Technical Information
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
Leung Hau-Chi or Yvonne (Ada Choi) is a typical career woman in her 30s – fussy, arrogant and easily irritated by the sight of beautiful young women. Desperate for love and for something exciting to happen in her life, Chi is miserable and begins to despair when she abruptly transforms into a superwoman of incredible charm and strength.
With each new amazing power, Chi uses her extraordinary powers to fight for justice, help the weak, and go on remarkable adventures. On the way, she meets three kindhearted men: Yeung Ho-Yin (Kenny Wong), a brave but traditional policeman; Tsu Wing-Fai (Raymond Cho), a good-natured self-made businessman; and Kan Ming-Hin (Moses Chan), a genius plastic surgeon. To complicate matters, Hin happens to be in love with both Chi and her superwoman alter ego. Despite having superpowers, Chi has no idea how to find her true love
梁巧芝或Yvonne(蔡少芬饰)是个年过三十的职业女性,学历高、办事能力高、择偶条件亦高。一直寻找不到真命天子的她在一次机缘巧合之下,意外得到超人异能,成为一个可以上天下海、力大无穷、快如闪电,兼拥有完美外表的美女超人。拥有异能的芝在救弱扶危之余,更遇到三个香港绝种好男人,他们分别是浪漫多情的整容医生简明轩(陈豪饰)、大男人性格的警察新星杨浩然(黄德斌饰),以及单纯善良,后被揭发为富豪容伯駒(陳鴻烈饰)私生子的徐永晖(曹永廉饰),三个男人与拥有平凡OL及美女超人Janet Bin(蔡少芬分饰)两种极端身分的芝展开三段错综复杂的感情关系。