Technical Information
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 5 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
Yoon Hee takes her brother’s identity and tries to find odd jobs to support her family during the Chosun Dynasty. She starts taking exams for scholars trying to get into the prestigious Sungkyunkwan University but is discovered by a morally upright Sun Joon, who threatens to turn her in. Thinking she is a boy, Sun Joon convinces her to take the exam and she is accepted into the school, where she befriends some mischievous students. But how long can she keep her true identity a secret?
朝鲜正祖时期,没落的贵族之女金允熙(朴敏英 饰)为维持生计,女扮男装写文为生。为避免被嫁人偿债的厄运,允熙铤而走险替人科考,阴差阳错与左相之子“佳郎”李先埈(朴有天 饰)结下梁子,后在其暗助下以病弱的弟弟允植之名御赐入选成均馆。忧喜交加的允熙每日在馆内谨言慎行,其出众的才华渐如珍珠光泽般展露,却也招致掌议夏仁秀一派的嫉恨,时常身陷危机。但允熙每每化险为夷,不仅赢得“大物”之名,更与欢喜冤家佳郎、“桀骜”文在信(刘亚仁 饰)、“女林”具龙河(宋仲基 饰)组成了意气相投的耀目四人组。馆内学子生涯风波不断,馆外政治时局也已是风云暗涌。蒙面侠客“红壁书”势要揭露朝政丑闻,而他所苦苦找寻的《金藤之词》竟牵涉了一个与允熙身世有关的惊天秘密……