Product Information
Date of Release: Sep 2017
Audio: Cantonese | Chinese
Subtitle: English | Chinese
Number of episodes: 52
Number of dics: 9 DVD
The Legend of the Condor Heroes 2017 射雕英雄传 Synopsis
When their husbands are killed by the Song Army, two pregnant women escape to foreign lands and both give birth to boys who are very different from each other. Guo Jing is a strong but dull-headed young man who grows up on the Mongolian prairie. Yang Kang is a smart and skilled you man who is raised as the son of Wanyan Hong Lie, a successor of the Jin Empire. The worlds of these two men collide when their respective martial arts masters make a secret pact, while their lives are further complicated by the love of two women, Huan Rong and Mu Nian Ci. When Guo Jing and Yang Kang both learn the truth behind their fathers’ deaths, which one will choose the road of martial arts enlightenment and which will choose to descend into the darkness of evil and destruction?
南宋时期,惨遭灭门横祸的郭靖(杨旭文 饰)、杨康(陈星旭 饰)分别在江南七怪与全真教道士丘处机的教养下成人。18年后,郭靖奉师命南下。杨康却贪恋富贵,认贼作父。郭靖与黄蓉(李一桐饰)一见如故,彼此倾心,但因华筝之婚约在先,以及江南七怪的反对等多种因素,两人情感可谓一波三折。五位师父被害于桃花岛,郭靖愤而离开黄蓉。这一对两情相悦的青年,经历了坎坷磨难,才修成正果。恶言恶行的杨康,也难逃惨死在嘉兴铁枪庙中的命运。郭靖随黄蓉故国万里行,遍识天下武林高人,武功日见提升,终于得以报杀父深仇,消师门积怨,夺《武穆遗书》,率大军西征,承亡母之教,上华山论剑,救襄阳国难。这位原本纯朴憨厚、木讷愚钝的射雕英雄,变成一个为国为民、悲天悯人的侠之大者。