Showing 25–48 of 806 results

Angel’s Last Mission: Love 僅此一次的愛情 (Korean Drama DVD9)

Starring: 申惠善 Shin Hye-sun、金明洙 Kim Myung-soo、李東健 Lee Dong-gun Directed by: Lee Jung-sub Total Episodes: 1-16 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG Studio: KBS Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 29 October 2020 Production Year: 2019 Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode No. of Disc: 4 DVDs 

Angry Mom 憤怒的媽媽 (Korean Drama DVD)

When Jo Gang-Ja attended high school, she was notorious for fighting. She gave birth to her daughter A-Ran (Kim You-Jung) in her late teens and became more responsible. Her daughter A-Ran is now a high school student, but A-Ran is bullied at school. Jo Gang-Ja decides to go back to high school to protect her daughter. Jo Gang-Ja becomes a high school student again. The screenplay was nominated for the excellence award at MBC's Script Contest.

《愤怒的妈妈》是由韩国著名演员金喜善、曾主演《仁显王后的男人》的池贤宇和 《云画的月光》女主角金裕贞等主演。该剧主要讲述了曾是称霸釜山的大姐大出身的年轻妈妈为了拯救被学校暴力欺压的孩子们,进入高中校园后发生一系列故事的家庭青春喜剧。


Also known as: The Tale of Arang Main cast: Lee Joon-gi 李準基, Shin Min-ah 新慜娥, Yeon Woo-jin 延宇振 Director: Kim Sang-ho-I Total Episodes: 20 Genre: Fantasy, Comedy Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG Release Date: 11/06/2013 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 900 min (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

Are You Human Too? 너도 인간이니? 你也是人类吗? (Korean Drama DVD9)


Oh Laura, a renowned scientist, was forced to part with her young son, Nam Shin to cope with her loss. Over the years, she builds various AI robots modelled after him naming them Nam Shin I, II and III. Decades later, after surviving an attempt on his life. Nam Shin slips into a coma to protect his position as the heir to a chaebol. Laura Senos Nam Shin III to take his place and fulfil his outies.

Kang So Bong was a member of Nam Shin's security detail until she was disgracefully dismissed. She becomes Nam Shin III's bodyguard, determined to get to the bottom of his strange comments and behaviour. However, she gets more than what she's bargained for when she starts falling for him and has to keep him safe from the very people who'd tried to murder Nam Shin.


Armed Reaction 2021 陀槍師姐2021 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 宣萱 Jessica Hester Hsuan, 陳豪 Moses Chan, 滕麗名 Joyce Tang, 羅子溢 Him Law, 許紹雄 Hui Shiu Hung, 洪永城 Tony Hung, 鄧佩儀 Gloria Tang, 鄭俊弘 Fred Cheng, 海俊傑 Gabriel Harrison, 關曜儁 Leo Kwan, 李成昌 Li Shing Cheong, 盧宛茵 Angelina Lo Directed by: 方駿釗 Dave Fong Total Episodes: 1-30 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: NC16 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 03 April 2021 Production Year: 2020 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 6 DVDs 

As Time Goes By 好日子 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Everyone has some story to tell. Some people choose to leave the past behind, while others just love to reminisce. Chai Man-shek (Max Cheung) - son of Chai Village village chief Chai Yik-tseung (Lee Kwok Lun), Chai Man-kei (Ben Wong) and Bin Wai-ching (Alice Chan) have been buddies since childhood. The two guys both fancy Wai-ching. Rewind thirty years to a Mid-Autumn Festival evening, Man-shek, Man-kei and Wai-ching get drunk and then engage in something that undermines family values. Their inappropriate behaviour is exposed. Man-kei, Wai-ching and Man-shek leave Chai Village and go their separate ways. Man-shek has even gone to Australia for good as he wants to forget everything that has happened. However, thirty years have passed and they are forced to face up to this long-buried incident as fate has brought them back together again.



Awfully Lawful 熟男有惑 Premium Pack TVB Drama

Main cast: 郭晋安,李诗韵,李思捷,陈敏之,曹永廉 Director: 林志华 Total Episodes: 20 Genre: Drama, Comedy Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Cantonese Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG Release Date: 27/08/2013 Production Year: 2012 Running Time: Approx. 900 min (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

Barrack O’Karma 1968 金宵大廈2 (TVB Drama DVD)

Starring: 陳山聰 Joel Chan, 李施嬅 Selena Lee, 伍詠薇 Christine Ng, 趙希洛 Candice Chiu, 張彥博 Bob Cheung, 胡鴻鈞 Hubert Wu, 湯洛雯 Roxanne Tong, 丁子朗 Karl Ting, 鄭子誠 Timothy Cheng, 韋家雄 Willie Wai, 林子善 Jazz Lam, 郭子豪 Arnold Kwok, 連詩雅 Shiga Lin Directed by: 葉鎮輝 Dave Fong Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: NC16 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 6 May 2022 Production Year: 2022 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 4 DVD

Barrack O’Karma 金宵大廈 (TVB Drama DVD9)


Siu Wai-ming (Joel Chan) becomes a security guard at Twilight Mansion, a run-down place where dodgy characters roam around. He encounters an occupant by the name of Alex (Selena Lee), who is an air hostess and a dead ringer for some qipao clad woman that keeps clinging to him in his dreams. Siu gets closer to Alex and finds out they are somehow interrelated. Meanwhile, strange things keep happening at Twilight Mansion as life experiences and curious stories of other occupants take center stage. Siu shockingly finds out Alex is a mirage! Welcome to the 1960s and Coco (Selena Lee) is a hostess at Twilight Ballroom. She dreams of becoming an air hostess someday. She falls in love with Lau Yuk-fai (Joel Chan), who is a policeman and a dead ringer for some guy in her dream. Her fantastic dream is even adapted as a novel by bookstore owner Lam Yeuk-sze (Bob Cheung). Siu accidentally finds this novel from yesteryear as he just has to get to the bottom of the mystery. Siu is aghast when he finds out he and Alex had been destined to get intertwined in some previous life.


Battle Of The Seven Sisters 七公主 (TVB Drama DVD)

Starring: 黃翠如 Priscilla Wong, 林夏薇 Lam Ha Mei, 高海寧 Samantha Ko, 江嘉敏 Kaman Kong, 陳瀅 Jeannie Chan, 鄺潔楹 Judy Kwong, 劉佩玥 Moon Lau, 陳曉華 Hera Chan, 陸永 Luk Wing, 鄭子誠 Timothy Cheng Directed by: 陳維冠Chan Wai Koon Total Episodes: 1-26 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: NC16 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 16 October 2021 Production Year: 2021 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 5 DVDs 

BB來了 Who Wants A Baby (DVD)

意外懷孕令唐恬兒(李佳芯)和葉致廷(黎諾懿)夫妻二人大失預算, 本可寄望雙方母親大人的幫忙, 可惜兩老育嬰方式南轅北轍, 衝突頻生, 令夫妻落入24小時無間湊女地獄, 為勢所迫終請來陪月達人王佳妙(楊卓娜)救亡。 因為BB來了,令恬兒狠心告別時尚愛美的事業, 致廷要遠離夜夜笙歌的品味人生, 恬兒更為事業轉型及爭取時間照顧女兒, 毅然接手經營陪月中介公司, 經佳妙穿針引線接觸不少雇主和陪月, 令恬兒對母親這新身分別有一番體會, 但與致廷卻漸行漸遠, 更懷疑他與酒吧同時許晴(高海寧)有染; 誰料到致廷因一次意外中勇救小孩而成了網紅的「絕世好爸」, 另陪月公司竄升育嬰界KOL, 带来翻天地覆的⋯⋯ An unexpected pregnancy catches couple TONG TIM-YEE (Ali Lee) and IP CHI-TING (Lai Lok Yi) off guard, so they hire an experienced confinement nanny, WONG KAI-MIU (Griselda Yeung), to help them. The arrival of her newborn forces TIM-YEE to change her career and take over a post-natal care agency. In her role as a new mom, she is struck with a newfound appreciation, but feels like she and her husband are growing apart. She even suspects that he has an affair with his coworker bartender HUI CHING (Samantha Ko). Surprisingly, CHI-TING captivates the internet after bravely saving a child in an accident, and is dubbed the "greatest dad" ever, turning thing upside down......

Beautiful Love Wonderful Life 愛情是Beautiful 人生是Wonderful (Korean Drama DVD9)

Starring: Seol In-ah 薛仁雅, Kim Jae-young 金宰永, Jo Yoon-hee 趙胤熙, Yoon Park 尹博, Oh Min-suk 吳珉錫 Directed by: Han Joon-Seo Total Episodes: 1-100 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG Studio: KBS Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 12 May 2021 Production Year: 2019 Running Time: Approx. 35 mins per episode No. of Disc: 12 DVDs 

Beauty And The Boss 愛美麗狂想曲 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 陳豪 Moses Chan, 李佳芯 Ali Lee, 蕭正楠 Edwin Siu, 陳瀅 Jeannie Chan, 曹永廉 Raymond Cho, 譚凱琪 Zoie Tam, 楊詩敏 Harriet Yeung, 姚嘉妮 Claire Yiu, 朱智賢 Ashley Chu, 劉溫馨 Virginia Lau  Special Appearance: 何廣沛Matthew Ho Directed by: 羅永賢Marco Law Total Episodes: 1-30 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: NC16 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 15 June 2021 Production Year: 2019 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 6 DVDs 

Bel Ami Korean Drama Dvd

Main cast: Jang Geun Seok,IU,Han Chae Yeong,Lee Jang Woo. Director: Jeong Jeong-hwa, Lee Jae-sang Total Episodes: 16 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: KBS Release Date: 29/05/14 Production Year: 2013 Running Time: Approx. 960 min (16 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

Bet Hur 赌城群英会 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

‘Bet Hur’ is a TVB drama directed by famous film director, Wong Jing that revolves on revenge started from a lost in a gambling match between two masters. The revenge continues to the younger generations. 《赌城群英会》是由TVB的时装悬疑剧,由王晶监制,谢贤、陈百祥、刘兆铭、佘诗曼、陈法蓉、马国明、黄浩然等领衔主演。该剧以“赌”作为核心而展开,主要讲述OK仔得罪屠东海,而引发一系列的恩怨情仇的故事。此剧是女主角佘诗曼在无线电视的告别作,随后她转往电影界及主力在邻近经济体发展。

Between Love and Desire 完美叛侣 (TVB Drama DVD)

Between Love and Desire (Chinese: 完美叛侶; literally "Perfectly Betrayed Companion" while 叛 means betray but homophone to 伴) is a 2016 Hong Kong television romance legal drama, starring Moses Chan, Maggie Shiu and Ben Wong as the main cast. The drama centers on the plot of how an unbalance work-personal life can change a person and break apart their family life. 《完美叛侣》是2016年由香港电视广播有限公司制作的时装爱情电视剧,由陈豪、黄智贤及邵美琪领衔主演。被背叛是甚麽滋味,尤其背叛者是你心爱的家人?「百世修来同渡船,千世修来共枕眠!」夫妻本该是最亲密的人,是甚麽让彼此的距离越拉越远?当初的「信任」及「承诺」走到哪儿去? 夫妻本是同林鸟! 惊变…

Beyond The Clouds 阳光灿烂 Korean Drama

Main cast:Yoon Kye-sang,Han Ji-hye,Jo Jin-woong,Kim Yoo-ri-I,Song Jong-ho,Kim Young-cheol. Director: Bae Kyeong-soo, Kim Jeong-hyeon-I Total Episodes: 16 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: KBS Release Date: 07/11/2014 Production Year: 2013 Running Time: Approx. 960min (16 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

Big Man 流氓王子 Premium Korean Drama

Main cast:Kang Ji-hwan,Lee Da-hee,Choi Daniel,Jeong So-min,Song Ok-sook,Jang Tae-seong. Director: Ji Yeong-soo Total Episodes: 16 Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin Subtitle: English, Chinese Rated: PG Studio: KBS Release Date: 27/11/2014 Production Year: 2013 Running Time: Approx. 960min (16 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4

Big White Duel (2019) 白色強人 (TVB Drama DVD)

Big White Duel focuses on the politics behind the healthcare industry in Hong Kong. It centers on Dr. Yeung (Roger Kwok), the deputy director of Ming Shing North Hospital. He proposes a plan to completely change the hospital’s bureaucratic model, but is met with opposition from Dr. Tong (Kenneth Ma), head of the hospital’s cardiology department. Tong believed that Yeung’s proposed changes could affect the poor’s accessibility to healthcare. 《白色强人》是由香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作的医疗题材电视剧。 此劇故事主要圍繞醫生救急扶危情況以及探討醫療改革問題。公营医院龙头「明成北」成为医疗改革的试点,副院长兼脑神经外科主管医生杨逸滔(郭晋安饰)计划将明成北打造成集资百億的医疗王国,觊觎成为最高话事人!心胸肺外科主管医生唐明(马国明饰)本着捍卫病人生命,将人命置於医疗制度之上的理念,与徒弟潘怀德(何广沛饰)并肩作战,却被院长吕仲学(姜大卫饰)拉进抗衡医改的权力游戏。逸滔、唐明与急症室医生蘇怡(唐诗咏饰)、心胸肺科医生程洛雯(李佳芯饰)、脑神经外科医生吕霭宁(张曦雯饰)等,一群身穿白袍的强者,他们的对手不只是疾病,还有人性贪婪和利欲薰心…

Big White Duel 2 白色強人II (2022) (TVB Drama DVD)



郭晉安  Kwok Chun On 馬國明  Kenneth Ma 陳豪      Moses Chan 胡定欣  Nancy Wu 唐詩詠  Natalie Tong 張曦雯   Kelly Cheung 蔣志光     Ram Chiang 韋家雄   Willie Wai 徐肇平     Shaopin Tsui 姜麗文     Lesley Chiang

DVD: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese / English Release Date: 9/11/2022 Rated: NC16 Number of Episodes: 30 Number of Disc: 6 DVD


Birth of a Beauty 美女的诞生

Main cast: Joo Sang-wook Han Ye-seul Jung Gyu-woon Wang Ji-hye Director: Lee Chang-min & Park Sun-ho Total Episodes: 21 Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG13 Release Date: 08/01/16 Production Year: 2015 Running Time: Approx. 1260 min (21 Episodes) No. of Disc: 5

Black Heart White Soul 忠奸人

Main cast: 郭晋安,田蕊妮,吴卓義 Director: 王心慰 Total Episodes: 30 Genre: Romance, Action Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Cantonese Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: NC16 Release Date: 29/09/14 Production Year: 2014 Running Time: Approx. 1350 min (30 Episodes) No. of Disc: 6

Black Knight 黑骑士 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

What can and can't be seen? What exists that can't be perceived? What if there is a type of power that we are unable to feel and don't know about? Supplementing that unknown mysterious power with our imagination, we've created a love story between a man and a woman. KBS Drama is a romance drama about a man who accepts his risky fate for the woman he loves. 有些東西,肉眼看不到它,但它的確存在卻不為人知。人類無從感知也尚未發現它是一個怎樣的存在。 在這個神秘之力加上一點人類的想像力, 創造了一對男女的愛情故事。 KBS電視劇《黑騎士》是講述了純情派男主為了心愛的女人, 不惜捲入危險命運之中的溫暖的愛情故事。

Blade Man 钢铁人

Main cast: Lee Dong-wook Shin Se-kyung Director:  Kim Yong-soo and Kim Jong-yeon  Total Episodes: 18 Genre: Fantasy, romance, drama, comedy Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Korean Subtitle: Chinese & English Rated: PG13 Release Date: 29/07/15 Production Year: 2014 Running Time: Approx. 1080 min (18 Episodes) No. of Disc: 4