Trailer 预告片
Synopsis 剧情简介
正祖李算是18世紀後期, 朝鮮王朝第22代君王
500年朝鮮王朝史中,人生最為波瀾起伏 、曲折坎坷的君主。思想最為開放,以最民主的方式包容所有人的賢君。本劇將其富有戲劇性人生中的等待與挫折,成功與悔恨,熠熠光輝的偉業和令人惋惜的愛情表現出來。正祖李算也以其卓越的統治和包容能力結束了數百年的黨派之爭,憑著對實物經濟的淵博知識,實現了18世紀朝鮮經濟的嶄新範式!
Lee Byoung-hoon, the director of the hit TV series The Jewel in the Palace, will direct this new period drama. In the late 18th century, Lee San became the 22nd king of the Joseon Dynasty!
It was the most tumultuous times ever seen in the 500-year-old Joseon monarchy! He was an open-minded, wise king who championed democratic values. The stories of his glorious triumphs, ordeals, regrets, and historical achievements are shown in this TV drama.