Synopsis 剧情简介
In the 19th year of the Ming Dynasty Yongle Era, a young girl called Yao Zijin (Wu Jinyan) is admitted to the Imperial Food Bureau as a palace maid. While Zijin keeps maturing in the palace, she also insists on refining her Chinese culinary skills. She eventually forms friendships and falls in love. Zijin and Crown Prince Zhu Zhanji (Xu Kai) create an inspirational love story that is full of twists and turns. Furthermore, to promote Huaxia gourmet culture, it is interspersed with illustrations of imperial food preparation at the palace in the Ming Dynasty.
明朝永樂十九年,少女姚子衿 (吳謹言 飾)入選為尚食局宮女,在深宮中不斷成長並堅持對中華美食技藝的追求,最終收穫友情並邂逅愛情,與皇太子朱瞻基 (許凱 飾) 譜出一波三折的勵志愛情故事。並穿插介紹各種明代宮廷御膳製程,藉以推廣華夏美食文化。