Han Ji Eun is a naive writer who got swindled out of everything she owned including her house by her best friends. Stranded in China, She managed to borrow money from an actor Lee Young Jae to return to Korea. On her return, she found out that her house was bought by Lee Young Jae. In an attempt to get her possessions back, she entered in a contract marriage with Young Jae for one year. In spite of losing all, Ji Eun manages to be cheerful and takes things in strike and the business relationship between the two becomes personal as they start to rely and care for each other. Based on a popular manhwa of the same title.
生性单纯、乐观,身为网络爱情小说家–智恩(宋慧乔)深爱着父母遗留给她的Full House,有一天,大明星李宰(Rain)突然拖着搬家行李闯进了她的家门。原来是Full House已被银行拍卖给了李英宰。这让智恩震惊,急忙跑去银行打听才知原来是被幼时的朋友出卖,将她的房子和存摺全部处分后溜掉了…
Main Casts 主要人物:
Song Hye-kyo, Rain, Han Eun-jeong, Kim Sung-soo, Jang Yong, Seon-woo Eun-sook
Directors 导演:
Park Chan-yool,Pyo Min-soo