Technical Infomation
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
This is a love story between a professor and a policewoman. Their dating experience is enhanced with sense and sensibility through the application of interesting physics theories on the investigation of various crime cases. KING POK (Raymond Lam) is regarded as the youngest genius in physics and he is appointed as an associate professor in a Hong Kong university. Invited by his good friend LO TIN-HANG (Kenneth Ma), Senior Inspector of Police at Regional Crime Unit, POK assists in cracking many mysterious crime cases and he also meets the policewoman CHUI SIU-LAI (Tavia Yeung) during the process. The rational POK evaluates that he has fallen in love with LAI because of a love hormone called “phenylalanine”. However, owing to the huge difference in their family background and life value, POK fails to tackle their ever-changing relationship problems with formulas.
On the other hand, the romantic and uninhibited HANG has been maintaining a sex only relationship with the journalist LING MAN-KA (Bernice Liu) HANG doesn’t believe in eternity and he is only looking for sensual pleasure in a woman. However, his belief is suddenly shattered when he learns that MAN is going to get married.
民国初年,徐警长(张国强 饰)因一桩案件与洋行的景氏(蒋志光 饰)结下不解之缘,并各获赠一幅油画用作纪念当日破案有功。多年后徐警长的后人依旧以投身警界为荣,人称犀利妹的徐小丽(杨怡 饰)便是警队的一名干将。加入重案组之后的徐小丽跟随上司卢天恒(马国明 饰)侦破一件又一件 棘手的案件,从旁一直用专业物理学知识辅佐他们的是卢天恒的校友,同时也是大学的副教授、景氏后人景博(林峰 饰)。 出生寒微的徐小丽对景博的佩服逐渐变成爱慕,景博也对关心照顾自己的徐小丽日渐倾心。但因两家家世悬殊,父母的阻拦让景博决定放弃这一段感情。另一边,花花公子卢天恒与密友敏嘉(廖碧儿 饰)一直维持着亦是朋友亦是恋人的暧昧关系。却不料敏嘉突然有了爱人,并想与之结婚。令人焦灼的案件层出不穷,这两对年轻人的爱情又将如何继续……