Synopsis 剧情简介
As the Tang Dynasty enters its later years, its once powerful clan experiences a steady decline. People become obsessed with the pursuit of eternal life while Wu Xin wishes for nothing more than to die and forever rest in peace.
In his travels, demon hunter Wu Xin (Elvis Han) meets the unusual Liu siblings. Older sister Qingluan (Chen Yao) is brave and headstrong while her younger brother Xuanhu (Chen Yao) is weak-willed and sly. As Wu Xin and Qingluan team up to resolve a series of bizarre incidents, they start to cherish each other over time. Qingluan falls for Wu Xin but does not dare to confess her feelings. Although Wu Xin feels the same way, he does not wish for her to waste her time on him.
When a mysterious letter arrives, they set forth on a new journey as Wu Xin escorts the two siblings back to their hometown in search of the truth. Treacherous roads lie in wait and they soon discover that the real mastermind is an old foe of Wu Xin’s along with a shocking conspiracy about gaining immortal life.
強盛的大唐帝國已經步入黃昏,煊赫的大氏族日漸沒落。權貴與百姓都在不甘的掙紮, 追求著虛妄的永生, 而無心,卻一心求死。在此期間,他邂逅了神秘的柳家姐弟,姐姐青鸞英武果決, 弟弟玄鵠孱弱腹黑。 無心和青鸞聯手解決了一系列離奇事件,彼此惺惺相惜。青鸞愛慕無心,卻不敢表白,無心欣賞青鸞,卻不願耽誤她。一封神秘來信打破了日常生活,無心護送姐弟倆返鄉。他們本想查明真相,不料卻被卷入種種殘酷詭譎的事端…幾經艱險,幕後黑手終於浮出水面一一竟是和無心結有宿怨的白琉璃。而白琉璃身後,居然還有著一一個關於長生不老的驚天陰謀。決戰中,無心意外找到了取死之法,本可以獲得夢寐以求的解脫,卻在最後關頭為了青鸞而毅然放棄。此時的他還不知道,青鸞玄鵠姐弟和千余年後的嶽綺羅,有著千絲萬縷的聯系….