Technical Infomation
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
This South Korean historical drama traces the tumultuous life of Lady Choi Sook Bin (Han Hyo Joo), who was born a lowly commoner but rises to the position of a royal concubine by winning over King Sook Jong (Ji Jin Hee) with her warm heart and wit. Lady Choi has a son by the king, Prince Yeoning (Lee Hyung Suk), who means everything to her. She gingerly and wisely maneuvers through the deadly political infighting in the royal court in order to survive and protect her son. She raises her son into a well-balanced and educated person though strict discipline, and will be rewarded by seeing him become the king.
讲述了朝鲜第21代王英祖的生母也是19代王肃宗的后宫、贱民出身的淑嫔崔氏其波澜万丈起伏跌宕的人生和儿子英祖大王戏剧般的成长过程。 在西人和南人势力反复执政和实权更迭的肃宗时代,朝鲜历史上首次以宫中最下层宫女的身份被赐为内命妇最高品阶的女人——淑嫔崔氏,小小年纪就深感自己身处的位置和身份的极限,总是不失沉着和贤明,为保护有着贱民出身身份的儿子延礽君(后来的英祖大王)在生存和死亡相互交织的朋党政治中隐藏自己,睿智地安身立命保存了自己和儿子性命,用自己的爱和鞭策把儿子培养成王使其登上王位。