Dan-ah is participating in a seminar in Jeju island. Meanwhile, there’s something happening at a motel in the outskirts of Seoul.Tae-young is caught cheating with another woman by his wife at the motel and as he leaves the place he sees his sister-in-law come out of the same motel with another man. After that incident, his brother Soo-young begins seeing Jin-ah, and he meets Mal-soon.President Ha Seok-ho is widowed and he finds out that his girlfriend, Lee Young-in, is pregnant. Then his father suddenly passes away.Lee Cheon-gab and his son Lee Kang-seok hear about the death of Chairman Ha Man-ki and they think it would be a good idea to attend the funeral as a way to establish themselves in high society and break away from their “nouveau riche” status. So they attend the funeral. Dan-ah meets Lee Kang-seok once again. During the funeral, Dan-ah has to handle the disturbing news that her father’s girlfriend is pregnant and that her brother’s wife is having an affair while grieving for her grandfather. After the funeral is over, the wives of her two brothers ask for a divorce and leave them. Now Dan-ah is the only lady in the household and is in charge of preparing the ancestral rites. Hyun-gyu tries to help Dan-ah during these difficult times. Meanwhile, Lee Kang-seok is a thorn in her side as he keeps showing up and creating problems for her. Then, she has to grapple with the news that her father wants to marry his girlfriend, Young-in, because she is pregnant. Every member in her family enters new romantic relationships….
河万起会长一手振兴了已经没落的河氏宗家,虽然他并非河家的亲子孙,但他决心把河氏宗家精神传承下去。然而他寄予厚望的孙子们并不争气,那对双胞胎兄弟竟然同一天因通奸罪被传唤到警察局,之后又双双离婚…… 孙女河丹雅端庄典雅,在大学里教授民俗学,十分喜欢传统文化。可她偏偏会遇到无礼之人,近来一位坏家伙总是与她狭路相逢,他就是靠收旧货、放高利贷发家的暴发户之子,生性强悍好斗的李江锡…… 其实,孙子孙女们的生活虽然与河万起会长所期待的不太一样,但他们也是在传承着宗家精神和文化,用他们自己的方式……