Showing 337–348 of 834 results

Legal Mavericks 踩過界 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

Legal Mavericks is a Legal, Crime, Detective television drama created by Lam Chi-wah and TVB.《踩过界》(又名:《盲侠大律师》)是TVB和爱奇艺联合出品的都市探案题材情感剧,由林志华监制,王浩信、蔡思贝、李佳芯、张振朗、朱千雪等主演。该剧主要讲述四位年轻人用不同的专业角色和处案手法,维护无辜者的法律权利,在情与法中伸张正义的故事。此剧为2017无线节目巡礼之一、无线海外业务及简介2017所推介的17部剧集之一,2017年香港国际影视展16部剧集之一。男主角王浩信于《星和无线电视大奖2017》及《万千星辉颁奖典礼2017》 中凭“文申侠”一角夺得“最佳男主角”殊荣,成为“视帝”。

A General, A Scholar and A Eunuch 超时空男臣 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch is a 2017 Hong Kong television costume historical, science fiction comedy drama produced by Marco Law for TVB, starring Edwin Siu, Kristal Tin, Raymond Cho, Grace Wong and Matthew Ho as the main cast. 《超时空男臣》是TVB出品的古装穿越喜剧,由萧正楠、曹永廉、何广沛、田蕊妮、王君馨等主演,罗永贤监制,黄伟强编剧。主要讲述明朝万历年间,大将军袁崇焕、大学士左光斗、小太监李进忠,在保护太子妃的过程中,意外穿越到现代2017年的香港,寻找失踪太子妃的故事。

Chicago Typewriter 芝加哥打字机 (Korean Drama DVD) (Limited Edition)

Chicago Typewriter is a 2017 South Korean television series starring Yoo Ah-in, Im Soo-jung and Go Kyung-pyo. It talks about writers who lived in the 1930's Japanese occupation of Korea, and are reincarnated into the present as a best-selling writer in a slump, a fan and a ghostwriter. 《芝加哥打字机》为韩国tvN自2017年4月7日起播出的金土连续剧,由人气剧集《拥抱太阳的月亮》、《Kill Me Heal Me》的作家陈秀完与电视剧《通往机场的路》导演金哲圭共同打造,讲述了1930年代日本统治下的文人们转世还生后与古老可疑的打字机交织而成三位男女的奇幻复古浪漫喜剧故事。本剧是林秀晶继2004年KBS电视剧《对不起,我爱你》后时隔13年回归小屏幕的首部作品。

Innocent Defendant 被告人 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

Innocent Defendant is a 2017 South Korean drama series directed by Jo Young Gwang, starring Ji Sung with Um Ki-joon, Kwon Yu-ri, Oh Chang-seok and Uhm Hyun-kyung. Plot: Park Jung-woo is a prosecutor at Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office. One day, he wakes up and finds himself a convict on death row. Suffering from temporary amnesia, Jung-woo has no idea what transpired to land him in prison. He struggles to recover his memory and clear his name. 《被告人》是韩国SBS电视台2017播出的月火悬疑连续剧,由赵英光执导,崔秀真、崔昌焕编剧,池晟、严基俊、权俞利、吴昶锡主演。该剧主要讲述了被冤枉杀害妻子与女儿的检察官朴正宇为找寻失去的4个月的记忆,为自己洗清嫌疑的故事。

Line Walker: The Prelude 使徒行者2 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

Line Walker: The Prelude is a 2017 drama produced by TVB. It is the prequel to the 2014 drama Line Walker. It stars Michael Miu, Benz Hui, Moses Chan, Jessica Hsuan, Benjamin Yuen, Chau Pak-ho, Priscilla Wong and Alice Chan. 《使徒行者2》一部中港合资制作的全实景拍摄制作的时装匪战、悬疑电视剧。由苗侨伟、陈豪、宣萱、袁伟豪、周柏豪及黄翠如领衔主演,由许绍雄、麦明诗、林伟及魏焌皓联合主演,并由张兆辉、陈炜、黄德斌及洪永城特别演出,监制苏万聪。此剧是《使徒行者系列》第二辑,亦是2017无线节目巡礼14部剧集之一,2017年香港国际影视展16部剧集之一。

The Scholar Who Walks the Night 夜行书生 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

“Scholar Who Walks the Night” is a 2015 South Korean supernatural drama series directed by Lee Sung Joon. It is based on a webcomic written by Jo Joo Hee and Han Seung Hee.《夜行书生》改编自赵周熙、韩胜熙的漫画《夜行儒士》,是韩国MBC电视台于2015年7月8日起播出的水木迷你连续剧,由李成俊导演,张贤珠编剧,李准基、李侑菲、沈昌珉、金素恩、李洙赫等主演。

My Lawyer, Mr. Jo 邻家律师赵德浩 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

Jo Deul Ho (Park Shin-yang) who once had a bright future ahead of him as a star prosecutor, and was the son-in-law to the head of the largest law firm in their country. But when he witnesses corruption in the prosecutor’s office and reports it, he loses everything. He tries to rebuild his life and turn his small and pathetic neighborhood law office into a second chance to become a lawyer who protects people and protects the law, and grows as a person in the process. 《邻家律师赵德浩》是KBS于2016年3月28日播出的励志月火剧,改编自同名网络漫画,由李政燮执导,李香熙编剧,朴信阳、姜素拉、柳秀荣、朴帅眉主演。该剧讲述赵德浩因卷入到检察机关内部告发事件之中,从一名检察官降级为处理普通生活家庭事务的社区辩护律师的故事。

Doctor Romantic 浪漫医生金师傅 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

Doctor Romantic was a commercial hit and recorded over 29.0% in highest ratings. It received positive reviews for its plot and Han Suk-kyu's excellent performance. 《浪漫医生金师傅》是由刘仁值执导、姜银庆编剧,韩石圭、柳演锡、徐玄振等主演的月火剧,于2016年11月7日在韩国SBS电视台首播。该剧讲述想要赢了任何人的男医生姜东柱和想要从别人那里获得认可的女医生尹瑞静,遇到怪才医生金师傅后,领悟到真正的人生价值和爱情的人性故事。

Tunnel 隧道 (Korean Drama DVD) (Limited Edition)

Tunnel is a 2017 South Korean television series starring Choi Jin-hyuk, Yoon Hyun-min and Lee Yoo-young. The series was inspired by the Hwaseong serial murders. 《隧道》是韩国OCN有线电视台于2017年3月25日起在金土档播出的科幻刑侦连续剧,由申勇辉执导,李恩美编剧,崔振赫、尹贤敏、李裕英主演。该剧改编自韩国三大悬案之一的“韩国华城连环杀人案”,主要讲述了1986年正在寻找女性连续杀人案犯人的刑警,穿越时间到达2016年,发现过去与现在的连结点,并再次开始调查、解决30年前连续杀人案的故事。

Bring It On, Ghost 打架吧鬼神 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

Hyun-Ji (Kim So-Hyun) studied for most her life before she died at the age of 19. She is now a ghost and has wandered around the world for several years. Hyun-Ji then meets exorcist Park Bong-Pal (TaecYeon). Hyun-Ji and Bong-Pal listens to various stories from ghosts and sends them to the otherworld. 《打架吧鬼神》是由李大日编剧,朴俊和执导,玉泽演、金所炫、权律、金尚浩等联合主演。该剧主要讲述了拥有“灵眼”的驱魔师朴奉汃与因为没能参加高考而遗憾死去的高中生女鬼金贤智住在一个屋檐下,同甘共苦一起追击鬼的喜剧故事。

Woman with a Suitcase 拖旅行箱的女人 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

Woman with a Suitcase starring Choi Ji-woo, Joo Jin-mo, Jeon Hye-bin and Lee Joon. The series tells the story of how Cha Geum-joo (Choi Ji-woo) went from a disgraced manager at a law firm to a great attorney. 《拖旅行箱的女人》是MBC的一部浪漫法庭剧,由崔智友、朱镇模、全慧彬、李准主演。该剧讲述了既有魅力又有能力的事务长车金珠遇到狗仔队媒体社代表咸福居,经历重重考验,共同追求梦想与爱情的故事。

Good Manager 金科长 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

Good Manager is a Korean drama starring Namkoong Min, Nam Sang-mi, Lee Jun-ho and Jung Hye-sung. 《金科长》是韩国KBS电视台于2017年1月25日起播出的水木职场喜剧,由李在勋执导,朴载范编剧,南宫珉、南相美、李俊昊、郑慧星主演。该剧主要讲述了信奉原则主义的会计师入职某公司担任科长后,与公司内的恶势力对抗,守护公司的故事。