Showing 301–312 of 827 results

My Ages Apart 誇世代 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

My Ages Apart is a 2017 comedy drama produced by TVB starring Bobby Au-yeung, Moses Chan, Louis Cheung, Kristal Tin, Ali Lee and Maggie Shiu. 《夸世代》是一部香港无线时装商战、科幻、喜剧、恩仇电视剧,由欧阳震华、陈豪、张继聪、田蕊妮、李佳芯及邵美琪领衔主演,并由许绍雄、关礼杰、森美、江美仪、龚嘉欣及姜大卫联合主演。监制陈维冠。该剧制作费逾5000万港元。此剧为2017无线节目巡礼14部剧集之一、无线海外业务及简介2017所推介的17部剧集之一、2017年香港国际影视展16部剧集之一,亦为无线电视50周年4部台庆剧之一。该剧主要讲述宋仲基因一次坠机意外与包豹互换身体,与邝港生和刘行联手,兵分三路混入尚家的故事。于2017年11月6日在TVB首播,获得2017年度TVB万千星辉颁奖典礼最佳剧集奖。

My Commissioned Lover 婚姻合伙人 (TVB Drama DVD9)

From the operation of partitioned flats to the establishment of a property agency, LONG CHIU-YUNG (Mat Yeung) and PUI KING-CHI (Samantha Ko) are colleagues and later become a couple, making them great partners in business and life. However, for KING-CHI, who grew up as a loner, running a family is riskier than a business. It is because she has to tolerate CHIU-YUNG's whole family, including her brother-in-law CHIU-YAN (Billy Luk) with low self-esteem, sister-in-law Chiu-SHUN (Roxanne Tong), who falls in love with playboy YING HEI (Kenny Wong), etc. Fortunately, CHIU-YUNG loves KING-CHI dearly and he does not even hesitate to take the blame for her and go to jail. With the company in crisis, KING-CHI, who does not want to see CHIU-YUNG end up penniless after being released from jail, schemes to rely on her ex-boyfriend YING HEI by using her daughter. Yet, KING-CHI is just being so excessively greedy that the pair end up breaking up! The deeper the love, the deeper the hate. They have since turned against each other.....   郎朝勇(楊明飾)、貝競枝(高海寧飾)由合作經營劏房到開設地產代理公司,再由最佳拍檔結成夫婦,成為在公在私的合伙人。然而對自小單打獨鬥的競枝來說,經營一個家庭比一盤生意來得冒險,事關這意味她要包容朝勇的全家-自卑的小叔朝仁(陸永飾)、戀上花花公子邢呇(黃德斌飾)的小姑朝信(湯洛雯飾)等。還好朝勇深愛競枝,不惜替她頂罪入獄。公司危機湧現,競枝不想朝勇出獄後一無所有,利用女兒設計投靠前男友邢呇。只是競枝貪念氾濫,最終拆伙收場!愛得真、恨得深,兩人從此反目成仇…  

My Dangerous Mafia Retirement Plan 火线下的江湖大佬 (TVB Drama DVD)

My Dangerous Mafia Retirement Plan plot centers on triad members who are no longer in their prime and must learn to survive in middle age. It also tells of triads who must learn to adjust to life outside once they are release from incarceration after serving a long prison sentence. 《火线下的江湖大佬》是香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作的时装喜剧舞狮电视剧,由梁材远担任监制,郑则士、黄光亮、陈炜、岑丽香、杨明、陈山聪、苑琼丹及沈卓盈等领衔主演。

My Daughter Geum Sa-wol 我的女兒琴四月 (Korean Drama DVD)

Sa Wol is an architect who’s born on the same day as the hero, and is therefore fated to love him. She's a cheerful young woman with a bright nature, which seems a little at odds with the drama that’s about someone who tries to hide the truth, and someone who’s out for revenge. 女主人公琴四月(白珍熙饰)是她的生母申德艺(钱忍和饰)婚外恋生下的女儿,被遗弃在保育院里,但她是一位在任何困难下都绝不低头的乐天派,与男主人公江灿彬(尹贤敏饰)同一天出生并陷入爱河,引发一系列喜怒哀乐的故事 。


Main cast: 李寶英、李相侖、千浩振,朴海鎮、崔正佑、洪堯燮 Director: 劉賢基 Total Episodes: 50 Genre: Family, Melodrama, Romance Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG Release Date: 25 Aug 2013 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 2250 min (50 Episodes) No. of Disc: 12


Main cast: 陈世妍 李智勋 崔振赫 赵敏秀 朴尚元 Director: 朴英洙 Total Episodes: 131 Genre: Family, Romance Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese Rated: PG Studio: SBS Release Date: 26 Dec 2012 Production Year: 2011 Running Time: Approx. 5895 min (131 Episodes) No. of Disc: 7

My Father Is Strange 爸爸好奇怪 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

This drama is about a family that lives on the outskirts of Seoul. Byun Han Soo is the father and His wife, Na Yeong Shil is a dedicated, responsible mother to his three daughters and one son including Hye Yeong, Mi Yeong, Ra Yeong, and Joon Young. Suddenly one day, Ahn Joong Hee shows up at the household and declares that he is the son of the family. Joong Hee is an actor who used to be a member of an idol group. He begins to live with them... 卞家是一個擁有四個子女的大家庭,卞漢秀(金英哲飾)與妻子羅英實(金海淑飾)一起經營著一家小壽司店,二人勤勞努力,因此店裡生意興隆。四個子女均未婚。大兒子卞俊英(閔鎮雄飾)已經準備了五年公務員考試,但屢戰屢敗,屢敗屢戰,他下定決心今年一定要通過考試。大女兒卞惠英(李宥利飾)是一位美貌與智慧並存的律師,十分注意自身形象,追求高品質的生活。二女兒卞美英(鄭素敏飾)一直在找工作,性格溫和善良。老幺卞羅英(柳和榮飾)性格乖張,喜歡漂亮衣服和包包,經常和大姐惠英拌嘴。一家人過著吵鬧但又溫馨的幸福生活。 然而,一輩子只知道勤懇工作、為了家人付出的善良耿直的卞漢秀,卻有著到死為止也不能說出去的秘密,三十多年來,他和妻子一直辛苦地背負著這個秘密,過著小心翼翼的生活。直到有一天,自稱是卞漢秀兒子的藝人安重希(李准飾)的出現打破了這個家的平靜以及卞漢秀和妻子多年來一直想要堅守的秘密。

My Golden Life 황금빛 내 인생 我黃金光輝的人生 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

Everyone dreams of becoming successful and leading a wonderful life, but the glass ceiling is solidified even more nowadays. This is a story of a woman whereby she has a chance to climb up in social status, but she ends up falling into a bottomless pit instead. She tries to seek happiness from where she is. This drama will console those who are still hoping and dreaming of escaping the rock bottom life 這一部講述了原本以為迎來千年一遇機會提升自己身分的女主角,反而走進了人生的低谷,在此期間重新找回幸福的故事。對因繼承父母的能力或財富而決定孩子等級一事陷入絕望的人們, 以關於“幸福的基準”的思考契機的故事。它是一部探討人生,人性的電視劇,同時也是近四年取得韓國平均收視率超過45%的“國名電視劇”。


Main cast: 李熙俊,金元俊,姜敏赫 Director: Yoon Yeo-jeong Total Episodes: 58 Genre: Comedy, Family, Romance Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG Studio: KBS2 Release Date: 10 June 2013 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 2610 min (58 Episodes) No. of Disc: 12


Main cast: 金南珠,刘俊相,尹汝贞,张勇 Director: Yoon Yeo-jeong Total Episodes: 58 Genre: Comedy, Family, Romance Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG Studio: KBS2 Release Date: 10 May 2013 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 2610 min (58 Episodes) No. of Disc: 12

My Lawyer, Mr. Jo 邻家律师赵德浩 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

Jo Deul Ho (Park Shin-yang) who once had a bright future ahead of him as a star prosecutor, and was the son-in-law to the head of the largest law firm in their country. But when he witnesses corruption in the prosecutor’s office and reports it, he loses everything. He tries to rebuild his life and turn his small and pathetic neighborhood law office into a second chance to become a lawyer who protects people and protects the law, and grows as a person in the process. 《邻家律师赵德浩》是KBS于2016年3月28日播出的励志月火剧,改编自同名网络漫画,由李政燮执导,李香熙编剧,朴信阳、姜素拉、柳秀荣、朴帅眉主演。该剧讲述赵德浩因卷入到检察机关内部告发事件之中,从一名检察官降级为处理普通生活家庭事务的社区辩护律师的故事。

My Life As Loan Shark 街坊財爺 (TVB Drama DVD9)


Tai Kam-chai (Kent Cheng), aka Loan Shark, is a gangster style money lender who uses some dodgy debt collection method. Even though his wife Rose Chu (Maggie Shiu) keeps persuading him to quit, he has no regrets about what he is doing. Police Inspector Ching Yue-sum (Lai Lok Yi) has been keeping his eye on Kam-chai’s flagrant business and debt collection activities. Yue-sum has a righteous character and despises wrongdoers. He is determined to bring the villains to justice. On a certain day, amid thunderous lightning, Kam-chai abandons his ruthless ways as he is moved by some heavenly enlightenment. He uses his wealth to make contributions to the community and eventually transforms into Everybody’s Generous Papa.
