Showing 373–384 of 833 results

Over Run Over EU超时任务 (TVB Drama DVD)

Over Run Over is a 2016 Hong Kong action-thriller television drama created and produced by Lam Chi-wah for TVB. 《EU超时任务》是香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作的时装警匪电视剧,由王浩信、朱千雪、袁伟豪、单立文、罗乐林、朱晨丽、苟芸慧、林伟、谭凯琪及刘佩玥领衔主演,监制林志华。

Blue Veins 殭 (TVB Drama DVD)

The fictional show is about nine immortal humans who fight against vampires. 《僵》是香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作的时装僵尸电视剧,由郑嘉颖、谢安琪、陈凯琳、陈山聪、关礼杰等主演,陈维冠担任监制。

My Dangerous Mafia Retirement Plan 火线下的江湖大佬 (TVB Drama DVD)

My Dangerous Mafia Retirement Plan plot centers on triad members who are no longer in their prime and must learn to survive in middle age. It also tells of triads who must learn to adjust to life outside once they are release from incarceration after serving a long prison sentence. 《火线下的江湖大佬》是香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作的时装喜剧舞狮电视剧,由梁材远担任监制,郑则士、黄光亮、陈炜、岑丽香、杨明、陈山聪、苑琼丹及沈卓盈等领衔主演。

House of Spirits 一屋老友记 (TVB Drama DVD)

‘House of Spirits’ is a 2016 Hong Kong drama of 31 episodes by TVB. 《一屋老友记》是香港电视广播有限公司2016年拍摄及制作的时装电视剧,由方骏钊导演,欧阳震华、胡定欣、滕丽名、张颖康、吕慧仪 、张彦博等主演。

Daddy Dearest 超能老豆 (TVB Drama DVD)

Daddy Dearest (aka "Super Daddy") is a 2016 Hong Kong modern family comedy television drama produced by Poon Ka-tak for TVB, starring Johnson Lee, Jason Chan Chi-san and Mandy Wong as the main leads. 《超能老豆》(前名《爸B有话儿》是香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作的时装家庭电视剧,香港无线电视家庭题材的电视剧,由李思捷、陈智燊、黄智雯、赵希洛及陈炜领衔主演,监制潘嘉德。

Uncontrollably Fond 任意依恋 (Korean Drama DVD)

This drama is about an angst melodrama driven by Kim Woo-bin, who puts in a moving performance as a man desperate to help his love. 本剧讲述了男女主人公以不同身份再度相遇,从而展开的爱情故事。

My Lover from the Planet Meow 来自喵喵星的你 (TVB Drama DVD)

'My Lover from the Planet Meow' is a 2016 Hong Kong television romantic-comedy with a supernatural theme television drama starring almost the entire main cast from TVB's 2015 highest rated drama Ghost of Relativity. 《来自喵喵星的你》是由陈豪、田蕊妮、胡定欣、杨秀惠等领衔主演的科幻喜剧。

No Reserve 巾帼枭雄之谍血长天 (TVB Drama DVD)

No Reserve also known as Rosy Business III, is a 2016 Hong Kong espionage television drama. It is the third installment of the critically acclaimed Rosy Business period drama series. Set primarily in Canton, China (now known as Guangzhou) during the Second Sino-Japanese War, the show's story follows the affairs of Chinese spies and their entanglements with underground triads and the Empire of Japan. 三十年代末日军侵华,动汤乱世之中,人如飘絮,身不由己!如此乱世能成就一个人,也能摧毁一个人,是王是寇,全凭一念之间。 战争之下,金钱就是一种力量的支持,一个胜利的筹码!一批由清朝皇帝遗留的四十吨黄金,正埋藏在广州。黄金之争,引发出一场有爱有恨的间谍之战!

Marriage Contract 結婚契約 (Korean Drama DVD)

The 2016 MBC Top Rating Korean Drama tells a romantic love story between a seriously ill heroine and the son of a chaebol to overcome adversity to achieve love and success. 《结婚契约》讲述了主人公姜慧秀(金宥真饰)与韩智勋(李瑞镇饰)之间哀切的爱情故事,重病的女主角与富二代男主角战胜逆境、实现爱情,是一部新派浪漫爱情剧。成为MBC2016收视冠军。

Inspector Gourmet 为食神探

Inspector Gourmet centers on solving mysteries with a food theme. The title of the drama is in reference to Louis Yuen's character Mak Sai. Mak Sai is described as a food addict with amazing crime solving skills due to his extraordinary sense of taste, smell and sight. 该剧主要讲述从小沉迷侦探漫画的酒家三厨杨得基、麦犀、患有失忆症的记者妹唐嘉嘉,以及车神岑爱娇组成离奇趣怪的“神探兵团”屡破奇案的故事。

Between Love and Desire 完美叛侣 (TVB Drama DVD)

Between Love and Desire (Chinese: 完美叛侶; literally "Perfectly Betrayed Companion" while 叛 means betray but homophone to 伴) is a 2016 Hong Kong television romance legal drama, starring Moses Chan, Maggie Shiu and Ben Wong as the main cast. The drama centers on the plot of how an unbalance work-personal life can change a person and break apart their family life. 《完美叛侣》是2016年由香港电视广播有限公司制作的时装爱情电视剧,由陈豪、黄智贤及邵美琪领衔主演。被背叛是甚麽滋味,尤其背叛者是你心爱的家人?「百世修来同渡船,千世修来共枕眠!」夫妻本该是最亲密的人,是甚麽让彼此的距离越拉越远?当初的「信任」及「承诺」走到哪儿去? 夫妻本是同林鸟! 惊变…

Presumed Accidents 纯熟意外 (TVB Drama DVD)

Presumed Accidents is a 2016 Hong Kong modern suspense crime television drama, starring Lawrence Ng, Sisley Choi, Selena Li, Lai Lok-yi, Raymond Cho and Joyce Tang as the main cast. The plot centers on insurance investigation and fraud with a side plot focusing on past life regression. 《纯熟意外》是由吴启华、蔡思贝、李诗韵、黎诺懿、周聪、滕丽名及曹永廉等主演。该剧故事背景设定在一间意外保险调查公司,主要讲述意外保险所带来的故事。