Showing 217–228 of 822 results

Seven Sisters 七姊妹 (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)



富家女麦秋娟 (向海嵐) 不甘听命父亲下嫁富商,故不惜草绝命书相约爱郎缪連仙 (江華) 於七姊妹道自杀殉情。命运弄人,娟於黄泉路上一直苦等,仙始终未曾出现。心愿未圆,娟每年七月都重回七姊妹道,希望能找到仙当日的回信。自此,七姊妹道邮局闹鬼的传闻不胫而走……

一九四七年,地点仍为香港。平日嬉皮笑脸,穿上制服便顿时判若两人的邮差谢子堂(羅嘉良) 与任性的千金小姐黄玉簪 (佘詩曼) 本为闹气冤家,但因承诺为女鬼娟了结心愿,二人合作寻找仙的回信,渐对对方的观感改变,到最后更在曲折的情路上相遇,昔日未 尽的情缘缠上了今天尚未结果的恋曲;一封没有回音的死信织出两段阴阳相隔的凄美爱情故事。

Invisible Journey 彩色世界 (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)





Healing Hands II 妙手仁心II (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)

自唐姿礼 (蔡少芬) 昏迷後,程至美 (吴启华) 一直在病床守候。至美对感情的执着深深吸引着同院另一名医生何心妍 (蒙嘉慧)。心妍是富家女,跟同样出身豪门的风流医生林敏智 (陈豪) 本是恋人,但至美的出现使她认识到什麽才是细水长流的爱情。 江满月爱滋病发辞世,其姊新月 (陈慧珊) 大受打击,黎国柱 (林保怡) 从旁安慰,二人情苗得以滋长。正当大家都以为他俩能开花结果之际,国柱又再受考验。他和助手阮朗平 (陈洁仪) 日夕相对,二人最终经不起诱惑,背着新月发展另一段感情。後来朗平对新月感万分歉疚,宁愿独自离开香港。不久,远方传来朗平怀孕的消息,国柱知道後即推测自己就是孩子的父亲,情急下向新月自揭偷情真相。

Law Enforcers 勇探實錄 (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)

反黑組高級督察張國鋒 (郭晉安疾惡如仇,心思細密,分析力強,天生是當警察的好材料。他熱愛工作,甚至因工作的緣故而犧牲了家庭。重案組督察周家榮 (張家輝是鋒的同僚兼好友,以殲滅天下壞為已任。鋒與榮在工作上雖時有争执,但卻無阻二人的合作無間,錢雅麗 (袁潔瑩),本以為加入了鋒的反黑組后可以一展所長,怎料鋒初始只委派她文書工作,令她滿不是味兒,對于鋒和榮,麗初期全無好感,因她以為鋒是拋妻棄子的負心漢,榮則是私生活不檢點的人,工作上合作多了,三人對大家的認識也隨之而增加,榮熱烈追求麗,麗與榮相處下去卻受不了榮凡事要求十全十美的性格。此際麗發現自己愛上了鋒,卻因為榮母去世而不忍離開榮。一段復雜的三角關系出現了,簡單的麗不懂處理,向鋒道明,鋒卻不想橫刀奪愛。此事更讓榮知道了,弄至兄弟鬩場…...

Country Spirit 酒是故鄉醇 (PAL system, Chinese subtitle only)

古世龍 (秦沛) 乃酒廠當家,因顧念情義而收留舊情人的私生子阿純 (林家棟)。純寄人籬下,飽受屈辱,幸其生性豁達,毫不介意任低微的「酒尾公」。 世龍妹古瑤 (鄧萃雯) 處處關懷純,純對瑤早生情愫,惜瑤念念不忘已逝世的蒸煮師傅裘真 (曾偉權),不能釋懷。世龍獨子桂生 (馬德鐘) 為國從軍,音訊杳然,古家以為其已死,替他安排冥婚,新娘是以拉橫水渡為生的黎順風 (佘詩曼)。 順風為人執著、硬朗,與古家上下皆合不來,幸得純從旁勸解,人才像美酒經過蒸釀般越見醇厚。純其後拜「火王」金吉祥 (元華) 為師;祥早期喪妻,與瑤同病相憐,發展成一對鬥氣冤家。 世龍中風,古家內部爭權奪利,鬧得天翻地覆,風只好以大少奶身分擔起當家之位,與純合力助酒廠渡過難關。二人日久生情,豈料生卻於此時突然回家。風已為人妻,純重情義,二人能否衝破沉重的道德枷鎖,以真愛釀出醉人美酒?

Partners for Justice 2 檢法男女2 (Korean Drama DVD9)


While crimes continuously evolve, their cooperation also gets enhanced as well. The real and flawless collaboration among a cranky forensic pathologist, a passionate rookie prosecutor, and an experienced prosecutor gets revealed! Eun Sol, the rookie prosecutor, has become a more mature prosecutor, while Baek Beom, the genius forensic pathologist, has not changed at all. They keep working with Do Ji Han, the veteran prosecutor to investigate the mysterious Oh Man Sang case. All they have are the traces the dead left behind, their bodies. Baek Beom encounters the first “silent corpse with no traces”. As Oh Man Sang's DNA was extracted from the carbonized corpse, he has officially become a dead person. However, Baek Beom still doubts about his death. With his suspicion still remained unsolved, a year passed. Baek Beom strives to investigate and reveal the truth of the Oh Man Sang case alone. And another case breaks out and leads him and his partners to a new path.


Left-Handed Wife 左撇子妻子 (Korean Drama DVD9)

After a sudden accident, a man lives the life of another while a woman searches for her new husband who disappeared during their honeymoon. Both are desperate to find their family and uncover the truth. 一對新婚夫妻去度蜜月時,丈夫遇上了一場意外,兩人就此分離。丈夫因為壞人們的陰謀,在昏迷時被迫整型,五年後醒來也忘了他的妻子。他過着另外一个人的生活。他的妻子苦苦寻找蜜月旅行时离奇失踪的丈夫。在欲望和命运的交织中,兩人再次相遇,是否能重新找回深愛的彼此?

Flying Tiger II 飛虎之雷霆極戰 (TVB Drama DVD9)


A mysterious underworld force is engaging in criminal activities in Hong Kong, causing the city’s public safety to become a high-priority issue. SDU Chief Commander Lok Ka-shing (Michael Miu) is authorized by the commissioner to set up a task force designated as A Team, which is to be made up of exceptional police officers. Team members include Operation Unit Head Wang Kwok-dong (Bosco Wong), Investigation Unit Head Cheung Man-lung (Ron Ng), Intelligence Unit Head Ting Ho-yin (Kenneth Ma) and Identification Unit Head Yiu Ka-nam (Jennifer Yu). A Team swings into action and looks into a logistics company with underworld connections. They find out a mastermind by the name of Au Yeung Ching, who is also a tycoon, uses some underground website for conducting virtual currency transactions to facilitate his collaboration with some international crime syndicate. Vietnamese Chinese Ho Chun returns to Hong Kong and wants to be Au Yeung Ching’s partner. But nobody really knows this person. He is also allegedly to have something to do with the truth about an appalling smuggling case that took place in the 1990s in Hong Kong. The fearless A Team members not only have to confront international fugitives but also have to face up to dilemmas over love, hate and conscience in their personal relationships.

一伙神秘的黑勢力在香港進行犯罪行為,城市安全問題箭在弦上。香港飛虎隊隊長駱家成 (苗僑偉飾) 在處長的授意下,從警界挑選精英,成立特別行動組A team, 隊員包括行動組組長汪國棟(黃宗澤飾)、調查組組長章文龍(吳卓羲飾)、情報組組長丁浩然(馬國明飾)、 鑑證組組長姚嘉楠(余香凝飾)。A team從黑幫背景的物流公司入手,查到幕後莊家富商歐陽正,透過以虛擬幣交易的地下網站,與國際犯罪組織合作。越南華僑賀進回到香港,欲與歐陽正合作,但此人身份成謎,背後還牽涉到90年代香港轟動一時的走私案的真相。將生死置之度外的A team除了要與國際罪犯做出對抗,亦要面對自身的愛恨糾葛與人性抉擇。

Daughters-in-Law 媳婦的全盛時代 (Korean Drama DVD)


The Inheritors 繼承者 (Korean Drama DVD – Limited Circular Steel Box Edition)


The Exorcist’s 2nd Meter 降魔的2.0 (TVB Drama DVD9)


Taxi driver Ma Kwai (Kenneth Ma) goes down the road to exorcism as he is destined to perpetuate the legacy of genie Shek Kam-dong. He is also reunited with the mature soul of his buddy Mok Wai-ho (Hubert Wu). He even encounters Sze Lo-sze and his younger sister Sze Loi-sze (Gloria Tang), who are both exorcists. However, some demonic curse has caused Ma Kwai to keep thinking of a doctor by the name of Chong Tsz-yeuk (Mandy Wong). Tsz-yeuk then hooks up with genie Wind Lion god (C Kwan), eventually reviving certain memory of limbo in her subconscious. Pui Pui-na (Moon Lau) has died because of Ma Kwai. She then transforms into a phantom to keep him company. But Pui-na just cannot leave everything behind as she is too sentimental about the mortal realm. A child abuse case triggers off the comeback of demonic power. Wai-ho has actually been controlled by mysterious demonic power. Ma Kwai is shocked to learn the underlying truth. He is forced to face the painful dilemma of friendship or exorcism!

的士司機馬季 (馬國明飾) 繼承精靈石敢當的天命,走上降魔之路,更與長大的好友莫偉豪 (胡鴻鈞飾) 靈魂重逢,也認識了降魔兄妹施勞斯和施萊斯 (鄧佩儀飾)。然而,當日被魔落下詛咒,成為馬季對醫生莊芷若 (黃智雯飾) 的心結。芷若及後與精靈風獅爺 (C君飾) 結緣,終喚醒了潛藏的鬼域記憶……貝貝娜 (劉佩玥飾) 因馬季而死後,轉化靈體來守候他,可惜貝娜眷戀人世,欲斷不能離。一宗虐兒案,觸發魔的能力捲土重來,原來偉豪一直受到神秘魔力操控;馬季驚悉背後真相,被迫在情義與降魔之間作出沉痛抉擇!

The Fearless Duo 天师执位 (TVB Drama DVD9)


Master CHEUNG (Lau Tan) gets injured after fighting with the cult leader SUEN CI (Shek Kin). He runs away and meets his future apprentice SZETO MAN MO (Miu Kiu Wai) as well as the government official’s daughter LAM CHOR YIN (Yung Mei Ling). MO is engaged to YIN but he is not devoted to her at all. Even though YIN loves him whole-heartedly, MO desert her on their wedding day. Soon after, MO falls into an actress FA YING FUNG (Chiang Lai Ping) by knowing nothing of her veil of deceit. After being hurt seriously by FUNG, MO realizes that YIN is his true love and he returns to her eventually. Unfortunately. YIN’s spirit is captured by CI on their wedding night. In order to rescue his wife, Mo starts practicing black magic but this leads to disastrous outcomes...

張天師(劉丹)與邪教魔頭宣慈(石坚)鬥法不敵後負傷逃去,結識了日後的徒兒司徒文武(苗僑偉)與官小姐林楚燕(翁美玲)︒文武與楚燕早有婚約,惜神女有心,襄王無夢,文武無視楚燕滿腔愛意,成親之日便狠心休妻,後更迷戀戲子花凝鳳(蔣麗萍),懵然不知其居心叵測︒ 患難見真情,歷盡情傷的文武終於浪子回頭,與楚燕心意想通︒惜好景不常,花燭之夜,楚燕元神為宣慈所奪,文武救妻心切,冒險修習心魔大法,卻惹來無窮後患......