Synopsis 剧情简介
In the middle to late period of the Tang dynasty, a young girl called Chu Chu (Xiaotong Su), who hails from southwest mountain region and belongs to a clan of coroners, comes to Chang’an by herself to take the coroner exam as she wants to realize her dream. She runs into exceptional case investigator An Province Lord Xiao Jinyu (Ziqi Wang), who calls on Chu Chu, Jing Xu (Tingdong Yang), Leng Yue (Yaoke Zhao) and their chums to collaborate with him in unraveling successive bewildering cases. And they eventually manage to solve a most horrific case.
唐中晚期,來自西南山區仵作世家的少女楚楚 (蘇曉彤飾),為實現夢想獨自來長安參加仵作考試,遇到斷案如神的安郡王蕭瑾瑜 (王子奇飾)。蕭瑾瑜召集楚楚、景翊 (楊廷東飾)、冷月(趙堯珂飾)等人作為搭檔,合力揭開接二連三的疑案謎底,最終破解了一場驚天大案。