Showing 241–252 of 787 results

Lord Of Shanghai 梟雄 (TVB Drama DVD)

年少气盛的乔傲天 (马国明) 只身闯荡风云际会的上海滩,与码头恶霸龚啸山 (黎耀祥) 结拜,合力以拳头打江山,傲天的机智聪明迅得黑白两道头号人物翟金棠 (汤镇业) 赏识,金棠对傲天委以重任,设局抢夺觊觎已久的鸦片生意,傲天挟啸山军阀之势完成大任。时光飞逝,新政府上任,傲天 (黄秋生) 联合金棠和啸山合组的公司版图不断扩张,成为上海最有权力的三大亨,但三人却为第一大亨之名争斗不休,傲天虽然事业如日方中,却得不到京剧名旦顾小楼 (胡杏儿) 的爱意,只好寄情另一花旦曹月兰 (苏玉华),及后更成为夫妻。其时,歌舞升平的上海危机四伏,日本部署侵华,工会领袖毛冠潮 (敖嘉年) 为民抗命,令傲天深受感动,七七事变爆发,傲天出钱出力救国救民,时势使然啸山与他渐行渐远,竟走上卖国之路引致兄弟决裂。历经抗战胜利和上海解放,由寂寂无闻的小子一跃而成上海一代枭雄的傲天,最后被心腹门生黎兆匡 (吴卓羲) 背叛诬蔑为汉奸,只好放弃一切避走香港,回归平淡……


Main cast: Lee Sung-jae, Lee Soo-kyung, Han Eun-jung, Ryu Soo-young Director: Yun Jae-mun, Lee Sang-yeop Total Episodes: 16 Genre: Romance Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese Rated: PG Studio: MBC Release Date: 11 Oct 2011 Production Year: 2011 Running Time: Approx. 720 min (16 Episodes) No. of Disc: 8

Love as a Predatory Affair 爱情食物链 (TVB Drama DVD)

The drama is an indirect spin-off of Kitty Yuen and King Kong Lee's popular reality food tour variety series Neighborhood Gourmet, which has spanned 3 series to date. 《爱情食物链》是香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作的时装电视剧,由阮小仪、金刚、高海宁、陈智燊、郑子诚、何雁诗等主演,徐正康担任监制。

Love in the Moonlight 云画的月光 (Korean Drama DVD)

Love in the Moonlight is a South Korean television series starring Park Bo-gum and Kim Yoo-jung with Jinyoung, Chae Soo-bin and Kwak Dong-yeon. A domestic and overseas hit, Moonlight achieved peak audience rating of 23.3% in South Korea and received praise for its production, performances and music. The press referred to its popularity as "Moonlight Syndrome" as it topped topicality, content and brand reputation charts in and beyond its run. 《云画的月光》是由金昇允、白尚勋执导,金敏贞、林艺珍编剧,朴宝剑、金裕贞主演的月火剧,于2016年8月22日在韩国KBS电视台首播。该剧根据同名小说改编,以19世纪朝鲜为背景,讲述了意图复兴朝鲜王朝的世子李韺和女扮男装入宫的女性问题专家洪乐瑥之间的浪漫爱情故事。

Love In The Purple 紫钗奇缘 Tvb Drama

Main cast: 林峰,叶璇,陈怡蓉 Director: 景志刚,杨卓兴 Total Episodes: 43 Genre: Action, Romance Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Cantonese Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG Release Date: 01/08/14 Production Year: 2014 Running Time: Approx. 1935 min (43 Episodes) No. of Disc: 8

Love In Trouble 奇怪的搭檔 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

Noh Ji-wook (by Ji Chang-wook), a prosecutor, met Eun Bong-hee (by Nam Ji-hyun), a 1st year judicial trainee for the first time in unexpected embracing incident. Three months later, they meet again as a supervisor and probationer. Things getting worse when Bong-hee suddenly gets caught as a suspect for he ex-boyfriend's murder. While she becomes a defendant and Ji-wook who is known as a harsh prosecutor, what will he do next? 盧智旭(池昌旭飾)為了替父親實現夢想而成為檢察官,外貌與才華並存的他後因故轉行成為律師。殷奉熙(南志鉉飾)是一名跆拳道少年國家代表出身的司法研修生。因一場神秘事件,殷奉熙意外成為了犯罪嫌疑人。為了找出真兇,現為律師的盧智旭和身為實習檢察官的她變組起了“奇怪的搭檔”。


Main cast: Jo Hyun Jae, Ji Jin Hee, Soo Ae, Son Hyun Joo, Kim Yoon Kyung Director: Oh Kyung Hoon Total Episodes: 16 Genre: Modern, Family Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Korean Subtitle: Chinese Rated: PG Studio: MBC Release Date: 02/01/2009 Production Year: 2008 Running Time: Approx. 720 min (16 Episodes) No. of Disc: 2

Love of A Forgotten Century 万水千山风雨情 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 郑嘉颖 Kevin Cheng、徐熙颜 Xu Xi Yan、张芷溪 Zhang Zhi Xi、刘向京 Liu Xiang Jing、王诗槐 Wang Shi Huai、戴春荣 Dai Chun Rong、宋洋 Song Yang Directed by: 蔡昌盛 Total Episodes: 1-30 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG13 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 04 December 2020 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 6 DVDs

Love To The End 愛到最後 (Korean Drama DVD9)

When Ga-yeong was a teenager, her father's company went bankrupt. After her parents divorced, Ga-yeong has to take care of the housework and her family. Nevertheless, she has a bright personality. Her father then starts a cosmetics company. She works at her father's company and takes her job seriously. Meanwhile, Ga-yeong has never had a boyfriend. One day, she meets Yun Jeong-han, the successor of a family who owned glass factory. Han Ga-yeong falls in love with him 劇講述即使彼此非常相愛的男女主角,被人陷害后被迫分手并陷入困境之中,最終克服困難而复合的故事。

Lovers in Paris 巴黎恋人 (Korean Drama DVD)

女主角姜苔玲 (金政恩 饰) 在父亲去世后,背负着父亲的梦想前往巴黎游学。在巴黎的日子得靠打工才能维持生计。有天她找到在富商韩启柱 (朴新阳 饰) 的家里打杂的工作。启柱是韩国GD汽车集团的社长,拥有数亿资产的财团,具贵族、绅士气息,因为经历过父亲安排的婚姻,最后以失败收场,而造成他对爱情的恐惧。在法国遇上苔玲时,启柱被苔玲坦率的言行、单纯的思想所吸引。另一方面,自小离家、个性不羁的尹修赫(李东健 饰)是启柱的外甥,也对苔玲一见锺情。面对两个性格不同,却都对自己一往情深的男人,苔玲开始了艰难的爱情抉择……


Also known as: Angry Mom, Mom's Dead Upset Main cast: 申恩慶、柳鎮、金智有、奇太映、李宥利、李順才、姜富子 Director: 鄭乙永 Total Episodes: 66 Genre: Romance, family Audio Tracks: Mandarin & korean Subtitle: Chinese Rated: PG Studio: KBS2 Release Date: 02/05/2010 Production Year: 2008 Running Time: Approx. 2970 min (66 Episodes) No. of Disc: 9

Man From the Equator 적도의 남자 赤道的男人 (Korean Drama DVD9)

Starring: 嚴泰雄 Eom Tae-woong、李浚赫 Lee Joon-hyeok、李寶英 Lee Bo-yeong、林正恩 Lim Jeong-eun Directed by: 金容秀 Kim Yong Soo、韓相佑 Han Sang Woo Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG Studio: KBS Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 02 July 2013 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode No. of Disc: 5 DVDs