Gods of Honour 封神榜 (2001) Trailer
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Gods of Honour 封神榜 (2001)Synopsis
哪吒(陳浩民)前世為火德星君,因中商朝名將李靖(元華)一箭而死。 轉世為人,竟成李靖三子! 前塵往事,今生仍歷歷在目,哪吒一直未能和父親和睦相處; 對這個人非人,妖非妖的兒子,李靖亦始終心存戒心,其後更藉故把他送走。 哪吒命不該絕,得人收養,十多歲更憑高超的法術而封帥。 哪吒重遇親生父母,不但三次不認娘,更削骨還父,削肉還母。哪吒雖終能還陽,卻從此變成蓮藕人;驕傲自持的他更變得一蹶不振。 時紂王(鄭子誠)荒廢朝政,只管沉迷於寵妃妲己(溫碧霞)傾國傾城的美色中,致國力大壞。 哪吒得生母及好友不離不棄,重新振作,出戰討伐荒淫無道的紂王。 妲己施苦肉計,令哪吒父子陣上對敵。 李靖君命不可違,哪吒孝義兩難全……
NAR JAR (CHAN HO MAN, BENNY) was a “Fire Master” in his previous life. He was killed by LEE CHING (YUEN WAH). After reincarnation, he ironically becomes CHING’s third son. He is very much affected by his old memories and cannot forgive his father. CHING also keep his distance from him because of his exotic nature and eventually sends him away with excuses. Luckily, he is saved by some kind people and becomes a General when he is still teenager. When he meets his parents again, he denies them three times. He even returns his flesh to his father and bones to his mother. Although he is resurrected again, he becomes a “Vegetable”. Arrogant NAR JAR turns into dummy. Meanwhile, Shang Dynasty emperor ZHOU (CHENG TSE SHING, TIMOTHY) abandons his empire for his mistress TANGIE (WAN PIK HAR, IRENE) and puts the empire in jeopardy. NAR JAR pulls himself together again under his mother and friends’ help fight ZHOU’s army for the civilians. Cunning TANGIE plays a trick which makes NAR JAR face his father in battle. CHING cannot rebel againts the emperor’s order. NAR JAR is also in the dilemma of conserving the benefit of the civilians and his family…