Technical Information
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
A heart transplantation surgery saves the life of a tycoon. Evil hearted man transplanted into an angel. Bosco/Michael enemies; Niki romantically involved with Bosco, Michael, Vincent; Michael Miu was a fierce/powerful businessman, but after his heart replacement surgery, he turned into a nice caring person; Joey Meng was Michael’s nurse, and later marries him. She loves her husband very much, but was jealous when she learned Michael had an extramarital affair (with Niki); Bosco plays a pair of twins. The older twin is a doctor, dies and donated his heart to Michael, the younger twin develops a relationship with his brother’s girlfriend, played by Niki; Niki is senior police inspector, Sammy is her subordinate; Mandy Wong works in PR, but is actually a crook; Vincent is a cardiologist, Joey’s cousin; Mandy-Vincent-Bosco good friends; Bosco-Mandy are romantically linked.
一次換心 善惡轉變在貧窮家庭長大的方自力(苗僑偉飾),從小就過著漂泊不定的生活,因此他感到生命無常,導致做事心狠手辣,經常為求目的而不擇手段。但正正因為這種處事作風,令他在商場的地位日高,並佔上一席位,更被人稱為「商場梟雄」。可是他的身體不佳,冠心病問題一直纏繞著他,而且日趨嚴重。他的妻子唐善行(萬綺雯飾)一直悉心照顧他,並協助他打理生意,在夫妻二人的努力下,業務蒸蒸日上,可是此時自力的冠心病問題卻每況愈下。就在自力的冠心病日趨嚴重之際,他的主診醫生突然猝逝,因而由主診醫生的徒弟姚日山(黃宗澤飾)接手主理。雖然自力處處與他作對,但日山卻並不憤怒,而且對他循循善誘,希望以愛勸服他。因為日山的專業操守,自力逐漸對他產生尊敬的感覺。可惜此時日山突然意外身亡,而日山的心臟原來相當適合等候換心的自力,日山的女友阮小吉(周麗淇飾)雖然對自力的印象十分差,但為了完成日山遺愛人間的願望,仍然忍痛同意捐出他的心臟給自力。當手術完成後,換了心臟的自力漸漸康復,但他的性情竟然開始有所轉變。
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