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The Legend of Hao Lan 皓鑭傳 (TVB Drama DVD9)


During the later stage of the Warring States period, State of Qin and State of Zhao are battling for more grounds and wars often break out between them.

In the state of Zhao Handan, Censor-in-chief Li He’s daughter Li Hao Lan (Wu Jinyan) is framed by her stepmother. This not only destroyed her family, but she was disgraced and sold. Down-and-out Lu Buwei (Nie Yuan) happens to buy her. He uses a ridiculously attractive scheme to offer Hao Lan to Ying Yiren (Mao Zijun), King of Qin’s grandson, who is held hostage at a palace in State of Zhao. Li and Lu enter Zhao palace together, and cleverly unravel devious schemes. In particular, the duo manage to dismantle a trap set up by Princess Ya (Karina Hai) for them as she has a crush on Yiren. They even gain King of Zhao’s admiration. Hao Lan becomes Yiren’s wife. As Hao Lan marries a foreign state man, so the State of Qin massacred 400,000 Zhao troops. Yiren’s capacity as a hostage puts him in potential fatal danger. Princess Ya ends up dead as she fails to frame Hao Lan. The bond between the two of them becomes weaker. Everybody senses danger in the palace. Lu Buwei uses Hao Lan to incite disorder in State of Zhao’s inner court. He seizes a chance to make King of Qin’s grandson Yiren escape from State of Zhao and return to State of Qin. Some crook in State of Qin is spreading rumors about father of Hao Lan’s son Ying Zheng (Tong Mengshi) is actually Lu Buwei and not Yiren. Meanwhile, Yiren succumbs to critical illness. Ying Zheng ascends the throne. He reckons Lu Buwei definitely has something to do with his father’s death. He also sends Lu into exile as he does not like him having too much power. Hao Lan begs her son to spare Lu from death. In Luoyang, the two of them finally reunite, just like when they first met.

戰國晚期,秦趙爭鋒,戰事迭起。趙國邯鄲,禦史李赫的女兒李皓鑭(吳謹言飾)因繼母的陷害,家破人亡,身敗名裂,甚至被賣出。遇不得志的呂不韋(聶遠飾)把她買下,用奇貨可居的計謀將皓鑭獻給了當時在趙國皇宮當人質的秦王孫異人(茅子俊飾)。 李 , 呂二人一同入趙宮,憑智慧擊退了種種陰謀,化解了公主雅(海鈴飾)因愛慕異人而對二人的陷害,受到趙王的青睞。皓鑭下嫁異人,秦國坑殺趙軍四十萬,異人的質子身分讓他生命受到威脅 ,公主雅陷害皓鑭不成反喪命,讓二人之間產生嫌隙。宮中人人自危,呂不韋利用皓鑭挑起事端擾亂趙國內廷,借機帶秦王孫異人逃離趙國歸秦。秦國有奸人散播謠言說皓鑭之子嬴政(佟夢實飾)的父親不是異人而是呂不韋。而此時異人病重不治,嬴政登基,認為呂不韋與父親之死難逃關係,同時忌憚呂的權利過大而把他流放。皓鑭請求兒子繞呂一命,最後倆人像相識的最初一樣重會洛陽。

The Legend of Hao Lan 皓镧传 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition



During the later stage of the Warring States period, State of Qin and State of Zhao are battling for more grounds and wars often break out between them. In the state os Zhao Handan, Censor-in-chief Li He's daughter Li Hao Lan (Wu Jinyan) is framed by her stepmother. This not only destroyed her family, but she was disgraced and sold. Down-and-out Lu Buwei (Nie Yuan) happens to buy her. He uses a ridiculously attractive scheme to offer Hao Lan to Ying Yiren (Mao Zijun), King of Qin's grandson, who is held hostage at a palace in State of Zhao. Li and Lu enter Zhao palace together, and cleverly unravel devious schemes. In particular, the duo manage to dismantle a trap set up by Princess Ya (Karina Hai) for them as she has a crush on Yiren. They even gain King of Zhao's admiration. Hao Lan becomes Yiren's wife. As Hao Lan marries a foreign state man, so the State of Qin massacred 400,000 Zhao troops. Yiren's capacity as a hostage puts him in potential fatal danger. Princess Ya ends up dead as she fails to frame Hao Lan. The bond between the two of them becomes weaker. Everybody senses danger in the palace. Lu Buwei uses Hao Lan to incite disorder in State of Zhao's inner court. He seizes a chance to make King of Qin's grandson Yiren escape from State of Zhao and return to State of Qin. Some crook in State of Qin is spreading rumours about father of Hao Lan's son Ying Zheng (Tong Mengshi) is actually Lu Buwei and not Yiren. Meanwhile, Yiren succumbs to critical illness. Ying Zheng ascends the throne. He reckons Lu Buwei definitely has something to do with his father's death. He also sends Lu into exile as he does not like him having too much power. Hao Lan begs her son to spare Lu from death. In Luoyang, the two of them finally reunite, just like when they first met.

The Legend of the Condor Heroes (1983 – Part 1) 射雕英雄传之铁血丹心 (TVB Drama DVD)

Starring: 黃日華 Felix Wong、翁美玲 Barbara Yung、苗僑偉 Michael Miu、楊盼盼 Sharon Yeung Directed by: 王天林 Wong Tin Lam Total Episodes: 1 - 19 Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC Region Code: All Countries Release Date:  2017 Production Year: 1983 Running Time: Approx. 42 mins per episode No. of Disc: 5 DVD

The Legend of the Condor Heroes (1983 – Part 2) 射雕英雄传之东邪西毒 (TVB Drama DVD)

Starring: 黃日華 Felix Wong、翁美玲 Barbara Yung、苗僑偉 Michael Miu、楊盼盼 Sharon Yeung Directed by: 王天林 Wong Tin Lam Total Episodes: 1 - 20 Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC Region Code: All Countries Release Date:  2017 Production Year: 1983 Running Time: Approx. 42 mins per episode No. of Disc: 5 DVD

The Legend of the Condor Heroes (1983 – Part 3) 射雕英雄传之华山论剑 (TVB Drama DVD)

Starring: 黃日華 Felix Wong、翁美玲 Barbara Yung、苗僑偉 Michael Miu、楊盼盼 Sharon Yeung Directed by: 王天林 Wong Tin Lam Total Episodes: 1 - 20 Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: PG Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC Region Code: All Countries Release Date:  2017 Production Year: 1983 Running Time: Approx. 42 mins per episode No. of Disc: 5 DVD

The Legend of the Condor Heroes 2017 射雕英雄传2017版 (Chinese Drama DVD)

The Legend of the Condor Heroes is a 2017 Chinese television series adapted from Louis Cha's novel of the same title and a remake of the 1983 Hong Kong television series based on the same novel. The series was directed by Jeffrey Chiang and starred Yang Xuwen, Li Yitong, Chen Xingxu and Meng Ziyi in the lead roles. 《射雕英雄传》是蒋家骏执导的古装武侠剧,由杨旭文、李一桐、陈星旭、孟子义等领衔主演。该剧讲述了郭靖背负着家恨国仇闯入江湖,通过无数历程和在黄蓉的帮助下,最终成长成一位“侠之大者”的武林民族英雄故事。根据金庸同名小说《射雕英雄传》改编,制作费2亿人民币,主要用于制作而不是演员。

The Legend of Xiao Chuo 燕雲台 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 唐嫣 Tang Yan,  竇驍 Dou Shawn, 佘詩曼 Charmaine Sheh, 經超 Jing Chao, 劉奕君 Liu Yi Jun, 盧杉 Lu Shan, 譚凱 Tan Kai, 季晨 Ji Chen, 邵兵 Shao Bing, 甯理 Ning li  Directed by: 蔣家駿 Total Episodes: 1-48 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: NC16 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 08 March 2021 Production Year: 2019 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 10 DVDs 

The Line Watchers 把關者們 (TVB Drama DVD9)

Starring: 袁偉豪 Benjamin Yuen、陳家樂 Carlos Chan、黃智雯 Mandy Wong、王敏奕 Venus Wong、 劉佩玥 Moon Lau、馬貫東 Mark Ma、陳自瑤 Yoyo Chen、羅天宇 Joey Law、 丁子朗 Karl Ting、劉穎鏇 Tiffany Lau Directed by: 關樹明 Guan Shu Ming Total Episodes: 1-27 (Complete Set) Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese Subtitles: Chinese, English Rated: NC16 Studio: TVBI Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo Region Code: All Countries Release Date: 29 October 2021 Production Year: 2021 Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode No. of Disc: 5 DVDs 

The Man Who Kills Troubles 解決師 (TVB Drama DVD9)


The Fixer comes up with all kinds of crazy ideas to help gangsters resolve conundrums. Karson (Vincent Wong) is the Fixer in Chinese gangland in Australia. He is tired of gang life and just wants to be with his beloved Chloe (Kelly Cheung), who regrettably dies in an accident. Meanwhile, Karson is framed as some gang boss's killer. He fakes his own death to evade pursuers. He begins a new life in Hong Kong as he becomes secondary school PE teacher O Sir (Ngo Hei-chen). Jovy (Cheung Wing-yan)  (Natalie Tong), newly appointed Class 5E Supervisor, is in fact the daughter of some gang boss. Good and bad guys confront each other as her father quits gang life. The shock waves even affect school campus. O Sir has to play the Fixer again as he embarks on a mission to protect Jovy and the students. Man Sir (Man Ho-chuen) (Jonathan Cheung), a rising star of the police, is determined to eradicate baddies in Hong Kong. He becomes an evilcharacter as he discovers some truth that devastates his values. Even though Man Sir's subordinate Ace (Crystal Fung) really loves him, she fails to dissuade him. O Sir finds out Chloe's death was just a subplot. Meanwhile, Jovy's father is murdered. With the help of Jovy's father's trusted aide Hong Chung-yu (Sharon Chan), Jovy becomes the new gang boss and tries to calm the chaotic situation in gangland. O Sir and Jovy fall in love. He naturally tries his best to help and protect her. Good and evil are radically redefined. How can anyone be sure if some person is a good guy or not?

「解決師」協助黑幫解決終極難題,往往無所不用其極!澳洲華人黑幫解決師Karson(王浩信飾),欲遠離黑道與摯愛Chloe(張曦雯飾)一起,可惜Chole意外死亡。K同時遭嫁禍殺害黑幫龍頭,以假死逃避追殺,到了香港成為中學體育老師O Sir敖熙辰,展開第二人生。5E班新任班主任Jovy蔣穎欣(唐詩詠飾),實為黑幫龍頭千金,父親金盆洗手令黑白兩道掀起巨浪,且殃及校園,O Sir逼不得已再以解決師身份,肩負保護Jovy及學生的使命。警隊明日之星Man Sir文浩全(張頴康飾),矢志剷除全港黑勢力,一個真相令他的道德觀徹底崩潰,一念之間踏上成魔之路,下屬Ace(馮盈盈飾)深愛Man Sir,卻欲勸無從……O Sir得悉Chloe之死另有陰謀,同時Jovy父親被暗殺,Jovy在亡父得力助手項頌如(陳敏之飾)的幫助下,接管龍頭之位,以制衡江湖亂局。O Sir正與Jovy相愛,當然傾力襄助並嚴加保護。此時,面對正邪世界重新定位,誰能將黑白顛倒撥亂反正?

The No No Girl 全職沒女 (TVB Drama DVD)

The No No Girl is a 2017 Hong Kong television romantic comedy drama produced by Andy Chan for TVB, starring Eddie Cheung, Adia Chan, Owen Cheung and Jeannie Chan as the main leads, with Brian Tse, Erin Wong, Helena Law, Amy Fan, Max Cheung, Eileen Yeow and Griselda Yeung as the main cast. The No No Girl is lead actress Adia Chan's, comeback series to TVB. Chan's last series with TVB before leaving to explore opportunities in Mainland China was 2006's Trimming Success (飛短留長父子兵). 《全职没女》 前名:《师奶大翻身》TVB制作的时装女性、励志、写实、爱情、喜剧电视剧,由张兆辉、陈松伶及张振朗领衔主演,并由陈滢、谢东闵、王卓淇、罗兰、樊奕敏及姚莹莹联合主演,编审陈金铃,监制陈耀全。

The Offliners 堅離地愛堅離地 (TVB Drama DVD9)


In Hong Kong, investing in finance, real estate and commerce are down-to-earth activities, but rich heiress WONG CHI-FEI (Katy Kung) prefers getting her head in the clouds, cofounding a start-up technology company with her best friend HUI CHING-WAI (Jason Chan). A network hacking incident allows CHI-FEI to have a chance to know how capable IT genius DING SHUN-HEI (Owen Cheung) is, so she invites him to join the company. SHUN-HEI is a geek and oblivious of his surroundings. He gets help from a nurse named CHEUNG LOI (Moon Lau) and overcomes his communication barriers. Gradually, he grows fond of her. Despite initial disagreements, CHI-FEI and SHUN-HEI become more cooperative and are even complementary to each other. Inadvertently, CHI-FEI develops feelings for SHUN-HEI…… Originally, CHI-FEI believes that technology is making the world a better place, however, her father WONG SAU-KEN (Joseph Lee), younger brother WONG CHI-LUNG (Marcus Lo) and SHUN-HEI’s younger sister DING SHUN-YAN (Jacqueline Wong) are respectively engulfed in internet controversies!



Product Information 主演: 佘詩曼 / 馬國明 / 李施嬅 / 高海寧 / 王敏奕 / 何依婷 / 鄧智堅 / 譚俊彥 / 龔慈恩 / 吳業坤 导演: 姜振傑 / 陳海斌 Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese / English Release Date: 11/03/2024 Rated: NC16 Number of Episodes: 26 Number of Disc: 5 DVD