Product Information
DVD: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin
Subtitles: English / Chinese
Release Date: June 2018
Number of Episodes: 35 Eps
Number of Disc: 7 High Definition DVD
Daddy Cool 逆緣 剧情简介 Synopsis
This drama Daddy Cool is about multi-generational relationships. There are family warmth and the topic of values. The theme is similar to “Iceman Cometh”. The genre is fantasy. People of different generations have different morals, ethics, and values. A person from the 1940s, who was frozen and is not thawed out until 2018, has to adapt to the modern living environment, creating a lot of jokes and having a lighthearted side…….
故事以日戰時期(即1940年代,主要是731部隊事件)作背景,30歲游擊隊成員鍾定國(陳家樂飾)被日軍冷凍長埋實驗室,七十三年後於意外中被解凍甦醒。定國千辛萬苦終於在2018年找到年屆73歲的兒子賀和平(姜大衛飾)及47歲的孫兒賀永年(黎耀祥飾),卻發現賀和平為人狡猾,騙取綜援;賀永年則迷信風水命理,貪錢成性。鍾定國惟有力挽狂瀾,希望將子孫拉回正途。 與此同時,鍾定國被政府安排到社署工作,結識了中日混血兒庄司晨(林夏薇飾),更衝破矛盾相戀。神秘富豪翁芷蕎(夏文汐飾)戀上暖男才俊湯澤澄(黎諾懿飾),卻牽涉在湯澤澄的謀殺官司,為擺脫罪名,聘請已成為著名玄學家的賀永年擺風水陣作法。賀永年財迷心竅,罔顧是非黑白,種下禍根,更牽連到賀和平及鍾定國,捲入另一宗謀殺案,一切不幸的事也從此刻開始,災禍也陸續有來的一一來臨…