Showing 19–27 of 29 results

Rogue Emperor 流氓皇帝 (TVB Drama DVD)

Rogue Emperor is a remake of TVB's 1981 drama The Misadventure of Zoo, which starred Adam Cheng and Louise Lee as the leads. 《流氓皇帝》是2016年TVB出品的民国喜剧电视剧,该剧翻拍自1981年播出的由郑少秋、李司棋主演的同名电视剧《流氓皇帝》。

Save the Family 守护家族 (Korean Drama DVD)

What is the present situation of family in this era? Family is our root and the most faithful and dependable value. Nevertheless, family is dissolving due to unemployment, poverty, divorce arising from economic crisis. Thus, family ends up driving us into the deepest despair. This drama features varied types of family to illuminate if we are doing our duty as parents or children. 本剧由在熙、姜星、李辉香、郑慧仁和朴孝珍等主演,主要讲述了祖辈、父母、孩子三代之间关于责任感和道理的故事,主要集中在家人之间的矛盾与和解过程。是一部温馨感人的家庭伦理剧。

She Was Pretty 她很漂亮 (Korean Drama DVD)

Technical Information Format: NTSC DVD: DVD-9 Dual Layer Video: Mpeg 2 Audio: Dolby Digital AC3 Audio Channels: 2 Language: Korean / Mandarin Subtitles: English / Chinese Format: NTSC Region code: All Countries Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections Release Date: 31/12/2022 Number of Discs: 4 DVDs Number of Episodes: 16

THE K2 守护者 (Korean Drama DVD)

Kim Je-ha is a former mercenary soldier for the PMC Blackstone. While in Iraq, he gets framed for the murder of his lover Raniya, a civilian. As a result, he runs away and becomes a fugitive. He returns to South Korea and by chance, gets offered to work as a bodyguard by Choi Yoo-jin, the owner of JSS Security Company and wife of the presidential candidate, Jang Se-joon. He accepts the job in exchange for resources that he needs in order to get his revenge on another presidential candidate, Park Kwan-soo, who previously ordered the killing of his lover. In the meantime, Je-ha gets assigned to guard Go An-na, the hidden daughter of Jang Se-joon, whose life is always threatened because of Yoo-jin, her stepmother. An-na, who has been reclused and lonely all her life, starts relying on Je-ha, who shows concern for her and protects her at all costs. They slowly fall in love with each other, which makes Je-ha torn between having to work with his ally, Yoo-jin, in order to get his revenge and protecting his new-found love, An-na, against his own ally.

The Legend of the Blue Sea 蓝色海洋的传说 (Korean Drama DVD)(韩,华版)

The Legend of the Blue Sea is a South Korean television series starring Jun Ji-hyun and Lee Min-ho. Inspired by a classic Joseon legend from Korea's first collection of unofficial historical tales, about a fisherman who capture and kidnapped a mermaid, this drama tells the love story of a con-artist and a mermaid who travels across the ocean to find him. 《蓝色海洋的传说》是一部奇幻爱情剧,由陈赫执导、朴智恩编剧,全智贤、李敏镐主演。 该剧讲述了地球上处于灭绝危机的美人鱼遇到了都市的天才骗子后,在适应陆地生活的过程中发生的一系列故事。

The Man in the Mask 蒙面检察官 (Korean Drama DVD)

The Man in the Mask is a 2015 South Korean television drama series starring Joo Sang-wook and Kim Sun-a. Ha Dae Chul (Joo Sang-wook) who has double identity. He’s a normal prosecutor during the day and a masked vigilante at night to punish those that the law could not. Meanwhile, Yoo Min Hee (Kim Sun-a) is a female detective in charge of the violent crime division. 《蒙面检察官》是韩国水木连续剧,由全山、金龙洙执导,崔镇源编剧,朱相昱、金宣儿、严基俊、田光烈、黄善熙主演。该剧主要讲述了身为检察官的男主人公遇到无法以检察官的身份解决的问题就变成蒙面英雄,改用拳头解决问题的故事。

Uncontrollably Fond 任意依恋 (Korean Drama DVD)

This drama is about an angst melodrama driven by Kim Woo-bin, who puts in a moving performance as a man desperate to help his love. 本剧讲述了男女主人公以不同身份再度相遇,从而展开的爱情故事。

While You Were Sleeping 當你沉睡時 (Korean Drama DVD)

Product Information Alternative Name: 당신이 잠든 사이에 Starring: Lee Jong-Suk (李鍾碩) | Bae Suzy (裵秀智) | Lee Sang-Yeob (李相燁) | Jung Hae-In (丁海寅) Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Image Resolution: High Definition Languages: Dolby Digital 5.1 Korean | Mandarin Subtitles: English | Chinese Rated: PG13 Release Date: 27/2/2023 Number of Episodes: 16 Number of Dics: 4 DVDs

Witch at Court 魔女的法庭 마녀의 법정 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

A materialistic female prosecutor who does not hesitate to use personal attacks, fabricate evidence, and incite perjury in order to win her case is assigned to special task force for sex crimes. A newbie prosecutor also joins the task force, and together they solve crimes with a grudging chemistry. 《魔女的法庭》是由《間諜明月》金英均導演執導與《愛你的時間》鄭道允作家合作打造的月火連續劇。講述了發生在“女性兒童犯罪特別小組”裡的故事。劇中主人公馬伊德夢想著有朝一日能出人頭地,卻因一次意外事件在順遂的升職路上面臨危機;菜鳥檢察官呂真旭放棄成為醫生而選擇走上檢察官之路。劇中講述了這對冤家搭檔進行調查、辦案的過程。