Technical Infomation
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
Jeon Seol-hee (Kim Jung-eun) files for divorce after realizing that she deserves to be treated better by her unappreciative lawyer husband, Cha Ji-wook (Kim Seung-soo) and his snobbish family. Determined to get her life back on track, she returns to her rock band roots, becoming the leader of the Comeback Madonna Band. Her bandmates are fellow ‘ahjummas’ who have personal problems of their own, and together they search for happiness and personal fulfillment through music.
金正恩饰演的女主人公嫁入韩国最著名的律师家族,却因为无法忍受婆家的虚伪和利己主义而与丈夫离婚,再与前夫上演震惊全国的法庭攻防战的故事。还重拾了高中时让她感到自由和动力的音乐,组织了麦当娜乐队重新出发。 金正恩在剧中饰演的“传说”上高中时期曾是学校的大姐大,但为了照顾妹妹,她到最大的一家律师事务所当起打杂人员,随后勾引被寄予厚望的律师,成为法律界名门的儿媳妇。金正恩在剧中是一个角色里过上两种极端的生活,嫁入豪门时金正恩的打扮十分端庄贤淑,其后则恢复阳光气息并打扮得相当合潮流。