Showing 277–288 of 822 results

跳躍生命線 Life on the Line (TVB Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

妻子章蕙芯(李佳芯)死於一宗司機醉駕事故後,救護總隊目麥在田(馬德鐘飾)跟獨女諾兒、姐姐愛花(張文慈飾)、小姨章可祈(劉佩玥飾)共同生活。在田因喪妻一事痛恨不守規矩、任意妄為的人和事,公事上鐵面無私!新下屬卓家傑(何廣沛飾)為人衝動,與在田常生磨擦。此外,調任見習救護主任的上級譚嘉俊(羅天宇飾)凡事追求完美,更處處針對家傑,令隊員壓力大增;在田作為中間橋樑,苦心經營,力求維繫隊員的團結及合作精神同時希望培育出色的救護精英,在不同個案挑戰中,搶救更多寶貴生命⋯⋯ Ever since his wife CHEUNG WAI-SUM (Ali Lee) was killed by a drunk driver, Principal Ambulanceman MAK CHAY-TIN (Joe Ma) has been living together with his only daughter LOK-YEE, older sister OI-FA (Pinky Cheung) and sister-in-law CHEUNG HO-KEI (Moon Lau). The loss of his wife makes CHAY-TIN hate those rule-breakers and any reckless behaviours. At work, he is stern about everything! His new subordinate CHEUK KA-KIT (Matthew Ho) acts on impulse, and conflict often ensues as a result. Moreover, as a perfectionist, their new superior Probationary Ambulance Officer TAM JA-CHUN (Joey Law) constantly picks on KA-KIT, adding extra pressure to their teammates. Caught in the middle, CHAY-TIN works relentlessly to bridge the differences between them in an effort to promote a spirit of teamwork, cultivating an elite rescue unit to save more lives when facing a variety of challenges......

再創世紀 Another Era (TVB Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

2008年金融海嘯席捲全球,野心商人賀天生(郭晉安)欲趁機吞併香港首府方松蔭(胡楓)的集團,惟最後遭富商桌啟堂(潘志文)出手阻撓。天生懷恨在心,伺機報仇。10年後,成為首富的卓家,卻遭到天降橫禍,啟堂因兒子意外離世大受打擊,心臟病發昏迷,不諳世事的幼女卓定垚(周勵淇)為守護家業者,在私募基金代理人高哲(林文龍)的扶助下,與天生展開連場商戰。隨著啟堂甦醒,天生妻子章明晞(楊怡),松蔭之孫方澤雨(袁偉豪)、創業青年程凱(周柏豪),紛紛加入戰局。眾人的恩仇命運糾纏在一起,勢必掀起又一場世紀之戰⋯⋯ In 2008, as the tsunami of financial chaos engulfed the world , ambitious entrepreneur HO TIN-SANG (Kwok Chun On) saw the opportunity seeking to take over the richest man in Hong Kong, FONG CHUNG-YAM's (Wu Fong) business empire, but was interfered by another business magnate CHEUK KAI-TONG (Pat Poon). Bearing animosity towards him, TIN-SANG has been seeking revenge since then. Ten years later, the now wealthiest Cheuk family is overshadowed by misfortune. The sudden death of KAI-TONG's son comes as a crushing blow to KAI-TONG, who lapses into a coma after a heart attack. To keep their business going, his inexperience younger daughter CHEUK DING-YIU (Chow Lai Ki, Niki), with the help of private enquiry placement agent, KO CHIT (Frankie Lam), faces off with TIN-SANG. With KAI-TONG regaining consciousness, TIN-SANG's wife CHEUNG MING-HEI (Tavia Yeung), CHUNG-YAM's grandson FONG CHAK-YU (Benjamin Yuen) and aspiring young entrepreneur CHING HOI (Chau Pak Ho) also get involved in the ever-escalating power struggle. The enmity among them will soon intensify towards a full-blown rivalry……

Into the World Again / Reunited Worlds 다시만난세계 再次相逢的世界 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

Hae-sung (by Yeo Jin-goo) disappears after a mysterious accident. 12 years later, he wakes up on the roof of his school building. He is now 31 years old, but he still has the appearance and personality of himself at age 19 when he disappeared. He reunites with Jung-won (by Lee Yeon-hee), his childhood friend and first love. The two of them end up being 12 years apart because Hae-sung was gone to another world. Hae-sung's siblings were all separated after his death, so he brings them together. He later finds out that he was unjustly accused of killing someone after he died. To solve the mystery of his death and clear himself of a false charge, he begins his own investigation. Accompany him on this fantasy romance journey to find out where he will be at the end of the road. 原本青梅竹馬的成海誠(呂珍九 飾)和鄭靜媛(李允熹 飾),在高中的時候因為特殊原因而分開,鄭靜媛一直以為成海誠已經去世。但是,12年之後鄭靜媛又再次遇到了成海誠。成海誠仍然是18歲的模樣,而此時的鄭靜媛已經31歲了。但是,兩人心中依然有著彼此,於是一段特殊的愛情就這樣開始了。

Money Flower 돈꽃 金钱花 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

Managing director Kang Pil-joo is envied by many inside the Chungah Group where he is known for his intelligence and high-performance. He keeps his real identity a secret from the Chungah Group founding family and serves them like an obedient servant but he is actually grooming them for his scheme. His plan was to make Mo-hyun fall in love with him for his revenge, but he finds himself falling in desperately in love with her free-spirited personality. The "Money Flower" portrays a story of interlinked relationship between Pil-joo who is capable of bringing down Chungah, Mo-hyun who seeks love and a young Chungah Group scion named Bu-cheon. And these characters all come to the fore as money dictates their lives in a web of desire, greed and love. 青阿集團戰略企劃室常務理事姜弼週以聰慧敏銳的頭腦和出色的辦事能力受到人們的艷羨和嫉妒。他隱瞞自己是青阿集團的骨肉,充當青阿一家的走狗,但其實他是“調教主人的狗”。他為了復仇想以愛情為手段,但遇到自由棄放的慕賢後反倒陷入愛情的陷阱。《金錢花》通過青阿一家的關鍵人物弼週,一心想獲得命中注定的愛情的慕賢,危機四伏的富三代富川,以及富川的秘密情人瑞元之間的四角關係,描寫出被金錢支配的人們心中的慾望和愛情。寒冬盛開的又甜又苦的《金錢花》在我們身邊綻放。

My Golden Life 황금빛 내 인생 我黃金光輝的人生 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

Everyone dreams of becoming successful and leading a wonderful life, but the glass ceiling is solidified even more nowadays. This is a story of a woman whereby she has a chance to climb up in social status, but she ends up falling into a bottomless pit instead. She tries to seek happiness from where she is. This drama will console those who are still hoping and dreaming of escaping the rock bottom life 這一部講述了原本以為迎來千年一遇機會提升自己身分的女主角,反而走進了人生的低谷,在此期間重新找回幸福的故事。對因繼承父母的能力或財富而決定孩子等級一事陷入絕望的人們, 以關於“幸福的基準”的思考契機的故事。它是一部探討人生,人性的電視劇,同時也是近四年取得韓國平均收視率超過45%的“國名電視劇”。

特技人 The Stunt (TVB Drama DVD)

「巔峰」曾是電影界著名的飛車特技團隊,兩年前因一次意外,令隊長齊大志(譚俊彥)解散團隊。女隊員常美姝(朱晨麗)為了完成亡父遺志,一方面在片場做替身,一方面積極拉攏「巔峰」重組,經努力終成功。新晉導演姚知行(關楚耀),有意找巔峰合作開拍一部以特技人為題材的電影,但遭大志拒絕。美姝暗戀大志多年,而知行對美姝有好感,加上「花瓶」女演員秦臻(博嘉莉),四人關係糾纏不清。美姝揭穿了一個被掩藏多年的謊話,沒法繼續特技人之路,大志如何拆解? “Summit" was a reputable vehicular stunt team in the film industry, but an accident that happened two years ago made team leader CHAI TAI-CHI (Shaun Tam) disband the team. To pass on her late father's legacy, SHEUNG MEI-CHU (Rebecca Zhu) works as a stunt double at film studios while actively seeking to bring the team back together, which eventually succeeds through her efforts. Aspiring director YIU CHI-HANG (Kelvin Kwan) approaches the "Summit" team for making a movie about the life of stunt performers but is rejected by TAI-CHI. MEI-ZHU has had a crush on TAI-CHI for years; whereas CHI-HANG also grows fond of MEI-ZHU. Plus, an eye candy actress call JUN JUN (Kelly Fu) further complicates the relationship among the four more than ever. After exposing a lie that has been hidden for years, MEI-CHU cannot continue her stunt performer career anymore. How is TAI-CHI going to deal with it?

Unknown Woman 이름없는여자 沒有名字的女人 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

Do you see motherhood as a beautiful, selfless thing? Here's a beautiful, selfless thing? Here's a story maternal love. There are two mothers who have a strong bond with their child. Hong Jiwon holds hands with the devil to save her son. She gives away her money. And, because of her great affection towards her child, she finds herself in conflict with Son Yeori who is also a mother. Under the name of a mother, the two women know how to show mother's instinctive love. “母親”是創造與保護之女神的代名詞,同時,她們亦是破壞女神。偉大的母愛是兩人互相傷害。為了保護各自的孩子,她們放棄了一切,奪走了一切。 父親去世後,孫如莉(吳智恩 飾)被洪智媛(裴宗玉 飾)收養進入了WID集團一家。某一天,智媛的兒子海成的白血病復發了,急需如莉的幫助,而如莉恰巧患有身孕,為了保護自己的孩子離家出走了。智媛為了讓自己的孩子活下去,派了人去抓如莉,不曾想那人未能完成任務,發生了事故並和兒子海成相繼去世了。失去孩子的智媛發誓要讓如莉嘗受同樣的痛苦。考慮到智媛有可能加害於自己的孩子,如莉謊稱自己便是殺人兇手,並在監獄裡生下了一個女兒。恰巧在如莉把女兒送到監獄外的那天,智媛出現了。不久後,如莉收到了女兒逝去的通知,並下定決心向惡人報仇。

明天和你 Tomorrow With You (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

Is it possible to prevent a future of misery? Yoo So Joon (Lee Je Hoon) is the successful CEO of a real estate company who has the ability to time travel when he takes the subway. Going back and forth in time, he sees his future self living a life of torment and unhapiness. To try to offset his doomed future, he decides to marry Song Ma Rin (Shin Min Ah), a cheery photographer, even though he does not love her. Can Ma Rin help So Joon change his unhappy future? 劉素俊(李帝勳飾)是一位擁有數千億資產的房產投資公司老闆, 是一個時間旅行者, 他擁有通過地鐵穿梭時光的能力, 也可以說擁有“邁達斯之手”, 宋瑪琳(申敏兒飾)是時間旅行者劉素俊的妻子,她曾是知名童星, 而現在則是在一個30歲出頭, 長相平凡, 默默無名的攝影師。 她與近乎完美的男人劉素俊相識並結婚, 當她了解到丈夫神秘的真實狀況後, 陷入了混亂之中。

Black Knight 黑骑士 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

What can and can't be seen? What exists that can't be perceived? What if there is a type of power that we are unable to feel and don't know about? Supplementing that unknown mysterious power with our imagination, we've created a love story between a man and a woman. KBS Drama is a romance drama about a man who accepts his risky fate for the woman he loves. 有些東西,肉眼看不到它,但它的確存在卻不為人知。人類無從感知也尚未發現它是一個怎樣的存在。 在這個神秘之力加上一點人類的想像力, 創造了一對男女的愛情故事。 KBS電視劇《黑騎士》是講述了純情派男主為了心愛的女人, 不惜捲入危險命運之中的溫暖的愛情故事。

BB來了 Who Wants A Baby (DVD)

意外懷孕令唐恬兒(李佳芯)和葉致廷(黎諾懿)夫妻二人大失預算, 本可寄望雙方母親大人的幫忙, 可惜兩老育嬰方式南轅北轍, 衝突頻生, 令夫妻落入24小時無間湊女地獄, 為勢所迫終請來陪月達人王佳妙(楊卓娜)救亡。 因為BB來了,令恬兒狠心告別時尚愛美的事業, 致廷要遠離夜夜笙歌的品味人生, 恬兒更為事業轉型及爭取時間照顧女兒, 毅然接手經營陪月中介公司, 經佳妙穿針引線接觸不少雇主和陪月, 令恬兒對母親這新身分別有一番體會, 但與致廷卻漸行漸遠, 更懷疑他與酒吧同時許晴(高海寧)有染; 誰料到致廷因一次意外中勇救小孩而成了網紅的「絕世好爸」, 另陪月公司竄升育嬰界KOL, 带来翻天地覆的⋯⋯ An unexpected pregnancy catches couple TONG TIM-YEE (Ali Lee) and IP CHI-TING (Lai Lok Yi) off guard, so they hire an experienced confinement nanny, WONG KAI-MIU (Griselda Yeung), to help them. The arrival of her newborn forces TIM-YEE to change her career and take over a post-natal care agency. In her role as a new mom, she is struck with a newfound appreciation, but feels like she and her husband are growing apart. She even suspects that he has an affair with his coworker bartender HUI CHING (Samantha Ko). Surprisingly, CHI-TING captivates the internet after bravely saving a child in an accident, and is dubbed the "greatest dad" ever, turning thing upside down......

天命 Succession War (TVB Drama DVD)

和坤(陳展鵬)才智過人, 深得乾隆帝寵信, 權傾朝野, 營私植黨, 人稱「二皇帝」。 皇十五子永琰(譚俊彥)看似平庸, 與世無爭, 遂得和坤相中, 扶植為皇位繼承人。 嘉慶四年,乾隆駕崩,嘉慶帝先後說服和坤兒子豐紳殷德(何廣沛)以及心腹福長安(陳山聰)倒戈相向,意圖以雷霆手段將和坤及其黨羽一舉殲滅。 然而老謀深算的和坤早有對策, 不但化解嘉慶連番攻擊; 更反客為主, 揭出皇貴妃(李施嬅)一段不可告人的秘密, 令家慶腹背受敵! 和坤二夫人長媚(姚子羚)和紅顏知己豆蔻(唐詩詠)亦在宮中與江湖上分頭行事, 令一向支持家慶的親弟永璘(張穎康)與之反目成仇, 而白蓮教也在江湖上與風作浪, 令家慶陷入絕境。 豈料天命難違⋯⋯ HESHEN (Ruco Chan), brilliant and favoured by EMPEROR QIANLONG, has influence over the throne. He forges extensive factional alliances for shared venality and is dubbed the "Second Emperor". PRINCE YONGYAN (Shaun Tam), the 15th son of the Emperor, appears mediocre with no ambition, so is selected by HESHEN as first line to the throne. After the death of QIANLONG in the 4th year of EMPEROR JIAQING's reign, JIAQING manages to convince HESHEN's son FENGSHEN-YINDE (Matthew Ho) and confidant FUCHANG'AN (Joel Chan) to turn their coat, seeking to sweepingly eliminate HESHEN and his cronies. But, wily HESHEN comes prepared. Facing JIAQING's attacks, he not only manages to solve this crisis, but also turns the tables, exposing the unspeakable secret of ROYAL NOBLE CONSORT (Selena Lee). Suddenly, JIAQING is caught in the crossfire! HESHEN's second wife CHANG MEI (Elain Yiu) and female confidant DOUKOU (Natalie Tong) act separately inside and outside the imperial court, turning JIAQING's longtime supporter/own brother PRINCE YONGLIN (Jonathan Cheung) into his enemy. With the White Lotus Sect wreaking havoc nationwide, JIAQING is plugged into despair. However, he is a man with a mandate from heaven......

Hospital Ship 醫療船 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

Army doctor board a hospital ship, which is a floating hospital that serves peoples who live on remote islands. But were these doctors interested in helping underprivileged people for free? Not at all. There is the non-army doctor Eun-jae, a cold perfectionist surgeon whose fast-track career was derailed. Kwak Hyun who practices internal medicine is the first army doctor to volunteer for duty on the hospital ship. Then there is the irritating Jae-geol, an oriental medicine doctor who drew the short straw and now has to serve on the hospital ship. A bunch of doctors with different backgrounds find themselves afloat at sea.They are too old to be called youthful doctors as they are all in their thirties. Though they have skills obtained through long years of studying in medical school, their hearts and souls are barren. This is coming-of-age story about doctors who have experience setbacks in life that they are trying to bounce back from while they learn how to be compassionate doctor and pursue fulfilling lives. 他们登上了大海上的简陋医疗站:医疗船。这些医生不是为了在缺医少药的村庄治病救人才来到这里的。突然被甩出人生坦途,冰冷的完美主义外科医生恩彩(河智苑饰),有史以来唯一主动要求到医疗船工作的公共保健医生郭贤(姜敏赫饰),因为手气不好抽签来到医疗船,倒霉而脾气暴躁的韩医在杰(李瑞元饰)。他们在人生的茫茫大海上漂流,在医疗船上相遇。30岁是不好意思说是青春,也不完全算是大人的年纪。他们的脑子和手里很充实,但内心空虚。如今面对真正的人生,向着真正的医生,真正的成年人和真正幸福人生的航海开始了。