朝鲜肃宗时期,南人党在朋党争斗中胜出,引发“己巳换局”,致使仁显王妃闵氏被逐出宫,弘文馆校理金鹏道(池贤宇 饰)全家被杀。此后金鹏道忍辱负重,全心帮助闵氏复位,并暗中监控南人首领、右议政闵黯。闵黯派出杀手追杀金鹏道灭口,千钧一发之际金鹏道身上一道符咒生效,亮光后他竟不知所踪。原来此道符咒原是艺妓尹月(陈艺瑟 饰)替他求来护身之用,却不仅关键时刻救他一命,更引领他穿越了300年的时空来到2012年,与出演仁显王后一角的小演员崔熙珍(刘仁娜 饰)邂逅。以符咒与手机为媒介,两人在数次的时空穿梭相处间互生情愫,情定彼此,在现代时空中过着温馨甜蜜的生活。
A romanctic comedy drama about a classic scholar who arrives 300 years into the modern times (year 2012) from the Chosun (year 1694) through time warp and meets a delinquent actress.
Park Boong Do (Ji Hyun Woo) is a scholar who had supported the reinstatement of Queen In Hyun when Jang Heebin’s schemes resulted in her being deposed and replaced as King Sukjong’s queen consort. He travels 300 years into the future of modern Seoul and meets Choi Hee Jin (Yoo In Na), a no-name actress who is expecting a career renaissance through her role as Queen In Hyun in a TV drama ‘New Jang Heebin’.