Technical Information
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
Era where the phrase “Blood is thicker than water” is no longer a truth. Now we live the society where the environment determines the class. Therefore, children can blame their parents since it’s not the children who get to choose the parents. However, they have forgotten that most children grow consuming unconditional love from their parents. Seo Young, by choosing to cut off her cable with her incompetent and troublesome father, tries to get out of her misery. This drama tells you that a family is tied not only by blood but also by love, through Seo Young’s story. Let’s look back preciousness of parents’ love through Lee Sam Jae, the father of Seo Young.
從小就很懂事的李瑞英(李寶英 飾),誌願是和弟弟尚宇(樸海鎮 飾)一起成為一名醫生。但中途自己的父親李項材(千浩振 飾)失業了。失業的父親也不努力尋找工作,總是幻想著一夜暴富。賭博,借高利貸,拖累了素英一家人,尤其拖累的自己的妻子,妻子不久就抱病離世。媽媽的離去對素英是巨大的打擊,她不得不放棄攻讀醫學院的機會,而是把尚宇送去了大學,對於父親則是與日俱增的仇視。經過努力成為律師的素英結識了Winners社長姜禹才(李相允 飾),得到了許久未得到的關愛。