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Good Manager 金科长 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

Good Manager is a Korean drama starring Namkoong Min, Nam Sang-mi, Lee Jun-ho and Jung Hye-sung. 《金科长》是韩国KBS电视台于2017年1月25日起播出的水木职场喜剧,由李在勋执导,朴载范编剧,南宫珉、南相美、李俊昊、郑慧星主演。该剧主要讲述了信奉原则主义的会计师入职某公司担任科长后,与公司内的恶势力对抗,守护公司的故事。

Remember 记得我爱你 (Korean Drama DVD)

Jin-Woo (Yoo Seung-Ho) has the condition of Hyperthymesia which allows him to remember almost every day in perfect detail. To prove the innocence of his father, Jin-Woo becomes a lawyer. He struggles to prove his father's innocence, but he begins to lose his memory due to Alzheimer’s. 讲述患有超忆症的天才律师为了给坐冤狱的父亲找回清白而与庞大势力斗争的故事。