Showing 25–36 of 806 results

You Are My Destiny 命中注定我愛你 (Korean Drama)

Starring: 張娜拉 Jang Na-ra, 張赫 Jang Hyuk, 崔振赫 Choi Jin-hyuk, 王智媛 Wang Ji-won Directed by: Lee Dong-yoon, Kim Hee-won Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG13 Studio: MBC Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 29/5/2023 Production Year: 2014 Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode No. of Disc: 5 DVDs 

河伯的新娘 하백의 신부 The Bride of Habaek (Korean Drama DVD)

水國之王:水神河伯(南柱赫飾)意外來到人間,找上了命中注定必須世代作為神的僕人生活的神經外科醫生尹素兒(申世景飾),對她頤指氣使,搞得素兒原本平靜的生活雞飛狗跳。河伯與素兒的親近讓已被遣派來到人間數百年的水國管理神:武羅(鄭秀晶飾)酷勁大發,也讓暗戀著武羅的風神飛廉(孔明飾)相當不是滋味。一段神與人之間,剪不斷理還亂的奇幻愛情故事就此揭開序幕。 Most of humans living on earth believe there is another being, far superior than us. What if that being is also unbelievably attractive? (wink wink) Korea's most "want him to be my boy friend" Nam Joo-Hyuk acts out Ha-Baek, the Water God. He is to come down to Earth in order to complete his given task. When the narcissistic Water God Ha-Baek visits earth in order to find the God stones powerful enough to help him claim his throne, he seeks out the help of his servant and destined bride, psychiatrist So-Ah, whose family is fated to serve the Water God for generations. The problem is that she has no belief in the Gods and initially mistakes him for suffering from delusions, things get even more strange. However, when the Wind God Bi-Ryum, the Water Goddess Mu-Ra and a hotel CEO/Semi-God Hu-Ye show up to complicate things. Can a relationship between a mortal female and a god have a future?


Product Information DVD: NTSC Audio: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: Chinese Release Date: 10/4/2023 Rated: PG Number of Episodes: 16 Number of Disc: 4 DVD

HONG GIL DONG THE HERO 快刀手吉童 (Korean Drama DVD)

Product Information DVD: NTSC Audio: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: Chinese, English Release Date: 10/4/2023 Rated: PG Number of Episodes: 24 Number of Disc: 6 DVD


Product Information DVD: NTSC Audio: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitle: Chinese , English Release Date: 8/4/2023 Rated: NC16 Number of Episodes: 27 Number of Disc: 5 DVD


Product Information DVD: NTSC Audio: Cantonese Subtitle: NIL Release Date: 6/4/2023 Rated: PG Number of Episodes: 45 Number of Disc: 9 DVD

SIKGAEK 食客 (Korean Drama DVD)

Product Information DVD: NTSC Audio: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: Chinese, English Release Date: 5/4/2023 Rated: PG Number of Episodes: 28 Number of Disc: 6 DVD

九尾狐的复仇 (Drama DVD)

Product Information DVD: NTSC Audio: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: Chinese Release Date: 5/4/2023 Rated: PG Number of Episodes: 16 Number of Disc: 4 DVD

The Little Nyonya 小娘惹 (DVD)

Audio: Mandarin Subtitles: English / Chinese Number of Episodes: 34 DVD: PAL 2.0 STEREO Quality: DVD-9 (High Definition DVD)


Product Information DVD: NTSC Audio: Cantonese Subtitle: NIL Release Date: 23/3/2023 Rated: PG Number of Episodes: 80 Number of Disc: 16 DVD

SHELL GAME II 千王群英会 (1981) (TVB Drama DVD)

Product Information DVD: NTSC Audio: Cantonese Subtitle: NIL Release Date: 9/3/2023 Rated: PG Number of Episodes: 20 Number of Disc: 10

QIAN LONG WANG CHAO 乾隆王朝 (2001) (Drama DVD)

Product Information Starring: 焦晃 / 陈锐 / 左小青 / 贾一平 / 卢燕 / 咏梅 / 沙溢 / 王辉 / 梁伟 / 李芸 / 张澜澜 / 钱学格 / 李心敏 Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Image Resolution: High Definition Languages: Dolby Digital 5.1 Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese Release Date: 22/2/2023 Number of Episodes: 40 Number of Dics: 10 DVD