Technical Information
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
In order to air her grievances towards her elder sister Lady YUE YUET (Sheren Tang), Lady SUN YUEN-SAU (Christine Ng) spreads rumors of YUE YUET in the palace. The ambitious nursing mother SEUNG-LING (Ada Choi) tries to collect evidence against the rumors in exchange for money from others. She naturally becomes a trusted follower and a close friend of Lady YUE very soon. Meanwhile, the arrival of famous actors KO LAU-FEI (Moses Chan) and WAN TSAU-YIN (Kwan Lai Kit) captures the heart of every woman in the palace including the lonely YUEN-SAU. YUE YUET tries to stop YUEN-SAU from committing adultery by playing tricks but this put her into an intricate polygonal relationship with SEUNG-LING and LAU-FEI accidentally. YUEN-SAU tries to fight back by getting help from the fortune-teller TUNG KAT-HOI (Wong Tak Bun). Others think that KAT-HOI is a crazy guy but they never realize that the palace is origin of all the craziness…
嘉庆年间,皇上与皇后前往热河行宫避暑,并许诺归来后将于中秋佳节之季晋如妃(邓萃雯饰)为贵妃。然而此时宫外却疯传对如妃不利的传言,靠在宫中打听消息取利的撷芳殿奶娘湘菱(蔡少芬 饰)和公公马新满(韦家雄 饰)等人亦卷入其中。而这一切却是如妃的妹妹,也就是年少守寡的淳太妃(伍咏薇 饰)所为。如妃听之任之,只愿有朝一日能解开心结。并暗中笼络亲生孩儿五阿哥的奶娘湘菱和太医杨梓轩(曹永廉 饰)一齐照顾五阿哥,以保守钮祜禄一族的秘密。为讨淳太妃欢心,如妃要求南府在戏单上加唱一曲《牡丹亭》。手忙脚乱之际,公公马新满只得让在府中教戏的章和班代为上台。却不料京中名伶高流斐(陈豪 饰)一唱成名,宫中女子多芳心暗许,如一粒石子投入紫禁城平静的湖心。本剧为《金枝欲孽》第二部,讲述另一个时空的后宫风云。