Synopsis 剧情简介
This will be focusing on the love and trials of the 20 year old generation. Koh Eun-seong’s (Han Hyo-ju) life is similar to Cinderella’s. After her father died, her step-mother, Baek Sung-hee (Kim Mi-sook), took away all of her assets and forced her to fend for herself. Luckily for Eun-seong who has a talent in cooking, was accepted by a food company ‘Honey combs’ which is owned by the SunWoo family (unknowing that SunWoo family and her family’s grandparents are friends). The grandson of the food company, Sun Woo-hwan (Lee Seung-ki), notices Eun-seong and falls in love with her.
正在紐約留學的高銀星被父親突然召回國。銀星的父親高品中為了挽救瀕臨破產的公司而東奔西走,偷了他隨身物品的小偷意外死於煤氣爆炸,使得他的名字被登上了死亡名單。為了家人的幸福,假裝死亡藏了起來。銀星的繼母白聖姬領取了丈夫的人壽保險,把銀星和銀宇姐弟倆趕出家門。銀星向男友烔真求助,但遭到拒絕,而發育不全的弟弟銀宇也走失了。銀星在夜總會當服務員,遇到了烔真的朋友駿世。駿世對銀星出手相助。一年後,銀星為了找弟弟,准備到國內大學插班,辭去了夜總會的工作,開始賣餃子。 大型食品公司老板張淑子對一直不認真做事的孫子煥感到失望,為了理清思緒來到自己以前生活過的地方,遇到了正在那做生意的銀星。她了解到銀星的艱難處境,看出銀星正直誠實,善良而講義氣的性情,為了考驗她,在她的小屋裏住了一個月。最後張淑子下了決心,把銀星帶回家,宣布她就是自己的繼承人…..