The Legend of the Condor Heroes (1983 TV series) I 射雕英雄传之铁血丹心 Synopsis
KWOK SIU TIN and YEUNG TIT SUM’s assistance to YAU CHU KEI, a Taoist priest, in fighting against the KAM army unfolds the tragic fate befallen them. The KAM PRINCE falls for the beauty of SUM’s wife. In order to have her as his wife, he must do away with SUM and TIN. TIN is killed and his wife is lucky to have escaped to Mongolia, where she gives birth to her son CHING (WONG YAT WAH). SUM is missing and his wife marries the PRINCE. Before long, she also gives birth to a boy named HONG (MIU KIU WAI). Eighteen years later, CHING, together with the SEVEN GROTESQUES, goes south to the mainland. There he meets with WONG YUNG (YUNG MEI LING); their romance sparks off from then on. CHING meets with HUNG CHAT GONG, the NORTH BEGGAR, and CHOW PAK TUNG, the AGED MISCHIEVOUS CHILD, and they pass onto him their supreme Kung Fu.
On the other hand, HONG has also arrived in the mainland. In order to invade the Sung Dynasty, he plots to steal The Art of War. After succeeding GONG as the leader of the Beggar’s Clan, YUNG returns to her home on the Peach Blossom Island with CHING. They are stunned at seeing five of the SEVEN GROTESQUES lying dead on the Island. CHING is mad and condemns YUNG’s father, WONG YEUK SHI, the EAST INFIDEL, to have killed his teachers. Meanwhile, the great event in the martial arts world, the Kung Fu Masters Meet, is also approaching. Kung Fu masters from every corner of China gather at the Peak of Wah Shan to stand trial. The five Kung Fu supermen, the EAST INFIDEL, WEST VENOM, SOUTH KING, NORTH BEGGAR, and Aged MISCHIEVOUS CHILD are all present. Who will be the chief?
宋慶元年間,金起於極北,蒙古稱雄大漠,中原烽火四燃。動蕩的時局成就了射雕英雄,也成就了一段蕩氣回腸的愛 情傳說。雪之夜,南宋軍官段天德在大金國趙王完顏洪烈的授意下,率兵洗劫了都城臨安郊外的牛家村,從山東逃難 來此的郭嘯天、楊鐵心兩家慘遭橫禍,家破人亡,已懷有身孕的郭、楊兩位夫人,一個逃往蒙古大漠,一個被劫持到 金都王府,從此天各一方。全真教道士丘處機與江南七怪約定,分頭尋找並教導兩家的後人郭靖、楊康,十八年後在 嘉興醉仙樓一決高下。由此江南七怪萬裏追蹤,深入大漠,6年之後,終於找到了寄居草原的郭靖母子,並悉心教導天 資愚笨的郭靖。