Technical Information
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
Miu Chun (Gallen Lo) was once diagnosed with cancer, and became really depressed. Cheung Ka-Ka (Tracy Ip), a nurse, comforted him and later became his girlfriend. Soon after he recovered, the two adopted a cat, Can Can, and a dog, 大巴 (Dai Ba). One day 大巴 ran across a road, Ka-Ka tried to rescue the dog from an oncoming car but died in the accident herself. From that day on Chun hated dogs and abandoned Dai Ba.Chow Chi-Yu (Myolie Wu) found 大巴 wandering on the streets and brought him back to her father’s kennel. However, 大巴 carried a deadly virus and killed all the dogs at the kennel. Since then, Yu’s father became employed with the pound to catch abandoned dogs. Her brother, Chow Chi-Jim (David Lui), and sister-in-law, Shui Tin-Lan (Margie Tsang) opened a pet shop to earn money for the family.Yu starts her first day of work at Raptor Advertising Company alongside her boyfriend, Carson Ying Hoi-Leung (Raymond Wong) and Chun. Later, Yu finds Siu Ba(小巴), Dai Ba’s brother, on the street, and brings him back to the company and promotes him as their advertising icon. Chun was forced to take Siu Ba home and discovers that dogs are not as bad as he thought.Carson is caught cheating with another woman, and soon Yu and Chun develop a relationship. Kit Man Chi-Kei (Bernice Liu), the boss’ daughter, returns from the United States and is given full responsibility of Raptor. Kit is always finding ways to disturb and annoy Chun. He discovers that she secretly has a crush on him. Chun needs to make the decision of which women to be with but is faced with the tragic news of his cancer reappearing Chun soon gets used to Siu Ba and starts having a love for dogs. When he first met Siu Ba he was very cruel and rude to him, but he grew on the love when Siu Ba got more attached to Chun. He then let Siu Ba live with him, which made Chow Chow happy.
广告公司客户经理周自瑜(胡杏儿饰)曾因收留流浪狗大巴,令父亲周不苟(郭峰饰)的狗场全部狗只受病毒感染而死,连累哥哥周自沾(吕方饰)及阿嫂水天兰(曾华倩饰)转开宠物店为生,所以当遇上大巴的弟弟小巴时,只好听从男友应海亮(黄浩然饰)的意见暂放小巴在隔邻的空屋。广告公司媒体主管苗隼(罗嘉良饰)的女友张嘉嘉(叶翠翠饰)为救爱犬大巴于车祸中丧生,苗隼性情大变,任它沦为流浪狗,只愿将爱留给嘉嘉的爱猫Cancan。当苗隼搬进新屋时,赫然发现小巴,并得知是自瑜所养,苗隼非常愤怒,令同属一家广告公司兼邻居的苗隼与自瑜从此势成水火,公司内外,天天上演「猫狗大战」…… 苗隼终愿意收留小巴,自瑜在此时亦得悉没打防疫针的大巴原来是遭苗隼遗弃,令她的狗场倒闭,隼只是因为内疚才收留小巴。自瑜以为苗隼是一个无良主人,决定借偷走他的猫儿来向他报复。苗隼失猫心神彷佛,更险因煤气泄漏而丧命,幸得小巴相救才逃过大难。在自瑜的安排下,自沾经常要去苗隼的家训练小巴,因此跟苗隼渐成好友。自沾见苗隼自己一个住自由自在,好不羡慕,苗隼教晓他做男人一定要有自己的主见,不要轻易让别人打扰自己的路向。自沾记起他由小到大最希望便是能照顾及训练流浪狗,使它们可以与人和平共处。受苗隼启发,自沾觉得他一定要达成这个志愿…… 自瑜与海亮的地下恋情不慎被苗隼知道,所以当自瑜发现海亮有第三者时惟向苗隼一人倾诉,苗隼突变成自瑜的爱情军师,二人渐生感情却无从开口。苗隼与自瑜所属的广告公司太子女文梓淇(廖碧儿饰)毕业回港,被后父文智达(邓梓峰饰)派到广告公司里工作,并要求经验丰富的苗隼代为指导,但她却视工作如游戏,每天迟到早退,莫视苗隼的权力,令一向有规有矩的苗隼十分气愤,苗隼终于忍无可忍,亦不理她的身份,当众斥责她,但她并没有生气,反而觉得苗隼为人坦率有趣,得悉苗隼为人多年来没有拍过拖,一时好胜贪玩,竟开始对苗隼展开追求…… 虽然梓淇只抱着玩票的心情去亲近苗隼,但她却在苗隼身上,学懂了人生的道理,开始懂得与智达和睦相处,体谅到智达其实已尽了最大努力去维系父女间的感情,最后她有所领悟,虽然与智达没有血缘,但也乐意地接受这个家。梓淇开始欣赏苗隼,对苗隼不禁动了真情,但感觉却一闪即逝,因为当她知道,苗隼与自瑜才是真心相爱,她更从旁协助希望撮合二人,而她亦开始学习,认真地投入工作不再儿嬉。苗隼最终晓悟所爱是谁,可惜时不「他」与……