Showing 301–312 of 834 results

Hospital Ship 醫療船 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

Army doctor board a hospital ship, which is a floating hospital that serves peoples who live on remote islands. But were these doctors interested in helping underprivileged people for free? Not at all. There is the non-army doctor Eun-jae, a cold perfectionist surgeon whose fast-track career was derailed. Kwak Hyun who practices internal medicine is the first army doctor to volunteer for duty on the hospital ship. Then there is the irritating Jae-geol, an oriental medicine doctor who drew the short straw and now has to serve on the hospital ship. A bunch of doctors with different backgrounds find themselves afloat at sea.They are too old to be called youthful doctors as they are all in their thirties. Though they have skills obtained through long years of studying in medical school, their hearts and souls are barren. This is coming-of-age story about doctors who have experience setbacks in life that they are trying to bounce back from while they learn how to be compassionate doctor and pursue fulfilling lives. 他们登上了大海上的简陋医疗站:医疗船。这些医生不是为了在缺医少药的村庄治病救人才来到这里的。突然被甩出人生坦途,冰冷的完美主义外科医生恩彩(河智苑饰),有史以来唯一主动要求到医疗船工作的公共保健医生郭贤(姜敏赫饰),因为手气不好抽签来到医疗船,倒霉而脾气暴躁的韩医在杰(李瑞元饰)。他们在人生的茫茫大海上漂流,在医疗船上相遇。30岁是不好意思说是青春,也不完全算是大人的年纪。他们的脑子和手里很充实,但内心空虚。如今面对真正的人生,向着真正的医生,真正的成年人和真正幸福人生的航海开始了。

Daddy Cool 逆緣 (TVB Drama DVD)

This drama Daddy Cool is about multi-generational relationships. There are family warmth and the topic of values. The theme is similar to “Iceman Cometh”. The genre is fantasy. People of different generations have different morals, ethics, and values. A person from the 1940s, who was frozen and is not thawed out until 2018, has to adapt to the modern living environment, creating a lot of jokes and having a lighthearted side. 故事講及幾代人的關係,當中有家庭溫情及價值觀話題。不同年代的人對道德與倫理有不同的價值觀,來自上20世紀40年代的人,被急凍到了21世紀2018年才解凍,要適應現代的生活環境,會有輕鬆的一面。

宮心計2深宮計 Deep in the Realm of Conscience (TVB Drama DVD)

唐隆年間,李隆基(馬浚偉)聯同姑姑太平公主(陳煒)發動政變,將蠶食法統的韋氏(米雪)就地正法,擁護相王李旦(李龍基)重回大統!看似重歸平靜的太極深宮,實則暗流湧動……朝堂之上,風雲色變,李隆基與太平公主陣營分化,勢成水火!深宮之中,以主理尚宮局的王蓁(胡定欣)為首與眾妃嬪角力,爾虞我詐!有人因高權重位捨棄良心,亦有人為至親至愛放棄一切!龍武軍任三恕(馬國明)與伺機復仇的何離(蕭正楠)、女史元玥(劉心悠)與甘若芊(黃心穎),四人真情本性,為深宮綴上一筆浪漫……深宮禁苑,懸案叢生!抽絲剝繭後,揭露出一個個塵封多年的驚天秘密;!高牆掩映下,上演著一幕幕蕩氣迴腸的愛恨情仇…… During the reign of Emperor Shang of Tang, LI LONGJI (Steven Ma) and his aunt PRINCESS TAIPING (Alice Chan) launch a coup that kills ambitions power-seeking EMPRESS WEI (Michelle Yim), restoring PRINCE OF XIANG, LI DAN (Li Hung Kay) to his throne! Beneath the palace's tranquil facade lurks an undercurrent of tension...... At the imperial court, the rivalry between LI LONGJI and PRINCESS TAIPING intensifies, like oil and water! Within the palace, the infighting between the head of Imperial Household Bureau, WANG ZHEN (Nancy Wu), and the consorts is running rampant! Some people act against their conscience for power, while others give up everything else for the sake of their loved ones! The genuine characters demonstrated by Longwu Guard REN SANSHU (Kenneth Ma), revenge seeker HE LI (Edwin Siu), Scribes YUAN YUE (Annie Liu) and GAN RUOQIAN (Jacqueline Wong) embellish the palace with a touch of romance...... Deep in the palace, layers of mystery surrounding horrifying secrets are exposed! Beyond the walls, soul-stirring love and hate stories are staged......

Witch at Court 魔女的法庭 마녀의 법정 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

A materialistic female prosecutor who does not hesitate to use personal attacks, fabricate evidence, and incite perjury in order to win her case is assigned to special task force for sex crimes. A newbie prosecutor also joins the task force, and together they solve crimes with a grudging chemistry. 《魔女的法庭》是由《間諜明月》金英均導演執導與《愛你的時間》鄭道允作家合作打造的月火連續劇。講述了發生在“女性兒童犯罪特別小組”裡的故事。劇中主人公馬伊德夢想著有朝一日能出人頭地,卻因一次意外事件在順遂的升職路上面臨危機;菜鳥檢察官呂真旭放棄成為醫生而選擇走上檢察官之路。劇中講述了這對冤家搭檔進行調查、辦案的過程。

飛虎之潛行極戰 Flying Tiger (TVB Drama DVD)

高級警司江高逸泰(吳岱融)在警隊升職典禮中被人脅持,O記高級督察高家俊(吳卓羲)眼見父親身陷險境束手無策,千鈞一髮之際,任職飛虎隊的大兒子高家郎(黃宗澤)以精準槍法相救,然而這一發子彈牽起了高家埋藏已久的心結。警隊的臥底接連被殺,新型毒品泛濫,恐怖組織來勢洶洶……在錯縦複雜的事件中,警司聶宇航(苗僑偉)竭力搗破背後惡勢力,家郎、家俊兄弟各自面對自己感情困境的同時,亦被迫走上不同道路對立交鋒...... During a promotion ceremony for police officers, Senior Superintendent KO YAT-TAI (Hugo Ng) is taken hostage. Seeing his father in danger, OCTB Senior Inspector KO KA-CHUN (Ron Ng) is unable to do anything. In a split second, YAT-TAI's elder son KO KA-LONG (Bosco Wong), a member of the Flying Tigers, demonstrates his excellent marksmanship to save him, which unexpectedly acts as trigger to bring what was buried in the KO family back to light. A recent spate of murders of undercover cops, a surge of new drugs, and terrorist groups are portent of a menacing future...... Confronting complications, Superintendent LIP YU-HONG (Michael Miu) fights relentlessly to bust a criminal mastermind. Meanwhile, caught in their own relationship dilemma, two brothers, KA-LONG and KA-CHUN, end up going their separate ways , turning into rivals......

棟仁的時光 Stealing Seconds (TVB Drama DVD)

策劃公司監製曾棟仁(袁偉豪飾)受老闆壓迫苛求和應付下屬怨懟,每天為繁重工作疲於奔命,直至一天差點猝死,幸得救護員程敏琦(唐詩詠飾)以人工呼吸將他救活,及後始知自己續命要靠接吻來偷取別人的時間,他善用這優勢,在工作、親情及友情上出現大逆轉;可惜,敏琦卻因他承受沉重代價,婚禮失約之餘,未婚夫周德琛(楊潮凱飾)亦無故失蹤。棟仁為助敏琦重拾鬥志,接手德琛的咖啡店經營,不單結識咖啡師羅瑞楠(胡鴻鈞飾),更重遇兒時好友莫熙蓮(朱晨麗飾),任教鋼管舞的熙蓮不乏裙下之臣,唯對棟仁情有獨鍾,但棟仁背負續命的包袱與日久生情的敏琦,落入相愛不能愛的苦澀…… Caught between an overly demanding boss and passive-aggressive employees, Planning Company Executive Producer TSANG TUNG-YAN (Benjamin Yuen) is always on the run until one day he has a narrow escape from death. Fortunately, he is saved by a paramedic CHING MAN-KEI (Natalie Tong) who performs CPR on him. After that, TUNG-YAN finds himself capable of stealing the time of the others through kissing to extend his own life. He turns this to his advantage, resulting in a major life change, including his career, family relationship and friendship. Yet, MAN-KEI pays a heavy price for this. Not only did she miss her wedding, but her fiancé CHOW TAK-SUM (Yeung Chiu Hoi) is nowhere to be found. To help MAN-KEI pull herself together, TUNG-YAN takes over TAK-SUM’s coffee shop. In the process, he gets to know Barista LAW SHUI-LAM (Hubert Wu), and even re-encounters his childhood best friend MOK HEI-LIN (Rebecca Zhu). Though Pole dance teacher HEI-LIN has no lack of suitors, she only has eyes for TUNG-YAN. However, the life-extending burden and his love for MAN-KEI impale TUNG-YAN on the horns of a dilemma……

三個女人一個因 Threesome (TVB Drama DVD)

生於司法界的方以因(黃智雯),拜律政界紅人歐陽一波(李國麟)為師,成績出眾,但學滿師後卻倒戈相向轉做職業大律師,經常與師傅在庭上針鋒相對。以因一直隱瞞自己有多重人格問題,次人格是狂野玩家菠蘿椰奶(黃智雯),好勇鬥狠、另一個則是愁擘擘(黃智雯),為怕人事悲觀,愁眉苦臉,而得知此秘密的利東家(袁偉豪)趁勢要脅以因聘他為實習生,以因為保自己能順利下嫁城中鑽石王老五紀驍勇(陳智燊),無奈答應,兩人逐漸展開一段別開生面的經歷,因為人格會突然轉換,經常另一因在庭上醜態百出,鬧出不少笑料;而唯一知道以因病原只有母親華綺思(黃淑儀),可惜,綺思對往事絕口不提。期間東佳更與椰奶和擘擘建成好友,以因除後患,決心令她們一同消失...... Born into a family of legal professionals, FONG YEE-YAN (Mandy Wong) is the mentee of the prominent lawyer AU YEUNG YAT-PO (Joseph Lee), achieving outstanding results in study. However, she changes sides upon completing the mentorship and becomes a barrister, constantly going head-to-head with her mentor in court. YEE-YAN has concealed the fact that she has dissociative identity disorder. Her second personality is a wild risk-taker called PINA COLADA (Mandy Wong) who is a pessimistic and sad personality called SADNESS (Mandy Wong). Discovering her secret, LEE TONG-KAI (Benjamin Yuen) takes advantage of this and makes her take him as pupil, leaving her no other choice but to agree so as to avoid interfering with her marrying the wealthy bachelor KEI HIU-YONG (Jason Chan). A novel experience between the two has since developed. Due to a sudden switch of the personality, YEE-YAN often Make a fool of herself in court; whereas the only one who knows the cause of her illness is her mother FONG WAH YEE-SZE (Gigi Wong). Unfortunately, YEE-SZE remains silents on the issue. Gradually, TONG-KAI befriends PINA-COLADA and SADNESS. To settle the matter once and for all, YEE-YAN is determined to make the disappear......

1% 的可能性 1% Of Something (Korean Drama) (Collector’s Edition)

Lee Jae-in (Ha Seok-jin), a ruthless son from a wealthy family starts seeing an elementary school teacher, Kim Da-hyun (Jeon So-min) whom he has never seen before, on a six-month contract engagement, so that he could inherit the asset as written on his grandfather’s will. 'One Percent of Anything' is a romance drama depicting what happens to the pair during the fake engagement. 戴仁(何锦辰 饰)是圣贤集团会长李贵哲的孙子,年幼丧父的他从小在爷爷的严厉教导之下长大,个性迥异的爷孙两人在很多事上都存着分歧,随着时间推移,矛盾慢慢积累最终爆发,在和爷爷大吵一架后,戴仁离开了家,开始了独自一人的生活。 某日,戴仁意外得知爷爷立下遗嘱,上书如果戴仁不能迎娶名为多炫(全昭旻 饰)的女子,将会失去所有遗产的继承权。愤怒的戴仁将多炫当成了是欺骗和迷惑爷爷的骗子,两人之间产生了诸多的矛盾。然而,随着时间的推移,戴仁渐渐发现了多炫善良温柔的一面,一直扮演着纨绔子弟的戴仁,内心深处感受到了强烈的悸动。

果欄中的江湖大嫂 Apple-colada (TVB Drama DVD)

嫁到馬來西亞做大嫂的李夢露(陳煒)因身負巨債,逼不得已回港投靠姪女李樂怡(岑麗香),二人性格南轅北轍,不時發生齟齬,但意外得知親兄本有一檔果欄被馮大堅(黃光亮)及其姪子馮寶(黃浩然)私侵,為要搶回業權,展開一連串軟硬兼備的攻勢,鬧出不少笑話與風波。樂怡同窗黃有財(楊明)是麻油地熱心社工邂逅奇女子陳玉敏(馮盈盈),且糾纏於果欄於江湖的是非之間,夢露、樂怡及玉敏三女子經歷多翻轉折,令到本來守舊缺乏朝氣的果欄起了翻天地覆的變化...... Once married into wealth but now debt-ridden, LEE MUNG-LU (Alice Chan) returns to Hong Kong from Malaysia to seek refuge with her niece LEE LOK-YEE (Eliza Sam). They are poles apart, often bricking. By chance, MUNG-LU learns that the fruit market owned by her elder brother was seized by FUNG TAI-KIN (Wong Kwong Leung) and his nephew FUNG BO (Rayong Wong). She seeks to reclaim the property by hook or by crook but ends up in hilarious chaos. LOK-YEE and her schoolmate WONG YAU-CHOI (Mat Yeung) are social workers devoted to helping others in Yau Ma Tei. They encounter legendary CHAN YUK-MAN (Crystal Fung) and get caught up in a controversy surrounding the fruit market and the society. Having gone through many ups and downs, MUNG-LU, LOK-YEE and YUK-MAN eventually bring significant change to the out-of-date fruit market......

My Father Is Strange 爸爸好奇怪 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

This drama is about a family that lives on the outskirts of Seoul. Byun Han Soo is the father and His wife, Na Yeong Shil is a dedicated, responsible mother to his three daughters and one son including Hye Yeong, Mi Yeong, Ra Yeong, and Joon Young. Suddenly one day, Ahn Joong Hee shows up at the household and declares that he is the son of the family. Joong Hee is an actor who used to be a member of an idol group. He begins to live with them... 卞家是一個擁有四個子女的大家庭,卞漢秀(金英哲飾)與妻子羅英實(金海淑飾)一起經營著一家小壽司店,二人勤勞努力,因此店裡生意興隆。四個子女均未婚。大兒子卞俊英(閔鎮雄飾)已經準備了五年公務員考試,但屢戰屢敗,屢敗屢戰,他下定決心今年一定要通過考試。大女兒卞惠英(李宥利飾)是一位美貌與智慧並存的律師,十分注意自身形象,追求高品質的生活。二女兒卞美英(鄭素敏飾)一直在找工作,性格溫和善良。老幺卞羅英(柳和榮飾)性格乖張,喜歡漂亮衣服和包包,經常和大姐惠英拌嘴。一家人過著吵鬧但又溫馨的幸福生活。 然而,一輩子只知道勤懇工作、為了家人付出的善良耿直的卞漢秀,卻有著到死為止也不能說出去的秘密,三十多年來,他和妻子一直辛苦地背負著這個秘密,過著小心翼翼的生活。直到有一天,自稱是卞漢秀兒子的藝人安重希(李准飾)的出現打破了這個家的平靜以及卞漢秀和妻子多年來一直想要堅守的秘密。

翻生武林 Birth of a Hero (TVB Drama DVD)

To avoid all the strife caused by the gangland power struggles, YUK WAN-LUNG (Edwin Siu) and his elder sister YUK KIU-FUNG (Rachel Kan) lead a quiet life, running an inn. Unexpectedly, WNAN-LUNG is determined to take part in the New Hero Contest, seeking to win his ex, NGAI BING-BING (Roxanne Tong), back. After WAN-LUNG exposes a scandal involving the East Wing imperial guards, he is incarcerated by SAU PAK-KWAN (Ben Wong), a commander of the East Wing. KIU-FUNG is so eager to save her younger bother that she initiates a rumour that there is treasure hidden in their inn. Right away, PAK-KWAN releases WAN-LUNG and even sends his right-hand agent SAU TSOI-SUM (Grace Chan) to follow him to the inn to collect intelligence information. Suddenly, those who lurk in the shadows flock to the inn, with each coming up with cunning maneuvers. In the process, TSOI-SUM, who has been looking for her parents' killer, uncovers the truth, so she revolts against PAK-KWAN. Apart from that, she and WAN-LUNG start having feelings for each other, and they decide to bring some changes to the gangland. Though they gradually breathe new life into the dying gangland, they instead fall into the trap set by the revenge-seeking elder named YAM NGO-FEI (David Chiang), who has been plotting this for so long...... 为免涉足江湖恩怨情仇, 玉云龙(萧正楠)与姐玉娇凤(简慕华)安分守己经营客栈生意,誰料云龙为重夺旧爱艾冰冰(汤洛雯)芳心毅然参加新晋英雄大赛,因而牵涉揭发东厂黑幕,被东厂的仇不群(黄智贤)收入监牢,娇凤救弟心切,暗中放风指客栈有隐世宝物,不群不单立即释放云龙,更派出左右手仇在心(陈凯琳)跟随云龙到客栈收取情报,此时亦引来各路隐世英雄一涌现,各施奇谋,期间令一直寻找杀害双亲的在心发现真相,倒戈相向对付不群之余,更与云龙产生感情,决心一同改革武林,令本已奄奄一息的武林再现生气,但二人却陷入本是慈悲老人任我飞(姜大卫)筹谋已久的报仇大计......

Watch Out Boss 波士早晨 (TVB Drama DVD)

It's said the office feels like a warzone. There are no eternal enemies or friends, only eternal and perpetual interests! Secretary to Marketing Director, LO JOY-LAM (Flora Chan), who is highly regarded by her superior, SUNG LAI-KAN (Lee Chi Hung), is dubbed the "Queen" in the company. She and the Sales Director, HONG SHING-YU (Tony Hung), are often caught in the corporate rat-race. Armed to the teeth everyday for work, SHING-YU's secretary, YIU LOK-SZE (Ali Lee) often get by on her looks despite her mistakes, to which JOY-LAM couldn't care less about because she always easily out-wits her. Recently, the company is developing a new brand, and both departments have their eyes on it. Unexpectedly, the senior management hires outsider HUI LAP-KIU (Ben Wong) to be the Marketing Director for the newly developed brand, which greatly startles JOY-LAM. Apart from that, JOY-LAM is also busy assisting the grandson of the owner WING CHUN-HEI (Steven Cheung). With each experiencing significant change in their situation, the relationship of LAP-KIU and JOY-LAM as an ex-couple is gradually exposed, inflaming tensions among the minefield of company politics. What's more, even the longstanding ties between the traditional duo of boss and secretary take on a new significance every single day...... 职场如战场,办公室内没有永远的朋友和敌人,只有利益共享者!市场部高级秘书路在林(陈慧珊)一直深受上司市场部总监宋礼勤(李子雄)重用,被封为公司秘书王,与敌对阵营的销售部总监康承宇(洪永城)经常斗个你死我活,其秘书小姐洛施(李佳芯)更是天天以战斗格上班,只懂得恃靓行凶来掩饰错失,但在林眼中却视她如无物,总轻易以智取胜。适逢公司积极发展新品牌,逐成两家必争之地,誰料上层外聘许立喬(黄智贤)出任新品牌的市场部总监,令在林大吃一惊之余,更要忙于侍候太子爷荣晋熙(张致恒),公司各方势力出现大逆转,加上立喬与在林原是前夫妻的关系亦渐渐曝光,办公室政治气温急剧上升,就连上司与秘书荣辱与共的戏码更是天天新款......