Synopsis 剧情简介
中醫系畢業的程嘉應(蔡思貝飾)執業以來表現出色,是 每月最多病人的醫師榜首,能將緊細的資源發揮其最大的效能。應晉升為高級中醫師管理診所,亦開始參與培訓初級中醫師。新入職的初級中醫師中,竟包括她的青梅竹馬、 同屆中醫同學兼前度男友辜清勁(何廣沛飾)。多年前二人因為性格及價值觀問題而分手,如今重遇成為上司及下屬,矛盾不斷、沖突連連。不過兩人擁有醫者仁心,始終以病人利益為依歸。勁到醫院進行中西醫協作治療時受到不公平對待,最終應與一衆初級中醫師離開政府診所。衆人齊心壯志開設私人中醫診所,面對不同的病人和奇難雜症,除了醫術有進步, 對人生亦有不同體會。應和勁舊情複熾,卻因現實問題、經營方針和理念不同,不時沖突,最終勁退出診所,成為遊牧醫師。二人在各自的路上繼續自己的醫療理念,直到應患上紅斑狼瘡症,勁參與應的中西結合治療,在生關死劫下,二人才發現理想與現實是每個人終身學習的課題。
Ching Ka-ying and Koo Ching-king are lovers and Chinese medicine graduates. Ching-king chooses to continue with his medical studies, causing the couple to end their relationship. Ten years later, the duo run into each other again. Ka-ying has become a public Chinese medicine center service supervisor. Although Ching-king is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, he works under Ka-ying as her subordinate as he could only apply for the position of CM trainee practitioner. Even though the duo often quarrel due to their different beliefs, they are benevolent medical practitioners hoping to use their medical knowledge and experience to help patients. Despite the fact that there are many restrictions placed on CM practitioners in the health care system, they jointly oversee a contingent of novice CM practitioners, including Lo Yuen-chi, Yuen Si-si, Tong Siu-kwong and Pang Ching-mong. Together they create what they regard as the ideal Chinese medicine center and boldly go down the road to benevolence.
Trailer 预告片