀戲子花凝鳳(蔣麗萍),懵然不知其居心叵測︒ 患難見真情,歷盡情傷的文武終於浪子回頭,與楚燕心意想通︒惜好景不常,花燭之夜,楚燕元神為宣慈所奪,文武救妻心切,冒險修習心魔大法,卻惹來無窮後患......

The Fixer 拆局專家 (TVB Drama DVD)

Starring: 錢嘉樂 Chin Ka-lok、黃智雯 Mandy Wong、袁偉豪 Benjamin Yuen、朱晨麗 Rebecca Zhu、 洪天明 Timmy Hung、朱千雪 Tracy Chu、黃淑儀 Gigi Wong、魯振順 Henry Lo、 李國麟 Joseph Lee、呂珊 Rosanne Lui、蓋世寶 LuLu Kai Directed by: 潘嘉德 Total Episodes: 1-21 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: NC16 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 2015 Production Year: 2015 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 4 DVDs 

The Forgotten Day 失憶24小時 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 郭晉安 Roger Kwok、譚俊彥 Shaun Tam、姜大衞 David Chiang、王君馨 Grace Wong、 湯洛雯 Roxanne Tong、譚凱琪 Zoie Tam、江欣燕 Elvina Kong、何遠東 Anthony Ho、 張達倫 Max Cheung、劉思希 Lisa Lau Directed by: 王心慰 Amy Wong Sum-wai Total Episodes: 1-27 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG13 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 01 May 2021 Production Year: 2019 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 5 DVDs 

The Forgotten Valley 平安谷之詭谷傳說 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

In the early years of the Republic of China, in a remote, backwards-thinking village - Safety Valley - women have always been bullied by men due to a male chauvinist feudal philosophy. A couple that has been influenced by Western thinking return to Safety Valley, hoping to change and build their hometown...... 《平安谷之詭谷傳說》是一部民初倫理懸疑恩仇電視劇;由黃浩然、蘇玉華及陳凱琳領銜主演,並由劉江、朱晨麗、龔嘉欣、阮兆祥及韋家雄聯合主演,編審湯健萍及蔡淑賢,監製陳耀全。故事主題為「一條封閉的村莊,一場男女的鬥爭」,講及一條村莊重男輕女的故事。此劇為2017年香港國際影視展16部劇集之一及2018無綫節目巡禮13部劇集之一。

The Fugitive Of Joseon Korean Drama Dvd

Main cast: Lee Dong-wook,Song Ji-hyo,Song Jong-ho,Yoon Jin-i,Kim Yoo-bin-I,Seulong. Director: Jeon Woo-seong , Lee Jin-seo Total Episodes: 20 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: KBS Release Date: 08/05/14 Production Year: 2013 Running Time: Approx. 1200 min (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 5

The Gang Doctor 龍八夷

Main cast: Joo Won Kim Tae-hee Chae Jung-an Jo Hyun-jae Director: Oh Jin-suk Total Episodes: 18 Genre: Melodrama| Action | Romance | Medical Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG13 Release Date: 30/4/16 Production Year: 2015 Running Time: Approx. 1,080 min (18 Episodes) No. of Disc: 5

The Girl Who Can See Smell 看见味道的少女 (KOREAN DRAMA DVD)

Main cast: Park Yoo-chun Shin Se-kyung Namgung Min Yoon Jin-seo Director: Baek Soo-chan & Oh Choong-hwan Total Episodes: 16 Genre: Romance, Suspense, Comedy, Fantasy Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG13 Release Date: 12/7/23 Production Year: 2015 Running Time: Approx. 960 min (16 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

The Good Wife 傲骨贤妻 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

The Good Wife is a South Korean television series starring Jeon Do-yeon, Yoo Ji-tae and Yoon Kye-sang. It is a Korean drama remake of the American television series of the same title which aired on CBS from 2009 to 2016. It broadcast on the cable network tvN for 16 episodes from July 8 to August 27, 2016. 《傲骨贤妻》是韩国tvN电视台于2016年7月8日首播的金土剧,由李政孝执导,韩相运编剧,全度妍、刘智泰、尹启相主演。该剧翻拍自同名美剧,讲述了全职主妇金慧敬在遭到检察官丈夫李泰俊背叛后,时隔多年重返律师事务所工作的故事。

The Idle Mermaid 剩余公主

Main cast: Jo Bo-ah On Joo-wan Song Jae-rim Park Ji-soo Director: Baek Seung-ryong Total Episodes: 10 Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Comedy, Drama Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG13 Release Date: 05/11/15 Production Year: 2014 Running Time: Approx. 600 min (10 Episodes) No. of Disc: 3

The Imperial Coroner 機智女法醫 (TVB Drama DVD)

Starring: 蘇曉彤 Xiaotong Su, 王子奇 Ziqi Wang, 楊廷東 Tingdong Yang, 趙堯珂 Yaoke Zhao, 王彥鑫 Yanxin Wang, 郭秋成 Qiucheng Guo, 穆懷虎 Huaihu Mu Directed by: 樓 健 Jian Lou Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG13 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 13 May 2022 Production Year: 2022 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 4 DVD

The Inheritors 繼承者 (Korean Drama DVD – Limited Circular Steel Box Edition)
