Our Unwinding Ethos 十二傳說 Trailer
Product Information
Starring: 蕭正楠 (Edwin Siu), 林夏薇 (Rosina Lam), 張頴康 (Jonathan Cheung Wing Hong), 劉佩玥 (Moon Lau Pui Yuet), 林子善 (Jazz Lam Tsz Sin), 歐瑞偉 (Jimmy Au Siu Wai), 蔣家旻 (Angel Chiang Ka Man), 林秀怡 (Kirby Lam Sau Yi)
Language: Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG13
Region code: All Countries
Release Date: 9 September 2019
Disc format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Number of episodes: 25 (完整版)
Number of discs: 5 DVD-9
Our Unwinding Ethos 十二傳說
Urban legend, somehow evident, somehow verisimilar, threads together the past and future. Conducting research at Bride’s Pool, Professor of folkloristics POON DOR-LAI (Lam Ha Mei) has what appears to be paranormal encounters, but soon uncovers criminal exploits behind it. She teams up with journalist FU CHI-POK (Edwin Siu) to probe into the matter, unravelling the unknown background of bride-to-be WONG YUK (Topaz) (Moon Lau). DOR-LAI’s teacher has disappeared for seven years, and it turns out that CHI-POK is his son. The two decide to continue his unfinished paper “Hong Kong Urban Legend”. In the process, they discover many cases that bear coincidental similarity to legend, realizing his disappearance is very suspicious. During the investigation, DOR-LAI and CHI-POK get to know police officer YIK MING-YIN (Cheung Wing Hong), whose family turn out to be the protagonist in the story “Fox Demon killing infants”. With DOR-LAI being asked to investigate what happened years ago, a clue instead leads her to the pawnshop run by her mother! In the meantime, CHI-POK finds out his father is still alive…
《Our Unwinding Ethos 十二傳說》是香港電視廣播有限公司拍攝製作的都市傳說之單元電視劇
都市傳說疑幻疑真,牽引過去與未來。民俗學教授潘朵拉(林夏薇)考察新娘潭傳說時遇上當地鬧鬼,她發現是有人利用傳說犯案,跟記者傅子博(蕭正楠)查明真相,揭開準新娘黃玉(劉佩玥)不為人知的身世。朵拉恩師失蹤七年,其子竟是子博,二人決定完成其未完成的論文《香港都會傳說》,考察期間竟遇上與傳說類同之案件,始覺恩師失蹤並不尋常。調查期間,朵拉與子博認識警察易銘賢(張頴康) ,其家族正是狐仙吸嬰傳說的主角,朵拉受託考察當年事,竟輾轉查到母親經營的當舖!此時子博發現父親尚在人間…
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