Showing 25–29 of 29 results

Uncontrollably Fond 任意依恋 (Korean Drama DVD)

This drama is about an angst melodrama driven by Kim Woo-bin, who puts in a moving performance as a man desperate to help his love. 本剧讲述了男女主人公以不同身份再度相遇,从而展开的爱情故事。

While You Were Sleeping 當你沉睡時 (Korean Drama DVD)

Product Information Alternative Name: 당신이 잠든 사이에 Starring: Lee Jong-Suk (李鍾碩) | Bae Suzy (裵秀智) | Lee Sang-Yeob (李相燁) | Jung Hae-In (丁海寅) Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Image Resolution: High Definition Languages: Dolby Digital 5.1 Korean | Mandarin Subtitles: English | Chinese Rated: PG13 Release Date: 27/2/2023 Number of Episodes: 16 Number of Dics: 4 DVDs

Witch at Court 魔女的法庭 마녀의 법정 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

A materialistic female prosecutor who does not hesitate to use personal attacks, fabricate evidence, and incite perjury in order to win her case is assigned to special task force for sex crimes. A newbie prosecutor also joins the task force, and together they solve crimes with a grudging chemistry. 《魔女的法庭》是由《間諜明月》金英均導演執導與《愛你的時間》鄭道允作家合作打造的月火連續劇。講述了發生在“女性兒童犯罪特別小組”裡的故事。劇中主人公馬伊德夢想著有朝一日能出人頭地,卻因一次意外事件在順遂的升職路上面臨危機;菜鳥檢察官呂真旭放棄成為醫生而選擇走上檢察官之路。劇中講述了這對冤家搭檔進行調查、辦案的過程。

Woman with a Suitcase 拖旅行箱的女人 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

Woman with a Suitcase starring Choi Ji-woo, Joo Jin-mo, Jeon Hye-bin and Lee Joon. The series tells the story of how Cha Geum-joo (Choi Ji-woo) went from a disgraced manager at a law firm to a great attorney. 《拖旅行箱的女人》是MBC的一部浪漫法庭剧,由崔智友、朱镇模、全慧彬、李准主演。该剧讲述了既有魅力又有能力的事务长车金珠遇到狗仔队媒体社代表咸福居,经历重重考验,共同追求梦想与爱情的故事。


Product Information Starring: 池贤宇 / 李世熙 Sehee Lee / 车华妍 / 朴荷娜 / 尹真伊 / 姜恩卓 Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Image Resolution: High Definition Languages: Dolby Digital 5.1 Korean | Mandarin Subtitles: English | Chinese Release Date: 22/2/2023 Number of Episodes: 52 Number of Dics: 12 DVD