Technical Information
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
After a radical change in life, SZE SAI-LUN (Bobby Au Yeung) becomes dispirited with the political world and spends most of his time travelling around in search of fun. Along the way, he meets a spirit medium, NG KWAN-YAU (Jessica Hsuan), who somehow gets caught up in a mysterious murder case. It is not LUN’s intention to intervene at first, but with the fortuitous assistance from the pillow spirit NGAU TAI-LIK (Johnson Lee ), he can finally crack the case and prove YAU’s innocence. LUN has his confidence back and pledges to continue his fight for justice. As time progresses, LUN and YAU get to know each other better and gradually fall in love. LUN finally decides to get over the past and marry the girl. He enjoys his married life so much but gets frustrated at work sometimes – LIK’s power turns out not to be as strong as expected, which ends up with a lot of misleading clues being given. Amidst the various challenges of his new life, LUN realizes that YAU seems to have something to hide and that there is a malicious plot behind their marriage. Knowing that the couple have fallen out, LUN’s mother has found him a new wife, LUK SIU-TIP (Leila Tong). Out of the blue, TIP has also come with ill intentions. LUN is plunged into a complex web of intrigue and things seem to be getting on top of him…
施世纶(欧阳震华)经历巨变後对官场意兴阑珊,到处遊山玩水,途中邂逅灵媒吴君柔(宣萱)并捲入了一宗离奇命案,世纶本无心查案,但无意间得一枕仙牛大力 (李思捷)出现相助,终为君柔洗脱罪名,让他重拾意志及信心,继续为民请命。当世纶与君柔日久生情,他决定走出伤痛娶君柔为妻,新婚生活令他得意忘形,差 事却令他啼笑皆非,因为原来枕仙的法力只有半桶水,令世纶查案经常捉错用神,误会好人,闹至笑话连篇。当世纶正享受新生活的种种考验时,却发现君柔行径古 怪,下嫁自己原来另有所图,二人遂反目成仇,母亲大人因而安排世纶再娶陆小蝶(唐宁)为妾,谁料小蝶同样心怀不轨,内情错综複杂,令英明一世的世纶疲於奔 命……。