Showing 733–744 of 834 results

桌球天王 King of Snookers TVB DRAMA DVD

Main cast: 鄭少秋、滕麗名、周麗淇、鄧健泓、 郭政鴻、許紹雄、譚小環、艾 威 Director: 唐基明 Total Episodes: 20 Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: TVB Release Date: 30/3/2009 Production Year: 2008 Running Time: Approx. 900 min (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4


Main cast: 宣 萱、陳錦鴻、唐詩詠、 滕麗名、李思捷、許紹雄 Director: 莊偉建 Total Episodes: 25 Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: TVB Release Date: 4/5/2009 Production Year: 2008 Running Time: Approx. 1125 min (25 Episodes) No. of Disc: 5

蔡鍔與小鳳仙 Chamber of bliss PREMIUM PACK TVB DRAMA DVD

Main cast: 劉松仁、周海媚、馬國明、林嘉華、 湯盈盈、田蕊妮、梁靖琪、羅樂林 Director: 黃偉聲 Total Episodes: 20 Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: TVB Release Date: 21/9/2009 Production Year: 2008 Running Time: Approx. 900 min (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 7

廉政行動2009 ICAC 2009 TVB DRAMA DVD

Main cast: 宣萱, 黃浩然,張同祖, 薜凱琪, 邵美琪, 楊千嬅, 周柏豪, 許志安, 陳鍵鋒 Director: 梁家樹, 羅香蘭 Total Episodes: 5 Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: TVB Release Date: 26/9/2009 Production Year: 2009 Running Time: Approx. 225 min (5 Episodes) No. of Disc: 1

耀舞長安 House of Harmony and Vengence PREMIUM PACK TVB DRAMA DVD

Main cast: 歐陽震華、鍾嘉欣、胡杏兒、麥長青、 湯盈盈、陳自瑤、賈曉晨、王君馨、 梁烈唯、郭 峰、翟威廉、馬 賽 Director: 張乾文 Total Episodes: 30 Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: TVB Release Date: 30/4/2012 Production Year: 2011 Running Time: Approx. 1350 min (30 Episodes) No. of Disc: 6

居家兵團 Home Troopers TVB DRAMA DVD

Main cast: 汪明荃、夏 雨、鄭嘉穎、廖碧兒、 曹永廉、黃智雯、湯盈盈、王浩信、 周志文、周志康、洪天明、苟芸慧 Director: 林志華 Total Episodes: 20 Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: TVB Release Date: 27/12/2010 Production Year: 2010 Running Time: Approx. 900 min (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

刑警 Gun Metal grey TVB DRAMA DVD (Out of Stock)

Main cast: 黃日華、苗僑偉、宣 萱、胡定欣、 王浩信、陳秀珠、王君馨、梁烈唯、 古明華、樂 瞳、朱咪咪、李國麟 Director: 唐基明 Total Episodes: 30 Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: TVB Release Date: 1/11/2010 Production Year: 2009/10 Running Time: Approx. 1350 min (30 Episodes) No. of Disc: 6

摘星之旅 Growing Through Life PREMIUM PACK TVB DRAMA DVD

Main cast: 劉松仁、葉 童、林 峯、 黃宗澤、趙子琪、梁靖琪、 林嘉華、吕有慧、宋汶霏 Director: 梁家樹(总)、陳 梁(总)、 鲁书潮、蔡晶盛 Total Episodes: 30 Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: TVB Release Date: 9/8/2010 Production Year: 2009 Running Time: Approx. 1350 min (30 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

A Great Way To Care 仁心解碼 (TVB Drama DVD9)

KO LAP YAN (Fong Chung Sun), Senior Psychiatrist of Yan Wo Hospital, is a competent and kind-hearted doctor who specializes in severe schizophrenia and even minor mental illness. YAN cures his patients by not only medication but also by psychological analysis. He diagnoses the cause with reference to the symptoms. The plot is interesting, intricate and extraordinary. The Psychiatrist LIN CHI SUM (Cheung Chi Kwong) and the nurse LI YING CHUN (Wong Ho Yin) are both good friends of YAN. CHUN is keen on helping people. He has cured a patient suffering from binge eating disorder SUEN KA PIK (Vivien Yeo). They have overcome a lot of difficulties and become a couple. YAN is a divorced single father with a daughter. After the failed marriage, he did not long for love affairs until he chanced upon an Inspector of Serious Crime Unit MOK MAN YEE (Tsui Tsz Shan, Kate). They have gradually developed their relationship through business contact. However, in order to avoid recurrence of genetic mental disease, YEE detaches her feeling from YAN. 仁和医院高级精神科医生高立仁(方中信)是个仁心仁术的好医生,他诊治的病症包括严重的精神分裂和轻微的心理困扰。 立仁不单以药物治疗病人,并会透过心理分析,根据病征查出病源,过程曲折离奇、耐人寻味。立仁的好友包括同是精神科医生连志琛(蒋志光),及护士李应春(黄浩然)。应春同样热心助人,为照顾暴食症病人孙家碧(杨秀惠)克服重重障碍进而成为情侣。立仁婚姻失败,育有一女。离婚后对爱情已失去憧憬,直至遇上重案 组探员莫敏儿(徐子珊),二人因公事经常合作而相互产生情愫,但敏儿因患有家族遗传精神病,担心随时会复发而拒绝接受立仁……

盛世仁傑 Greatness of a hero PREMIUM PACK TVB DRAMA DVD

Main cast: 鄭則士、黎耀祥、陳錦鴻、郭羨妮、 陳秀珠、廖碧兒、唐 寧、曹永廉、 李香琴、黃嘉樂、姚嘉妮、高鈞賢 Director: 梁材遠 Total Episodes: 20 Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: TVB Release Date: 2/4/2012 Production Year: 2008 Running Time: Approx. 900 min (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

女拳 Grace Under Fire TVB DRAMA DVD

Main cast: 劉璇, 黃宗澤, 馬國明, 陳法拉, 姜大偉, 林嘉華, 岳華, 黃德斌, 蔣志光, 羅樂林, 關禮傑 Director: 羅永賢 Total Episodes: 30 Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: TVB Release Date: 7/3/2011 Production Year: 2011 Running Time: Approx. 1350 min (30 Episodes) No. of Disc: 6

流金歲月 Golden Faith TVB DRAMA DVD

Main cast: 羅嘉良、溫兆倫、宣 萱、林 峯、 葉 璇、石 修、向海嵐、黃淑儀、 秦 沛、駱應鈞、胡杏兒、楊 怡 Director: 梁家樹 Total Episodes: 45 Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: TVB Release Date: 15/9/2002 Production Year: 2001 Running Time: Approx. 2025 min (45 Episodes) No. of Disc: 5